While Larry ran about the track to cover the actual Gymkhana Grid event, I scoured the Mass Appeal car show in search of stand out cars. This particular Nissan 200SX S12 coupe stuck out as these cars don't get as much attention as their drift-friendly younger siblings.

Pop-up lights are by far, the coolest thing to come out of automobiles in the 1980s. Everytime you flip the switch and see those lights flip up, you can't help but feel even cooler than Michael Knight.
It's good to see the JDM-originated sleepy eye look still popular.

It's cars like these that prove that you really don't need to do much to a car to make it look good. A slight drop and a tasteful selection of wheels is all you really need. I found it rather humorous that this car was sporting…

…this sticker on the back window. The car isn't slammed to the point where you can't enjoy it on the not-so-great Los Angeles roadways but is low enough to look good and improve handling.

This set of 16×7 BBS mesh wheels, which came off a Ford Crown Victoria, fit just perfectly on the car. It's good to see a car at a car show without an excessive amount camber.
It's nice to see these more obscure Japanese cars start to gain some popularity. With pretty much anything from the 80s becoming cool again, I'm sure we're going to see a resurgence of many of these boxier RWD cars.
More car spotlights to come from the Gymkhana Grid car show!
Epic sticker haha.
Nice ! So clean and pretty. That sticker is funny too.
lol hahaha thats sorta flush bro.... you just started a fad. for the super low budget.
Much better than hellaflush IMO
I definitely never ever would have guessed those wheels came off a Crown Vic lol
were did he get the decal loving every minute of that not down for the hellaflush scene i like low but not hella flush low and ive been looking for a way to express that man i want that decal
I'd much rather see more of these than hellaflushed cars.
my buddy has some crown vic wheels on his fc, they look sweet!! except theyre super skinny!!
Sticker can be found here: http://www.coolstickersbro.com
Better than the sortarice S12 to its right.
The sticker is from
Awesome site.
thanks for the compliments everyone, im flattered my car made it on the site! much love.
wow this looks great, id not try and sleepy eye the headlights tho
wow this car looks really good!!!!
So clean!! That has to be the only car those wheels look that good on!
So awesome andrew! They dont know the half of that car!
S12's are so great. Its like the AE86's obscure cousin....similar specs, similar looks sorta, and both are great for drifting, but the S12 is a relative unknown
<3 the sortaflush sticker. What an awesome pisstake :P
When i had my S12's those were the wheels I was alway on the lookout for as the specs were perfect. I had never seen them on an S12 but I just knew. Nice to see these cars getting some attention.
Also the reason the rear wheels don't have much camber at that drop has to be that it is a solid axle model as the semi trailing rear gain massive camber quickly and it is hard to correct back to even -2*.
we never got the booted version of the Silvia in the UK.. this looks cool though.. i think you did just enough 'Andrew' without "over-doing it" or following the "must-do-this-be-acceopted" trend - love the sticker too.. good quality photos 10/10
"(...)and improve handling."
No, this car is slightly overlowered to be considered a good handling machine. Excessive lowering compromises chassis geometry. This doesn't mean that this car look bad though, the "less is more" philosophy was put to a good use.
I like Sortaflush. That's exactly my type of stance. I wouldn't mind this S12.
hahah Cool Stickers Bro just hit the big time
Very nice love seeing this car
sortaflush = hellatrack ??
aahahahaaha i loved the sticker
more drift-friendly younger siblings?
these things are as drift friendly as they come man....and this one looks the goods!
86 look a like.
Congrats Justin and Andrew! Told both you guys a while back that you two had it right! Some serious interest here. Repping the Low.XII.Position and S12Silvia.com.
Agree, looks much better than hellaflush.
+ "offset is something" haha!
fuck yea andrew congrats
Rad. I'm feelin this. My sister had one of these cars! I always liked it. Rad sticker btw!
flush or no flush, this makes me want one.. i like it.. i like it ALOT! good work
so clean, never see one so new
winner. clean old car. clean small simple meshies. enough drop to look sweet. subtle perfection.
Love the car!
I've been looking for a s12 for a while. Settled on another AE86.
I will say that the sleepy eye look doesn't work for this chassis though.
make no mistake, its running about 5 degrees rear camber, though not ideal, this car sticks like glue, i can assure you, especially considering the 205 series tire.

what isnt shown is the vg30e underhood
check out my build thread on s12silvia.com
That car looks amazing. Very clean.. Loving it. Also, this is the beginning of something wonderful -- SortaFlush will be the new hotness! I always felt that HellaFlush was waaaay too much.
SICK dude.
-Low. XII. Position fanboy
love it!!!