Heaven Or Hell? Japan’s Most Insane Car Graveyard

Forget ‘NSF’ warnings – these images should come with a disclaimer that simply says, ‘Not Safe For Close-Minded People’.

If that’s not enough, then before you head straight for the comments, here’s a quick FAQs checklist:

1: The garage knows exactly what they’ve got parked up here.

2: Nothing here is for sale, so forget asking about that. And none of these cars need ‘rescuing’ either.

3: Every car here has a story. Some are former race cars beyond economical repair, others are owned by customers who simply don’t have the space or time. Some were even gifts, like the FK/Massimo JGTC Supra out front.


Ok, with that out of the way, I recommend that you take a seat before scrolling though the gallery. Because one month on, I still cannot believe what I saw in the most perplexing place, that’s distinctly off the beaten automotive track.

Mark won’t like what I am about to type, because he’s incredibly modest and finds praise awkward. But I’ve been fortunate to work with him for over 10 years, and his tenacity and commitment to doing things properly is really quite admirable. What is really fun to witness, though, is Mark’s absolute obsession with hunting out a certain car or shop to shoot, all whilst trying to put the many broken parts on his GT-R or RX-7 to the back of his mind. Finding this place, though, took a little bit of extra research.


Riccioni, having seen grainy photos from here a few years back, used his incessant need for information to dig out the shop owners’ details. Cue him registering for several Japanese blogs, speaking his very best ‘fluent’ Google Translate, and pestering multiple friends who live within a few hours of it. Only after all of this, was a visit arranged late last year.

With limited information around, there was no guarantee any of the cars first pictured would still be there, but that didn’t matter to him. Because, even if they weren’t, there would be one hell of a story to uncover.


‘WTF’ I hear you cry at the madness that is these photos. I said exactly the same when I saw this story on Top Gear’s website back in October, that Ricci shot and Rowan Horncastle wrote. In fact, I sent Mark a text to ask him a few questions about the trip and he confirmed it was as utterly bonkers as you might imagine.

“They’re all used stock, donor vehicles or on the to-do list,” Mark explained. “Some have been forgotten from both customers and the shop owners, but they’ve been operating for more than 50 years. Most of these cars weren’t that rare when they first turned up. Some will never see the road again, but the majority will as the shop is responsible for many restorations.”

Fast-forward two months and I’m with Riccioni somewhere an hour or so south of Tokyo when the world’s weirdest car collection/graveyard comes up in conversation. Knowing my passion for not sleeping and shooting features after dark, Mark looked at me and said, “Would you like to go tomorrow night?” That’s not even really a question, I think. But before I’d even replied he was translating an email to ask permission for a follow-up visit.

“I’ve actually got to drop the latest issue of Top Gear off to the family as their feature has just come out.” What a perfect excuse for a five-hour road trip.


In life, you learn pretty quickly that it’s important to make an effort and show people respect, but nowhere in the world is this more crucial than Japan. It’s a wonderful way of doing life. To be on time, you must arrive 15 minutes early. If you feature someone’s car or shop, you make damn well sure to keep in touch and send photos or magazines. Interestingly, in the Western world people ask for these things, whereas in Japanese culture it’s often much better to just offer, and then life always seems to be wonderfully harmonious.


This leads me into something I love about Rowan’s approach for the very unique place that you see in these photographs. He wrote a couple of beautifully researched stories for Top Gear and, after talking to the owner of this best/worst scrapyard in the world via a translator for four hours, decided that leaving the location undisclosed was the right thing to do. Since this is a family business, I think you’ll all agree.


Of course, Rowan wrote about this far more eloquently than me, so I’ll let him explain: “We decided not to detail where it is, apart from that it’s in Japan. Not because we’re selfish, but because we want to protect the shop where it resides from being harassed by an army of attention-seeking selfieists looking for shameless content for the ‘gram. The garage is run by a very humble and unassuming family who – luckily – aren’t corrupted by social media or the internet. It hasn’t really reached this inconspicuous part of Japan. And that’s largely how these cars have managed to remain dormant for so many years. So, we wanted to respect their wishes in order to keep it fairly low-key. While also plastering it over the internet. Yes, it’s a slightly conflicted situation. But it’s what was agreed.”


Alas, with that being said, it didn’t take long for a carbon copy of Rowan’s story to appear online via the medium of a forward-facing camera. Welcome to social media in 2020.


Of course, it’s somewhat self-contradictory then, that I type about this wonderful graveyard secret, whilst both documenting it on Speedhunters and piggybacking Mark’s pictures. But all I ask is, if you do happen to find this place – or already know where it is – treat it with the sort of respect you’d like others to have for your own backyard. Because the site is not abandoned, it’s a working shop.


Right, allow me to climb down off my soapbox so that we can get back to the story. Pleasantries exchanged and Toppu Gearu magazines handed over, we took a walk around the first of the carparks.

It was at this point that I started thinking about the angle for this feature and making notes, which were supposed to be a series of beautifully descriptive captions for each car. Instead, it went something like this:

• Alpina B7 Turbo S – I’ve never even seen one of these in real life before.
• BMW 635CSI – Rusty.
• Alpina 635CSI – Even more rusty.
• Land Rover TD5 Defender crew cab – This had some Arabic writing on the fuel filler, so perhaps that found its way from the Middle East.
• Toyota Trueno GT-Z – I don’t think I’ve even seen one of these on the internet, but heck, I love it.
• Corvette C3 – Wait a second, that’s sitting on Work Meister wheels?
• E9 BMWs everywhere. I thought these were expensive. Lost count of how many.
• Must give up writing down every car that’s here before I go mad. Let’s find Mark.
• Wait, there’s a Citroën AX GT over here. Good Lord, I can’t believe it. Ricci is not going to be as excited about this as I am when I find him, but he has to see it.


The scale of it all doesn’t sink in until you’ve actually left. There’s at least 200 cars scattered here.

You know those old American junk yards littered with random cars everywhere? Think that, but with Alpinas and race cars. But as I said earlier on, don’t bother asking if they’re for sale. This shop is still very much active, and not only do they still run multiple race teams, they’re also responsible for keeping many more road cars active all year round.


What you’re really looking at is their overflow parking. Don’t think these are all left for dead though. Of course there’s plans to bring ‘em back to life, the shop is just busy. Really busy. In fact, a large percentage of cars pictured here are still owned by their customers who’ve simply ran out of time, money or space (currently). I’m told the longest-standing car, a Toyota Starlet, has been here for almost 30 years. It’s good to be busy.

You’ll also spy a large amount of crash-damaged stuff here, too. Simple reason: they’ve got the space to store ‘em. With so many customers wanting to go racing – and the shop supporting that from start to finish – a fair amount of cars get smashed up during the process. For those owners not prepared to scrap their precious racers, or want to use the parts in a future build, it’s easier to leave them here than trying to find storage in downtown Tokyo.


That being said, the shop owner does have the unfortunate habit of collecting some right weird things too. But they’re mostly kept locked behind shutters.


See that NASCAR on the roof? That’s legit. It was imported by a previous owner and made road-legal, too. It regularly drove around Japan which is just the coolest image. Inevitably, the hassle attributed with doing this became too much, meaning it was sold to become a shop display and remains here indefinitely.


Alpinas. Alpinas everywhere. This is what I struggled to get my head around most; these are rare, expensive cars now. Like the rest of this confusing place, there’s quite a simple reason behind why. Several decades ago, an Alpina owner popped into the shop for some maintenance. Being a general garage as much as a specialist, the answer was always ‘yes’ and the car was fixed. Through word of mouth – and others seeing Alpinas littered around their workshop – they quickly (and unintentionally) became a specialist for them. The more spare cars and parts they gained, the easier it was for customer cars to remain roadworthy.


Before we head to the comments section, however, I’ll leave you with this final bit of food for thought.

All the cars here have been used properly at some point. None of the odometers have low miles, and every race car has been used in anger – some a little too much, resulting in them ending up here. For me, this collection of cars is way less questionable than an assortment of super-low mileage cars squirrelled away by someone obsessed with collecting and not driving. That’s much more of a crime.

Because one day, any of these cars might end up back on the road. Or their parts might be used to repair another instead. Give me a car that’s lived a life at some point over one that will forever be an ornament waiting for the next record-breaking auction.


What do you think? Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll do our best to answer any further questions on this brilliantly mad place.

Ben Chandler
Instagram: ben_scenemedia

Photography by Mark Riccioni
Instagram: mark_scenemedia
Twitter: markriccioni



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It is against my religion to see cars in this state and not being fixed. give them to people who can appreciate and fix them and bring back rightful respectful condition. There are too many hoarders out there......


Yeah I totally agree
They should sell them to people who would love to work on them and make it their own project


Pardon me for any misunderstanding, but I'm confused on if you are calling the shop owners hoarders. Because if you are, then you have got it all wrong. The cars sitting there are people's cars that haven't been called up to fix yet. Most of the owners never came back for those beauties, and the shop owners are kind enough to keep them 'if' the owners come back. But I believe one of the main reasons they are keeping them is because if they were sent to the junkyard, they will be crushed or mutilated by part hunters.


Exactly that. What i didn't fully appreciate until after was that a lot of the cars out back weren't that rare or collectible at the time of them arriving. Some were only a few years old at the time, it'd be a bit like an E92 M3 or GT86 being sat outside a garage now. Doesn't excuse it, but gives a bit of perspective.


The only thing i'd say to that is, nobody is entitled to someone else's' property just because you disagree with what's happening to it. The guys here appreciate exactly what they've got, but a large percentage are out of their control anyway. Plus, they've existed for 50+ years with the current business model, they'll want to make sure they've got enough resources to see 'em for another 50.

Another good example of this is R31 House in Japan. They've got (easily) the world's largest collection of R31s in a 'graveyard' out back - the result of buying up every R31 they came across over the course of years - which will then all be used either as the base for new customer builds, or parts for returning customers.

It might look sad, but the irony is they're keeping more of those cars on the road (and their business going) than the ones sat out back gathering moss.



definitely feel this upset that the cars have had previous sorted histories, i think the better food for thought is that these cars, (most of them) can be saved/ will be saved, unlike most cars in japan that end up crushed and recycled


I think you meant to type 'definitely feel less upset...' and when you walk around it's easy to picture the wild lives some of these cars have had (so far). I'm with you on that one, Hugo.


In the two visits i've made, a fair amount of the cars have been moved around and/or changed. Some, like the 190e race car, are now being prepped for work whereas i previously assumed they'd be gone for good.

There will always be some that are so far gone they may never return, but that's prolific anywhere in the world. It just so happens there's a higher concentration in this particular shop.




The photography is great here, they really have an "accidental renaissance" feel to them particularly the e12 alpina one with the cover lightly draped over, all it needs is some fruit scattered and it would be utterly perfect, I really love that reddit thread xD


It was complete darkness while we shot, super cool but quite creepy. Very glad i googled 'Japanese Spider Species' only after we'd left.


This is the same yard that got sammit privacy claimed on youtube, do you have any pictures of the owners old E36? The yellow white and blue one in the shed thing?.


Not of that particular car. I do have some pics of his race car collection (the majority of which he personally raced back in the day), i'll get 'em added providing he's happy for those to be shown.


Ah nuts, i could only find a couple shots of it on the super touring register. That would be cool but liveries are relatively unique to the driver, it would be awesome though if he was happy to share more pics.


Japan needs some more Democracy. Its time to liberate these cars and bring them back Stateside. :D


I can imagine you typing this with a bald eagle on each shoulder.


I can honestly respect what the shop is doing. I for one don't sell many cars, as I tend to build them for myself and keep them. But on the rare occasion I do sell one I set up a contract with the new owner: I want to know the story why somebody wants the car. I also state thatIt can't be used for parts, otherwise the price doubles after the fact. Two good ensurances the cars go to a good home. It doesn't get me the most money, but it does give me piece of mind.

Besides that: You can tell everybody that does not want to comply with it that they cant buy your car even if they bring a suitcase full of it.

As a side note: I still know exactly where the cars are and am still in contact with those people.


Selling cars is a tricky one, in an ideal world we'd be able to keep (and afford) every interesting car we've ever owned. On one side i take the opinion that, once a car has been sold and at an amount you're both happy with, you relinquish your rights (as the owner) to dictate what happens to it next.

But on the other side, and more in line with what you've said above, there's nothing worse than seeing a car you've poured time into being disregarded or flipped to make a quick bit of profit. That's the nature of buying and selling; i much prefer the buying part even if my accounts say otherwise.

Above all else, it's good to know that cars have either been enjoyed or are being enjoyed in the future. You could argue that contradicts the nature of this 'graveyard', but lets be honest: If all of the cars above went to auction tomorrow, they'd be getting snapped up by people who see them (fundamentally) as investment opportunities. And while that's a massive generalization, you only have to look at last year's Youngtimer Collection to see what the values are doing.

The fact they're essentially frozen here in hiatus is brilliant in my eyes. The majority could easily be put back on the road without too much hassle, and then enjoyed afterwards because they haven't just been sold for 6-figures. I get the argument against that, but ultimately it's never going to be a decision i have to make.


I usually buy cars for life myself. But once in a while I do sell one. That happened 2 times in my life. I have other cars move on but all the others that I don't have have been stolen. Still don't know where they are. And I'm in a part of my life I don't have to make a profit on whichever I'm selling. I honestly don't care about that. Both cars sold for what I paid for them + some money back for mods.

As for selling them you are absolutely right: Thats exactly what would happen. Thats exactly what would happen if I sold my cars that way. And thats the reason I only want to sell to someone who respects en cherrishes them for what they are. No money in the world could buy them: Respect does. I for one detest buying cars from companies, and selling them to companies is exactly the same. But they can modify them any way they please, because in my opinion a car should be what you as an owner want it to be.

Thinking as company: What I would do is contact the owners a couple of times, ask whats the status or anything, and sell them as shop projects if they are owned by the shop. Not online of course, but locally. Not so much to sell the car, but sell the work to get them put back into great shape. That in itself will attract future business and very loyal clients. But then again, its also not my decision to make. And in a way I'm glad too!

In a sense the company itself isn't a hoarder. The actuall owners are though. And sure, I cant buy a 356 or 911 and always wanted one. But I'm happy with what I can afford and get my hand on.

I just want them to at least be loved. Maybe not so much as I loved them, and maybe even more. I'd rather have a kid buy it for less money, to make somebody really happy, then to sell it to someone who sees it just as an investment, just as another car, or just for the parts of the car. When buying cars I'm also looking for the same in the seller. I'll walk away from good otherwise good cars if the seller isn't honest.

But then again: For me thats with all things in Life, not just cars....


Pictures are just perfect. Each of them tells a story of its own, even without reading the article.
As a photographer, this is absolute goals and inspiration.


Appreciate the kind words - it's a tricky one to shoot because there's simply so much to cover. And despite being the same subject as the daytime shots for Top Gear, you end up approaching it in a much different way. During the day you emphasize the scale above all else. But at night, you're more focused on the surroundings and unintentional 'groups' of cars instead.


While I hate to see cars in this condition, I totally get it. Mark said it best about R31 House. Some vehicles will never be road worthy again. But if their parts from those can keep more of them on the road then it's not a waste. This really is no different than the vehicle graveyards of North America littered with rarities.

On a more positive note, Mark I love your night photos. The lighting is perfect. You still get the darkness but you've lit the subjects with just the right amount of light to make them pop.


are you Jay Bee from Jaybeetv?


Glad you like 'em. Night photography can be quite frustrating at first, but it's a brilliant challenge purely because you're having to make your own light sources rather than relying on a sunset and/or street lighting.

The one thing i always try and focus on is, when lighting any image, it's as much about what isn't lit as what is. Everything in your brain wants to make the car 'pop' and be as bright as possible, but you run the risk of it looking a bit floaty if there's nothing visible in the surroundings.


Something I struggle with even with daytime shots is being okay with shadows. I try to have everything lit and I don't want to miss any details. By the shadows and the darkness convey just as much information and emotion and the lit areas. I always look forward to you dark shoots.


I would have bought that Civic in a heartbeat along with the Supra and BMW


K, I disagree. This is dumb. IF they were all indoors, fine, but stored outside like this they're all just going to turn into garbage. Shop owner should reach out to the people who left the cars through legal channels, if that doesn't work, claim ownership, and sell like HALF that shit. They'd then have a metric ton of cash, and could hire more help to finish the projects they actually care about. Letting all that stuff rot IS hoarder mentality, they're just justifying it by claiming the cars aren't theirs.


What makes you think they need the cash though? I think that's an entirely fair point you make; anyone in an ideal scenario would sooner keep a car indoors or sheltered. But likewise, if the various owners are happy for the cars to be stored that way and the shop happy to supply the grounds, you can't exactly turn around and claim ownership.

The issue is, there's various different groups the cars fit within:

1 - Customers cars in for routine work (usually kept on the main site or close to the workshop)
2 - Customer cars in for major work but with no specific timeframe (usually kept within easiest reach within the car parks)
3 - Customer cars which have been crash damaged & irreparable (inc. from racing)
4 - Customer cars which have been parked up and left indefinitely until they decide to use 'em again (inc. from racing)

Repeat those same four examples above but with 'shop owned cars' which will always be put behind customer cars, and you can see how the issue begins.

I've only got a single garage at my house, and the car i care most about fills that space. The others sit on the drive in between being fixed/used. It's the same (in principal) here just on a much more extreme scale. If i had the space and a mate needed somewhere to leave his car, i'd do the same. 'Cus the cars the shop owner really really cares about are all locked up in garages either on or off site, too.


That C3 Vette on Work Meisters tho!!! Something about American Muscle wearing JDM shoes...


What's with all the HDR? I feel like I'm in a god damn Thomas Kinkade painting. Can you go back during the day and take some regular photos?


Got to agree. How are all the readers believing this photography is real? Even the daytime shots in the Top Gear link are obvious computer animation, albeit very good. How can two reputable automotive publications publish this as a real thing. It's fun to pretend sure, but usually Speedhunters lets the readers know we're looking at the work of a talented graphic designer. Bravo for creating a fun story and the images are cool, but I'm disappointed that you would blatently try to fool the readers.


Nice photos and story, Mark and Ben. I'm screaming inside, but I can see your points about why these cars are in the state they're in. This story is certainly controversial, and I am hoping to see a "redemption" story about this shop's successes to counteract the tragedy we're witnessing.


I'm fully up for that. We'll try and do a follow-up focused around some of the ones they fixed earlier + the cars stored inside.


Great photo :D


Just the one - haha :)


I feel like this shop would be a place you hear of through a friend of a friend at the track because you needed some obscure part or something specific done to your track car and usually required that friend going there with you after a call in advance. I love it. I am in a position I have the space at my home for friends to store excess automotive cars and I have told them all I need is a set of keys so I can fire them up and move them to cut grass.


They're the best places, aren't they? It's worth pointing out that, neither Speedhunters or Top Gear or any other western media outlet can claim any sort of 'ownership' here; that'd be ridiculous. They've existed for over 50 years, they've dealt with hundreds of customers every year and are fairly well known within the Japanese tuning industry. They just keep themselves to themselves, which is why we're keen not to plaster the location everywhere having been allowed the privilege to make a feature.


This is incredible man! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit and take all the pics. I love seeing these jalopys!

Reminds me of Mizuno-San's graveyard, I spent ages taking photos there while he chilled out and smoked a cigarette. Some very cool cars in some awesome looking sad states.

That Supra race car out front is just one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Properly blown away by that feature.


Cheers Ben!

Ironically, during the first TG feature, it was the Supra we originally wanted to shoot. We didn't realise the scale of the other cars. And credit to the shop; they allowed us access and took the time to chat over the whole setup for several hours.


I used to line up all my old Tamiya / Hasegawa / Fujimi models on the floor, just like this, pretending it was some glorious junk yard full of custom cars. WHO KNEW it actually existed? Just wow...


Give it a few more years, the old Tamiya models will be worth similar values haha! Although you might be met with people shouting that you should sell 'em or give them to others to use.


People need to remember that many of these cars were SAVED from the crusher. Those bimmers are eye-watering. The early multi-piece Alpina's on that 2002 are incredibly incredibly incredibly rare..... then another set pops up on an E9 further in the story; unbelievable. I love that this place exists, may the insta-tube crowd never find it.


As beautiful as this is. Its equally sad that these will probably return to the earth from whence they came. Could they be saved? Yes. Should they is the real question. That is art, it pains me to see them in that state but its divisive to say the least


Nail on the head there. With enough time and resources, every single one could be saved. But like you say, the real question is should? There's arguments for both sides.

In an ideal world, you'd imagine that - if these cars were all 'saved' and sold - they'd be bought by people who'd carry on using them like their owners previously. But i fear what makes 'em so endearing right now is their potential values as collectors items instead, and that's arguably no better an outcome.


Lets call those Collectors with low mileage cars. Crime Family. ^_^


im sure all of scene media was crying at those alpina's... lol


Ryan's currently in rehab


Is it some sort of rule that American journalists must fondle and caress Japanese testicals every time they go over there?? I swear you guys praise them with every ounce of your being...they could hand ya’ll a shit sandwich and you’d SWEAR it was the best thing you had ever eaten.


Is it some sort of rule that American journalists must fondle and caress Japanese testicals every time they go over there??

...but this guys are both British. Also, it's really easy to clcik past an article if you don't like it.


I'm so curious to what you own and like. I swear if it's not even half cool you should get your "I like cars" idea out of your head and shuv it somewhere. What a jackass.


If you're ever visiting Osaka, you simply must try the anus soup. Best thing I've ever eaten.


What an amazing place, truly special. The photos I'm sure don't do it complete justice, but they all look so great at night.


Absolutely don't do it justice at all - day or night, the place is bonkers. At times It doesn't feel real.


Totally agree with your sentiments Mark and Ben. It's privately owned and the owners should be entitled to do whatever they wish to. It's much more enjoyable to watch cars with a story, and patina from years of use and abuse than look at collector pieces that sit in garages indefinitely. Also the comments from the "instagram generation" wishing to restore these cars have probably never even wrenched at a car for more than 10 minutes, hence the feeling that it can be "restored". Great coverage guys, look forward to more cool special coverages!


I think most of us are guilty of thinking that, if push comes to shove we'd be able to take one of these cars and make it roadworthy quite easily. For sure there's a lot of people who genuinely can, but i'd argue the majority like the idea of a resto project more than going through with it. And when you're not actually faced with said car in front of you, it's a lot easier to look at it more emotionally rather than financially.


Long time occasional browser, first time commenter.

Love this article and fantastic photography, really gives the place a mysterious and eerie feel. Great imagery that hits you right in the feels, and inspires the imagination to think about how these things ended up here and what we would do with them if they were ours... Kinda like those urbex videos in beautiful abandoned homes.

Would be super interesting to have some follow-up stories that cover some of these cars a little more in-depth and their stories, how they ended up there, and what future plans hold... but I would imagine it might be a little too much prying... even aside from how hard it would be to get in touch with owners if they would even be willing to take the time to share all that info.


Thanks for the feedback, always good to hear - it was a lot of fun to create and well worth the trip!

I'd love to do a follow-up in the future, not least just to learn some more of the stories various cars have. There's simply too many to cover in one go, and i'd bet good money on them being changed around once again. All of this is entirely down to the owners discretion, but we'll definitely look into it.


I wish, I wish, I wish that these dying / dead cars will go to Car Heaven. Perhaps one day, to be reborn as new cars & loved by the owners.


It's safe to say that a huge amount will - impossible to know exactly how many, and inevitably quite a few wont, but if anywhere in the world will bring 'em back from the dead it's Japan.


If I have the money I'd like to buy them some jackstands and cover for these cars


And a couple of pressure washers too


Zdjęcia fantastyczne! Niesamowite miejsce.


Great story! Something that i always find interesting is the lack of security around theses places , japan has a really special mentality about thefts , where i live youd
Better keep things locked and sight away ahah! , last year i had a formation for my job (tech at toyota :), and a former worker for honda in the years that fast and furious came out and tuning craze they have to get some security guard and dogs beceause thefts would litteraly come in the dealership parking and dismantle thoses type r and every honda that had some value , quite crazy


100%, it's refreshing to see - and i think that's one of the hardest things people struggle with, especially when you see a lot of comments saying 'Not for sale? Well ill just go steal them instead'

That's not to say they're exempt from crime; like a lot of countries it's territory driven too, but i'd argue on a more general scale there seems to be a greater appreciation for each other's belongings rather than a 'finders keepers' type attitude.


Awesome photos, choice to do night shots isolate the subjects well. Sony format?


Yup shot with a Sony A9 - it's not a miracle cure in terms of dynamic range compared to Canon/Nikon, but definitely performs better in lower light.


I hate to see unique or even slightly desirable iron rotting away, but as the story states these arent just "yard art" but owned by various people with their own plans, means, and perspectives. I am simply happy for the motivation these shots provide.


Absolutely MINDBLOWING. Somewhere between kill them and praise them...would definetely lose my mind beeing there and seeing it all, I guess it's too much to process. Thank you for showing us this insanity! Every car guy's dreams is this and maybe even more then that! Overload of coolness.


"Nothing here is for sale, so forget asking about that. And none of these cars need ‘rescuing’ either."
Then, this is definitely a hell.


is it me, or has that Nascar been grafted with skyline taillights?


Of course, each one pulls at your heart strings but i think its almost beautiful, that somewhere there is such a number of cars that may indeed never be saved instead of the whole world descending upon them restoring them and ultimately becoming investment totems, and that they are just resting peacefully somewhere far away from all the media and fanatic attention that they would get anywhere else.


Great photos, great content - but I really wish this shop would stop getting so much attention. It's only a matter of time until some less-than-favorable foreigners find out where this place is and start stealing things.


What type of light did you use to illuminate the cars?


Great photos, great content - but I really wish this shop would stop getting so much attention.