When it comes to organised car fun, we live in an interesting time.
On one hand, it’s never been easier to use the internet to find likeminded friends to enjoy the hobby with. Yet on the other, getting something organised can seem like an almost impossible task given the endless number of life’s spinning plates we tend to balance on a daily basis.

Chances are, if you’re on the pages of Speedhunters, you’re already plugged into the car community well enough to have attended some local car meets in the past. These can, to put it bluntly, vary in quality and execution.

Generally speaking, you can often predict what you’re getting yourself into before you decided to spend your evening driving your pride and joy to a public car park somewhere on the outskirts of town.

If the car meet has the backing of a reputable business that prides themselves on high quality outputs and relies on community for their source of income, you can most likely assume there will be a healthy turnout with good management involved. I’m thinking car meets hosted by your local specialist garage, automotive website, magazine or maybe even a coffee joint.

But let’s assume you’re neither of those things, and you don’t have a local business on hand organising these social events. What you do have though is a bold idea to change the lack of car activity in your area and a modest (and very supportive) network of friends who want to see you organise something fun.

This is pretty much the position one of my best buddies, Brayden, recently ended up in. A social butterfly with a keen eye for style and a burning interest in modified cars, he moved to the UK a few years back from Canada. Brayden wanted to hang out with people and chat Japanese cars, but he quickly found out there was no real community in West London to do so with.

So he decided to change that. Brayden, myself, and a couple of other pals spent many evenings chewing the fat, trying to figure out the most efficient way of building this community without inviting the wrong crowd that most worry about when organising these evenings.

You know the type, the unnecessarily-excessive-limiter-bashing, no-good-doing vultures that linger about looking for an opportunity to make a scene out of themselves at any given opportunity. The evil villains in our world that whether they like it or not, give regular car enjoyers like you and I a bad image to the public.

Because it’s the general public you need to consider most, in my opinion, when hosting events. Rule number one, and possibly the most important one – don’t piss off the locals. Choose a location relatively out of the way where you can gather without annoying Karen, who is, conveniently, probably wanting to go to bed the same time you decide to gather.

Rule two, market yourself properly. I’ll let you into a little secret: The word ‘marketing’ is usually associated with university degrees and black magic – two things you definitely don’t need access to in order to create an Instagram account for your fortnightly get together. Get your creative buddy with a passive interest in graphic design (we all have that one friend – Dino, I’m looking at you) and get them to cook you up a 4:5 poster to share on your new Instagram account.

Rule three, manage your own expectations. Don’t hope for 150 people to turn up to your first event. The way Brayden did it was perfect. He invited a small group and asked them to invite just their closest buddies. If you get 10 cars together, celebrate your success and enjoy the fact you’re 10 cars larger with your now new, own small community than you were back when you didn’t have an event to attend.

The photos you’re seeing here are from Brayden’s fifth event, which attracted a few more cars than the 10 at his first one. Named ‘Vengafest’, after his social media handles, the event has grown in size each time, as has the circle of friends flying the flag for the get together. The slow growth made it what it is though.

From the outside, it’s easy to imagine that quick growth is the only sign of success. But the bigger they are, the harder they often fall. Quick growth will eventually result in the wrong crowd coming along to ruin your growing empire as you simply don’t have the resources and event maturity to know how to deal with it.

And that’s how your event will end up being a one-hit wonder, and nobody wants that. Five minutes of excitement is not a fair trade for your passion and efforts. If you think otherwise, name me two Vanilla Ice songs…
Michał Fidowicz
Instagram: candyshowroom
Literally reading this sitting in my car waiting for an early morning car meet to get rolling. Which brings me to my point: you mentioned “evening” several times, but where I live, car meets are almost all morning affairs where you are much more likely to wake someone up than to keep them awake.
Haha, perhaps the evening aspect is a reflection of our youth and morning laziness. Mind you though, the early morning events I attend are always amazing.
These kinds of photos are so simple but soooooooo effective. Love it.
Thank you Ryan
Brilliant photos and writing!
Off topic, but could the website be updated sometime? The store link has been hacked and there's still a link to share to Google+ which was discontinued in 2019.
Totally agree on the site needing to be updated - it only works over http and Chrome always says "Not Secure". Getting a new SSL cert should be pretty easy
Thank you mate!
Funny… “the wrong crowd”… Wonder what you REALLY mean by that…
Also, what do you do when someone “like that” shows up?
If you only want a certain type of person there, what you have is an old school Car Club, not really an open event.
What do YOU think the author REALLY means by that?... What type of person do you think the author is talking about?
Sorry pal, there's no pedestal for you to climb onto here I'm afraid. The next sentence very clearly explains who the wrong crowd are.
No, what you have is a group of people with a passion for cars, not attention. Stop trying to make something out of nothing. Re read the post, as j_c suggests.
Given the popularity of "mexico meets" "certi drivers" and "takeovers" I think it's fairly clear what kind of people the wrong crowd are. As someone who, along with a good bunch of mates, hosts a monthly cars and coffee, these type of people are exactly who will get your good meets shut down quickly. We're in the middle of a housing estate and have little to no complaints, anyone who decides to leave like an idiot is publicly called out and its a 1 warning deal. If it happens twice you're not welcome back, people work hard to make these events happen, often for free and "the wrong crowd" pose a very real threat to the future of meets. They are however a totally open event, anyone is welcome, no matter what they drive, but they are all expected to arrive and leave in a sensible fashion and also treat all other members of the community and by extension their vehicles with respect. If they can follow those rules then they're more than welcome to come along to any of our events and we'll treat them the same as anyone else
Hit the nail on the head Oliver, it's the same with us here at Vengafest. Apart from the rare couple of times we've had to tell strangers to keep it down, it's been so far so good!
How is that not clear?
Have loved the couple of vengafest that I have made it to. Went to both by myself and just said hello to a few people and made an effort to be friendly. The quality of cars is absolutely insane at Vengafest!
Come say hello next time you see me there!
Great pictures - the setting and light are very nice. Which location did this take place? (being from Germany I have not the slightest idea)
Thanks mate! This was shot at Old Dear car park in Richmond. It's literally just a local car park near the main bit of town, but it has free parking after 18:00 and a great sunset.
I would love to have more of this in the Netherlands. However, even when they are not invited, the excessive noise squad will always find their way to such an event. Having to keep rotating locations, keeping them secret etc.
It just sucks...
Especially since the "car meet stigma" has never been as bad as it is now, overhere. Groups of up to 1000 cars meeting illigally (with over 80% being germans since the Dutch police wont intervene), Destroying the last bit of public image the community has. Even the national news is talking about how to stop car meetings. This is also destroying the chances of getting a permit for an orginized event since the local goverment is affraid of what happens around the event or even on the event as people cant seem to behave themselfs.
Ever so often though, it just works out. Good vibes, no excessive noise, nice cars and even happy locals because there is no noise. Those are the best.
Yeah, we have it pretty lucky here in London I guess. Be the change you want to see in your community though, Jesse. See if you can organise something yourself, perhaps?
Venga Fest has been amazing! The last one in Richmond was incredible. Annoying with ULEZ its finished, but I saw a new recent on more in central London which also looked great! Great writing and photos!
Thank you Seb!
Yeah, the smaller event in Central was just as fun, I can't lie. I reckon there'll be one more before the end of the year.
Ice Ice Baby
Play that funky music
Ninja Rap.
Boom, there's 3!
Hah! Greater effort then I could manage. Perhaps I underestimated the Vanilla Ice fans...
Back in the day my friend would organise the meet for the posers who like the idea of cars, and I would organise the fun for those who actually like them and enjoy driving them. No Engineer ever signed off on a car to then turn around and say "yeah, that's going to look good with some broken suspension, hard parked in a Starbucks car park". Keeping the fun bit quiet came with the advantage of not upsetting the locals near the meet, but it also kept the local authorities busy and we didn't have to deal with autistic screeching about how we're RuIniNg EvEryBody's FuN. Although twenty years later I'm still trying to work out which part of standing around in a cold car park actually constitutes fun.