He’s much taller than I expected.
Like most, I had seen the videos, read the features and followed the social media persona of Magnus Walker. The man from industrial Sheffield in the United Kingdom has become an icon of the automotive world over the last few years and has been the subject of countless features, interviews and short films.
I think that from the first film, the now iconic Urban Outlaw, I took a liking to him. There was a sense of genuine passion and enthusiasm that came across on screen. Here was a man who was taking great pride and joy from doing his own thing with his own cars for his own pleasure. The fame and notoriety that subsequently came afterwards wasn’t intended, it just happened.
There’s that old – and some would claim clichéd – saying that you should never meet your heroes. I think it’s a bit of a silly one, but it does hold some truth on occasion so it never really leaves the back of your mind. There were a couple of times in the past where our paths should have crossed, but never did, due to one reason or another. I find it funny that the first time I did meet Magnus, it was just a random series of events that led up to an afternoon with him at his garage in Downtown LA. Garage seems the wrong word, because what Magnus has built is the envy of enthusiasts around the world. Behind the tall gates and red bricks, lies automotive nirvana.

It was the picturesque sort of Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles. There were clear blue skies and a scorching sun countered only by the occasional breeze in off the Pacific. We had just finished a morning of proper Speedhunting and found ourselves at a loose end in an In-N-Out near Long Beach. Our planned activities for that Sunday were already complete, so there was a decision to make: Do some tourist activities or find more speed to hunt. It wasn’t the most difficult decision we made on that trip.
Larry started by suggesting that we should head to DTLA and check out Magnus’s recent 964 build. What started as a single sentence, quickly developed into reality at a pace which I still find surreal. I’m quite envious of Larry and our other SoCal friends that they consider this as a perfectly normal Sunday afternoon adventure.

If you put a gun to my head and demanded I bring you here, I couldn’t. It’s beautifully hidden away to the point you could be outside and still not know; there’s nothing that gives it away and it’s something that I immediately fell in love with. Sitting in the passenger seat of Larry’s 996 Turbo, a quick call is all it took for an electronically controlled gate to slowly start opening, revealing somewhere that although I had never been before, was all too familiar. As was the figure walking towards us. To be fair, you couldn’t mistake Magnus for anyone else. He is, who he is.
His warmth and friendliness are the next things I noticed. Some would, understandably, be a bit peeved by a bunch of relative strangers showing up on their doorstep on a Sunday afternoon, but not Magnus. His greeting was sincere. It’s sort of a strange moment, as you have to remind yourself that despite reading so much about a man, you really don’t know him. He definitely didn’t know me. But, as you might know, cars are the great leveller. If you have a genuine passion for automobiles, the sort where you never want to stop learning everything there is to know, then you’ve already made a connection with your fellow enthusiast.

It just so happens that this is what Magnus is probably best at, sharing his passion for cars. His enthusiasm is absolutely infectious, to the point where you’re practically chasing him from one car to the next as he wants to show you something, be it a complete redesign of a part of a subtle integration of something that wasn’t originally meant to fit. His love for these details, which will go unnoticed by 99 per cent of us, is what sets him apart.
When he tells you that he’s just finished building what he believes is his most complete 911 yet, you know it’s going to be something special.
“What I tried to do here, is sort of create my own personality, with elements of Porsche 356, RUF Yellowbird, Sport Classic and GT3 RS. In a sea of wide bodies, this is still a narrow body,” Magnus explained.
In the space of those two sentences, there’s a lot to process. Incorporating at least four other cars into one is a challenge, let alone four cars spread out over half a century or more. He’s talking about integrating design features and styling cues from both classic and contemporary Porsches, a process which requires extraordinary self control so as to prevent an over-designed end product; a car which is too busy, from a design perspective.

Magnus has chosen to go the route of a classic single body colour, and not what he calls ‘the boy racer colour combos’ of some of his previous builds. “Why f**k with it? There’s so much detail there. On the new 911 R, they spoiled it by putting the stripes on it, because your eyes don’t focus on the roof, they focus on the stripes. What stands out to me is that you look at this car and it looks completely normal, but you don’t notice the details immediately.”

There’s a 12-inch wide channel that starts on the hood, but continues over the roof and through the deck-lid and ultimately the ’75 Turbo spoiler. A simple idea, well executed, that’s reminiscent of the GT3 RS’s double-bubble roof. The rain gutter delete is itself a special touch, and its total absence often goes completely unnoticed.
The trim is original 964 fare, but it’s been dipped to remove the anodisation and polished to a mirror finish.

There has been tremendous weight saving, but all without the use of composite bodywork or interior pieces. It remains an all-steel (save for the bumpers) and original panelled 964, with any unnecessary weight being removed from the car and simplifying it. The electric window system, for example, has been removed and replaced with a manual mechanism from a ’65 912.
The only panels that remain untouched are the steel door skins, with every other panel having been either drilled, louvred, smoothed, channeled or stretched.

The fuel filler cap is another detail. Typically, the cap is hidden behind a hinged flap on a 964, but that flap has been removed and the fender smoothed. The fuel filler neck was extended two-inches, and the fender reopened to the perfect diameter to take the original cap which was then colour coded to the car. “It’s a pretty straightforward detail, but took a boat load of work to make seamless,” said Magnus. “That’s what this car is about.”
While fender louvres can be traced back as far the 917, they’ve become a signature of Magnus’s builds. The process is relatively easy on a flat panel, but on a curved fender is exponentially more difficult. The fender is first measured for a centre point, six straight cuts are then made before the wing is inverted and the louvres are pressed out with a die. Too much pressure and the steel will crack or split. If the first one isn’t perfectly measured and pressed, the rest are, as Magnus eloquently puts it, “f**ked”.
For a process that’s completely manual and done by eye, it’s an extraordinary amount of work for such a simple detail. Porsche itself has never produced a stamped steel radial-louvred fender.

Another signature is the integrated rear turn signals, something that you would have seen previously on some of other Magnus’s cars, including 277.

When Magnus picked the car up, it already had a 3.6-litre 993 motor, which was significantly upgraded to 3.8-litre RS specification by BBi Autosport in Huntington Beach. The end result is some 300hp at the wheels, with 280lb-ft of torque.

The car has a taut stance; it sits low and aggressive but remains purposeful with a performance focus.
The wheel and tire sizes are relatively conservative. 17×8-inch front and 17×9.5-inch rear Fifteen52 Outlaw rims wrapped with 225 and 255-section Pirelli Trofeo R sit tight inside the stretched and rolled fenders. Suspended on KW Clubsports, the car has been corner-balanced to achieve optimum weight balance and consistent handling characteristics.

The wheel balance weights are secured in position to prevent them coming off when the glue underneath gets hot during spirited driving.

The interior too features its own characteristics.
As mentioned above, the electric window system and accompanying motors have been dumped in exchange for a manual window setup. The doors, seats and headliner have been trimmed with a distressed leather, while the floor has been covered with a plush red carpet, something Magnus feels gives the car a more elegant nature. A gentleman’s car, if you will.
The lower knee guard section of the dashboard was missing when the car arrived, so a new one was fabricated from scratch. It’s home to only two simple controls: the ignition and light switches.
Meet Your Heroes
It’s quite inspiring that in a world where people are trying to shout louder and louder for attention, that Magnus has decided to dial it back with this build.

It’s an interesting thought when you consider that it took considerably longer and likely more skill to build this car – which still looks relatively stock to the casual observer – than an RWB, something which is visibly much, much louder.
It’s a thought-provoking comparison, one which has brought me to think about things on a deeper level. On one hand, you have a car built by a man for himself. On the other, a car that I feel is often built for the approval of others. I like both, if I’m being honest, but I do think I appreciate one more than the other.
That’s the sort of car this is, it makes you think. It makes you look harder and rewards your patience by showing you a little bit more every time you look at it. It has levels, it has depth, it is in many ways the whole package.

Where some cars are built to get a reaction, all too often, they’re ultimately forgettable once the initial shock or impact has worn off. This really is different though and I can see why Magnus calls it his most complete 911. Where one would be happy just to have a drive in some cars, this is one of those that you’d want to bring home and call your own. Failing that, you can take so much away from a car like this for your own build. Simple ideas that can be transferred or integrated into any style of car.
Ideas don’t cost anything.
Paddy McGrath
Instagram: pmcgphotos
Twitter: pmcgphotos
Photos by Larry Chen
Instagram: larry_chen_foto
Magnus Walker’s Porsche 911 Type 964
Max Power: 300whp, Max Torque: 280lb-ft, Weight: 2520lb/1143kg (wet)
3.6-litre 993 engine built to 3.8-litre RS specification, Gamroth Induction ITBs, MoTeC engine management, GT3 con-rods & bearings, high compression pistons, lightened & polished crank, reworked 964 cylinder heads, custom headers & GT3 twin-pipe mufflers.
5-speed factory 964 manual transmission with factory LSD.
KW Clubsport coilovers, ERP fully adjustable spring & camber plates with spherical bushings, Brembo Club Race discs & callipers
Fifteen52 Outlaw wheels 17×8-inch (front) 17×9.5-inch (rear), Pirelli Trofeo R tires 225/40R17 (front) 255/40R17 (rear)
’75 Turbo tail, hood, deck lid & roof channeled 12-inches, rain gutter delete, rolled & stretched fenders, one-piece side rocker panels, re-profiled bumpers front & rear, custom fender gas cap filler that utilises stock fuel tank, integrated rear turn signals, polycarbonate vented rear quarter windows, original trim de-anodised & polished.
Custom one-piece dash panel, manual windows, recovered leather Momo seats, MWUO signature Momo steering wheel, Schroth 5-point harnesses, leather door panels & headliner, red square weave carpet, bolt-in roll bar.

My Uncle Henry recently got an almost new gold Audi RS 5 Convertible
just by some part time working online at home------------------------
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"When Larry met Paddy", coming to a cinema near you.
Reading this I just had my own diner orgasm scene, no faking.
All in this post is over what I can imagine
I like everything besides the taillights (personal opinion) ... I love the choice of single colour across the whole car , it looks elegance to me , it looks like a production car instead of modified car .
This shooting out of the sunroof lark is amazing!
This is quite possibly the most beautiful Porsche I have ever seen. Every single detail was added or deleted to create something that's so subtly different that it's a totally different car without being unidentifiable in the slightest. It's so simple, but personal. Awesome.
While people might be bored by routine RWBs, Magnus' work is always the one of the best. He doesn't need a wide body to make a Porsche sexy, he's soooo good at his Porsche.
Beautiful car, and a great article! I'm guessing the colour was difficult to shoot? I am still unsure of what colour this car actually is!
this Porsche is incredibly beautiful, cant really say much more than that I hope to see it in real life one day.
Also anyone know how tall Magnus really is? Im creating a mental-library of tall people in the car-world so i can gauge how well I fit in cars that I like.
"The wheel balance weights are secured in position to prevent them coming
off when the glue underneath gets hot during spirited driving."
How do is this done? Thanks for another AH HA moment!
DIDYOUKNOW There is a lot of other interesting Porsche enthousiasts around that actually have taste and do not put same ugly set of wheels on each Porsche they own.
Blake Jones "Larry, Paddy and Dino" is the magic combo I feel. They've been the backbone of Speedhunters for so, so long. Props to you gentlemen. I would love to be a fly on the wall in a room with you three.
In the world of design people often say 'minimalism is not the lack of something, it's simply the perfect amount of something'. Magnus really encapsulates this philosophy with subtle design changes that all add up to create something very special. This is why I believe he is such a respected designer within the automotive community. Personally speaking I think that Porsche is one of the best automotive car designers as they create almost timeless designs. This is hard to improve on but I think Magnus both respects the original design whilst still creating something which is unique and beautiful which in turn can be appreciated by both Porsche purists and modified car communities.
Best comment of the day.
Absolutely extraordinary car! Flawless execution in every aspect. Dare I say perfect eye for design, proportions, colors, textures. and combined with the absolute awesomeness of Larry Chen's genius behind the lens! Every single shot Larry creates inspires and is so good with a particular style to a point that watermarks aren't even needed to know that is the work of Larry Chen.
Easily one of the most refreshing articles I've had the pleasure of reading/viewing in a long, long time!
Thanks for the kind words. This car is so beautiful that it practically shot itself.
"It’s quite inspiring that in a world where people are trying to shout louder and louder for attention, that Magnus has decided to dial it back with this build."
The anti-Morohoshi.
It's dark grey. It may just be me but it has the slightest bit of green also.
Funny, the first photo of the car I thought it was green. Classy any way you look at it.
Larry Chen haha wtf
This is a perfect Porsche
I am shocked that you can get paid $8775
in a few weeks ..................
Went back to this build six times at SEMA. Stunning and the attention to detail would be missed by so many, well unless they read this
sreache And finally a car that isn't a hackjob!
My Uncle Hayden got an awesome metallic Volvo S60 Te
R by working part-time online----------------------------
see more..........................................http://www.pure-ethics1.com/
This car is AMAZING! Love the the car and great article! Thanks for sharing this
This Porsche cured my sickness I contracted after seeing that last Mustang article.
370 Hemi lol
AndyBlackmore I love cars that you walk around and keep noticing more and more of the coolest details. The lines that run through the bonnet, roof and the rear spoiler are super pretty. And that fuel filler modification... Magnus has smashed it.
Larry Chen Very well deserved and very modest of you. Though indeed the beauty of this car is something very special that guides you.
Max_Ryde Pretty sure Magnus designed these wheels for Fifteen52. If I designed my perfect set of wheels I'd put them on all my cars too.
AM81 Magnets! Magic!
Really beautifully shot piece.
I'm stunned that any body can get paid $8640
in 4 weeks ................ http://tinyurl.com/youtube-have-jobs
The perfect 964 build imo, so subtle but rammed full of cool little details.
You can call me hater. When I sea a car, I immediately search for areas that i don't like. Those little tail light ! I perefer stock ones.
MOU89 I think that's kind of sad. Enjoy the good in life!
AM81 They're just taped down.
speedhunters_dino Larry Chen
just as Bryan said I'm shocked that a student able to profit
$7511 in 4 weeks on the computer ((((((((*********)))))))))))
see more.l...................................http://www.pure-ethics1.com/
how are the wheel weights secured? other than the glue holding them on?
Looks nice. Very nice and tidy. Im glad he did not put red front bumper,blue stripea,yellow rear bumper and white spoiler on this one.
Excellent words, excellent images. As much as I love this car, I cannot stress enough Paddy's observations about the man, himself. You would be hard-pressed to find a better ambassador of car culture, period. The first time I met Magnus, he did not know me from Adam, yet he invited me to visit his dojo without hesitation.
Upon arrival, Paddy's words could not be more accurate. A genuine, sincere welcome and true, unbridled enthusiasm. You best have your shoes laced tight, because Magnus is very likely even more stoked to show you his cars than you are to see them. He jumps from one project to the next, pointing out all the above-mentioned trademark details.
Rest assured there is nothing arbitrary about it, a continuity of narrative exists throughout his collection. Each and every car has some degree of personal significance to him, and that makes his excitement to share his motivations that much more meaningful. If ever there was an avatar of car guys, Magnus is it. No hype, just facts.
With all due respect to meeting your heroes, this is one you should never pass up, given the opportunity. However larger than life he has become on the internet and social media, he is ever cooler in person, and that qualifies as iconic by my estimation. Online personas are one thing, but true character, integrity and respect are another.
CheeRS! m/
What a masterpiece.
A car that 200 years from now will still turn heads for the simplicity of it's fine taste.
Brilliant work and passion and something to definitely dream for.
Many thanks to all for your support - its much appreciated -cheeRS
Sam Betten - MANY THANKS
cjmcclure25 - The colour is outlaw grey our version of "slate grey" -painted by Matt Bown at alchemy paint in DTLA -it looks different shades of grey/green/black in different lights
I think I made out around 50 shades in total. Haha. Good colour choice. I always try an envisage a car in bare metal to get some inspiration for what lurks beneath the glossy exterior- aside from the fact that there's something extremely cool- like 50's jet plane prototype about bare metal. You did it justice here though
Just noticed how the left- and right- door mirrors are mounted in different positions. I'm sure this is on purpose but I'm just curious what advantage this has.
Another masterpiece from Magnus, keep going!
...and of course great photos from both Larry and Paddy!
I'm in shock that some one can make $8929
in 1 month ..........
If this car boils down to simply the wheels to you then I don't know what to say
my Aunts Paige got a fantastic cream Hyundai Sonata Hybrid Sedan just
by some part-time working online with a laptop*******)))))))))
see more.......................http://www.pure-ethics1.com/
Paddy you done good.
I remember you used to have a sort of rant in some stories displaying an epic car, but no caption to what was captured, a long diatribe until finally your point was made and finally you got to the car in question. I felt that was so unfair to the builder/driver of the car that you were using them as almost click bait to get people to read your opinion piece.
The organization here is so much better and the writing so much more on topic. The journey you take us on the teasing pictures in the beginning, I haven't even finished it yet, but I had to drop down here and just post how pleasant it was to find that you were the writer. Kudos sir.
No, the point is I am damn bored of seeing Magnus everyday in my timeline. Like he is the only interesting car guy worldwide.
I am inspired that anyone can earn $7391
in 3 weeks .................
seattlejester I really appreciate that. Writing doesn't come natural to me at all, so it has been a steep learning curve and pretty difficult at times. Thank you.
williek They're taped down.
Thanks bud.
That is how the 964 is stock. I think it makes it easier to see.
my father in-law recently got a stunning green Ford Focus ST just
by some part-time working online with a laptop.
see more..........
Paddy McGrath seattlejester Well I'm glad you stuck with it.
Critique on writing is some of the hardest to handle, it looks like you might have found a bit of your voice here. Keep it up!
Larry Chen great meeting you in person at the Hot Wheels party last spring, hope to see you again sometime sooner than later!
The shots with the city behind it are awesome!
Beautiful car, gorgeous pictures, evocative story. One of the best features I've seen at SH, and while I'm not s Porsche girl I love this one.