‘It’s all just bags and Rotiforms.’ How many times have we heard or read that description when it comes to describing the current VW scene? It’s meant as a slight against those within the community, but it also tells another story.
Not so long ago, there was no Rotiform, so it’s hard to truly appreciate the astronomical rise of the SoCal company in such a short space of time. In many ways, not only has Rotiform dominated an industry, it’s practically reinvented it.

I first met one half of Rotiform, Brian Henderson, back in 2013 on the way to Wörthersee from London. 2013 was the year that Brian achieved a life-long personal goal of building a Porsche 964 and driving it all the way to the famous Austrian event.

Our paths would cross regularly over the years, always at shows or events abroad. Every time it was like bumping into an old friend. There was a genuine warmth and friendliness to his greeting, something that never changed over the years. He was always excited to share his latest plans and projects. More often than not, we would end up shooting them too.
I always found that there were two types of Brian Henderson car. The first was the type that best reflected his own personal taste and were most often his dream acquisitions, like the 964 and his Audi RS2. The others were created to get a reaction and to create awareness around the Rotiform brand, like the Boss-inspired Audi R8.
I’ve always been interested in Rotiform as both a brand and a manufacturer. My inner designer always appreciated how far the company was willing to push things, and on the other hand, how it would pay tasteful homage to classic wheel designs reimagined for the modern day. The offer was always extended by Brian to come and visit the Rotiform facility in Compton each time we met. It may have taken several years, but a few weeks back I finally got to knock on the door and meet the people behind the wheels.
Straight Outta
I’m not really sure what I expected when visiting Rotiform’s HQ in Southern California. Similarly, I’m sort of curious as to what you’re expecting to see here and throughout the rest of this story. While Rotiform is now a world renowned brand, at least in automotive circles, this wasn’t always the case. It was seven years ago when Brian and Jason Whipple (left and right respectively) took a chance at starting their own wheel company with two very different wheel offerings: a traditional Y-spoked MIA and the now iconic Lamborghini LP560-4-inspired BLQ. It’s not that widely known, but ‘BLQ’ is the airport code for Bologna airport in Italy, home of Lamborghini, so they were weren’t exactly shy in acknowledging where they got their inspiration from.

Where they thought that the BLQ was the risk, it turned out to be the making of the company and remains a popular design today. Their lineup of mono-block cast wheels offers affordable wheel styles in a decent amount of sizes and offsets for most consumers. What really sets Rotiform apart though – and the bit I find most interesting – is its ability to custom build a multi-piece forged wheel in the absolute precise measurements and finish required. And I mean precise.

Each design starts out at some point being sketched in-house before being drawn up in CAD in exact measurements. There’s a lot of thought for wheel design beyond the face. Stepped or flat lips, concavity, whether hardware is exposed or hidden plus a myriad of finishes to be considered.
These are the wheels in their most raw state, as simple 6061 T6 aluminium forgings. Rotiform has one of the largest stocks of raw forgings in the United States which plays a role in keeping the manufacturing process moving.
Each forging is marked up before being machined in one of many CNC machines on Rotiform’s massive workshop floor.
As an engineering appreciator, I find this probably the most fascinating part of the whole process. Raw forging goes in, recognisable wheel design comes out. On the left is what will become a KPS and on the right a QLB.

There’s often a huge amount of swarf or waste byproduct from each CNC machining session. The leftovers are recycled though, at a rate of two large container’s worth every week.
The now machined forgings are next polished, a process which is completed entirely by hand.
Post polishing, the forgings are washed, cleaned and then dipped into large ultrasonic cleaning tanks which removes every last contaminant from their surface prior to paint or powder-coating, depending on the specified finish.

They’re then pretty much immediately masked up for the paint or powder-coat stage. A small hook is inserted to allow them to be hung whilst being painted. The guy who looks after this particular task is an absolute wizard with the masking and a blade.
Once masked, they’re placed in plastic wrapping to protect them. Unfortunately, the wrapping isn’t strong enough to stop us having a look at the very first example of the new LSR wheel design which was heading for paint.

It’s at this point where the forged centres may go in one of two directions: to be powder-coated or painted.
Things begin to get really colourful around now and you begin to appreciate the variety of customisation on offer.

This gold HUR centre is a personal favourite finish.

Once they’ve baked and cured, they head towards the final stage of manufacturing – assembly.

The assembly room is where, both literally and figuratively, everything comes together. It’s here that you see just how much variation there is and how even the same wheel design can be treated in such different ways.

Every set of wheels which is assembled is accompanied by technical drawings which show every detail the assembler will need to know. The drawings are even detailed enough to show how much clearance there is between the finished wheel and the stock brake caliper.

There are many procedures to adhere to when assembling too, from ensuring everything is squared (circled?), to sealing the joins between the barrel, lip and wheel face.

Finally, every wheel is hand engraved with a unique serial number and code which can be used to trace the wheels path through the manufacturing process and the specific finishes and sizes applied.

After that, the wheels are packaged, boxed and shipped out. Making the wheels, however, is really only half the story.
Inside & OutAs a creative sort, I hugely appreciate that Rotiform creates all of its own marketing and creative output in house. The team places a lot of importance on high quality media and how they represent the brand to the world. It’s such an overlooked area, which is crazy considering the times we live in, but it’s not something Rotiform needs to worry about.

Rotiform’s own advertisements, product photography and even all those videos you see online are created right here in its own offices. The people involved though are what make it, if you get me.

Each and every one is a proper car enthusiast, the sort that you’d have no issue sitting down for a drink with to discuss the merits of different approaches to the world of car modification.

There’s a pretty big off-road vibe around the staff car park, something that I saw quite a lot of around SoCal on my journey. I’m not sure how widespread it is around the rest of the USA, but it definitely felt like the predominant trend around LA. Is it something we should expect to see spreading worldwide? I digress.
There’s a huge amount of pride for what Rotiform has achieved and in what it’s producing right now. Seven years ago, it started as two guys who pooled whatever money they had together to try and make their dream come true. It was a huge risk but it worked. There’s so much to be said for that, regardless if you’re a fan of what they do or not.
How many of us have worked a job that we didn’t really want to do and dreamt about doing something we love instead? We can only be held back by fear of the unknown for so long. It doesn’t always work out, but it’s better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all, right?
If you don’t take that chance, you’ll never know what might have been.
Paddy McGrath
Instagram: pmcgphotos
Twitter: pmcgphotos

And now a word from our sponsors. ...........
Great article Paddy. I had no idea Rotiform came from humble beginnings! What are your thoughts on Vossen with respect to advertising/design/success?
Everyone talks trash on someone that has knock-off wheels but everyone loves these knock-off wheels
Which ones are knock-offs?
Nfgwolf I think there's a distinction between knock-off, and inspired. Most "Authentic" wheels are inspired by classic designs as well. I think "knock-off" wheels have a bad rep because of 'whatever' construction quality, straight up rip-off designs, and stuff like faux multi-piece design. Rotiform obviously puts effort into their designs, and either augments, or re-imagines classic designs with similar or improved quality.
Nfgwolf If I was a registered user I'd like your post.
"As an engineering appreciator," holy sh*t these articles genuinely get worse and worse, did you happen to ask the guys if they mask the stickers before painting?
next we`ll be seeing lines like "me likey this car it paint so shiny" the articles here manage to outdo the nation of stance for poorly written trash, bravo
earmenau You make some interesting points. For me, no matter how much someone has spent on their wheels, it's the fitment (and choice of tyre sizing) that says 'I know what I am doing', or not, as the case maybe! haha. It comes back to the whole 'having fun' thing, but doing it 'right'. I'm personally not a fan of faux multi-piece wheels, though. I kind of have to draw the line there. Although, having said that, I did buy a set of TSW EVO-R wheels which had these 'genuine imitation' centre-lock wheel bolt style caps. I ran them on my Peugeot 106 Quiksilver. The wheels came with a plastic 'spanner' to remove the caps so that you could get to your wheel bolts. It was the 90s, so that makes it ok, right? TBH, I think I'd probably have another set purely for nostalgic reasons. Or maybe just one EVO-R as a side table to pay homage to my youth. *Heading to eBay. BRB...*
@SW1 Honestly, I don't see much of Vossen on this side of the Atlantic, so I'm in no position to comment either way. From the few times I spoke to some of the Vossen team - mostly here in the comments - they come across as a good bunch of people.
what`s wrong Paddy? not liking the truth?
@Ed Honestly, I've no idea why people post shit like this. Without the help and support of all our sponsors, Speedhunters wouldn't exist. Maybe that's what you want?
I cant believe that some one able to earn $8736
in 2 weeks on the computer .
Paddy McGrath because Speedhunters used to be good, (key word is USED) now it`s just a Rocket Bunny blog, same tired old sh*t article after article, oh look another "stanced" car with even more camber than the last! and to be honest there`s nothing on this site that isn`t covered on any other blog about cars, maybe with a bit less misinformation on other sites. All this is why SH has gone to the dogs, I remember when it had the best of the best, now there`s 3 or 4 writers tops that put out decent stuff, please make Jordan post more as his stuff is worth coming here for
@mememe Paddy McGrath I think that's OTT criticism, although you're entitled to say so.
At the moment, I think there's a good balance of content coming through. Looking at the front page, there's this BTS story, lots of WTAC stuff, some awesome FD photo coverage, an unusual Austin Healey, classic Mazdas, Project Yankee, WRC news, a KW tech story, retro JDM and contemporary VW. That's a lot of variety for one front page sample.
For some reason though, people seem to choose to only see the stuff they don't like and complain about it, rather than enjoying the stuff that they do like. Fair enough, you might not like this post but other people will. At the end of the day, we do this for everyone, so it's always going to be a mix of stuff you love and hate.
Out of interest, what would you do differently? I agree with having Jordan around more, he's been smashing it as he always tends to do.
I really like the idea of an ultra-sonic cleaning tank. Do they work on people? Like the sonic showers from Star Trek.
Paddy McGrath the problem is the content feels 90% recycled, "oh look it`s another car with negative camber and those bolt on fenders! ooooh and look how low it drops with the air suspension wow!!" kind of content.
Remember Max Power after Fast and Furious? It was nothing but spoilers, 20" chrome spinners and flip paint, so much so that it died almost instantly.
The same is happening here, as I said it`s basically a Rocket Bunny blog at this stage, which really goes against the name Speed Hunters as the mods featured here are form over function, may be more suited if the name changes to Stance Hunters, even Dino is putting out more trash than gold and that has shocked me.
As such there`s nothing wrong with content on sponsors, but make it informative, make it something that doesn`t feel like you`re just trying to sell a product, as it is now the content feels like a late night shopping channel, trying to push crap out in hope someone buys it.
@mememe Paddy McGrath I'm not saying that there's not cars that fit that bill that are featured here, because there are. However, they're no where near as prevalent as you make them out to be. Do you not think that you're exaggerating even just a little for effect?
As an aside, I'm torn over the whole Rocket Bunny, LBW & Pandem stuff. On paper, I don't really like it but when I see one in person, I definitely appreciate it more. It's a huge part of current car culture and that's reflected in our coverage. I don't think it's going to last forever, I really thought we had reached peak over fenders about two years ago but it's still going. If you don't like it though, don't click into a story.
I would never interpret the 'speed' in Speedhunters as literal, we've always been about all aspects of car culture, both form and function. I've lost count of the amount of unimaginative alternative plays on our name, although I have seen a couple that have made me laugh.
At the end of the day, we do appreciate all feedback and we take it on board. If you want to be heard though, you're better off doing it in a constructive way or it'll just be ignored or considered trolling.
You obviously care or else you wouldn't bother replying in such detail, and for that, I'm appreciative.
Paddy McGrath in terms of sponsors content it would have been much better to have more
shots of the actual design process, not just a few shots of a render
having the tones changed in Photoshop, but the designs being created in
3d, or more of the hand drawings, that may give some budding designers a
little inspiration to start playing with similar software at home and
possibly even make the next timeless wheel.
The content just really feels recycled, I love(d) SH, as it used to have great ideas or information to try out on my own car, or on a model I knew about, was interested in, but knew very little about, the reason I keep coming back is as I said before I work on cars, and have done since I left school, so it`s cool to keep up with what`s going on, SH was great for that. Kind of like the recent features on the N600 or mk1 Golf (Rabbit), more features on personal builds rather than what feels like a road trip through someones travels to garages. Jordan`s feature of the R32 was brilliant because it`s achievable by pretty much anyone and really looked top class. We all love the GTR, 911, koenigsegg, Lambo`s etc.. but for the majority that`s a dream, not to mention trying to insure those here and then the state of our bog roads.
it was builds like that made me come back here time after time, and still do to see the little slices of craziness like the 2 recent features
my Aunty Taylor just got an awesome year old Ford C-Max by working part time at home... why not look here
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my Aunty Mia recently got a fantastic silver Jeep Compass SUV just by working online from home. visit their website
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Funny, I haven't seen a rocks bunny car for weeks, and I go on this site daily. It sounds like you just want to pitch a fit because this website won't cater to you. You're not offering valid criticism, you're really just spewing negativity for no good reason.
@mememe Paddy McGrath Noted and something I'll try and do in the future.
I think you might just need to look harder as there's still a lot of the sort of content coming through, although it might be difficult to catch unless you're on the site every day. It's difficult to try and new angles on stories but believe me when I say, we do try.
You have to remember though that Speedhunters isn't aimed at one particular type of car fan, so no matter what comes in the future, there's going to be stuff might like and stuff you probably won't. It's just the nature of what we do and it's not going to change.
earmenau Nfgwolf Yeah, I think there's pretty clear distinction between Rotiform and something like 885 Wheels
Paddy McGrath I love that no matter how may times you have to spew the same lines to negative wankers, you seem to keep calm (well in your type you do, i assume you're screaming at your screen)
yea, you do repeat some things, but that's just how business works sometimes.
keep it up man, smashing it.
my mum in-law recently purchased Chevrolet Express Cargo Van from only workin part time on a pc at home
Nfgwolf my mum in-law recently purchased Chevrolet Express Cargo Van from only workin part time on a pc at home
@Simon Higgs Paddy McGrath Appreciate that, Simon. Thank you.
Paddy McGrath Just to chip in with a thought on the repetitive posts: I feel that it is a bit due to presentation. The content is more diverse than it seems sometimes, but it becomes a bit bundled. After Gatebil, there's five mad-as-a-hatter Gatebil cars with insane engines, after WTAC there's four Time Attack monsters. Then there are three drift missiles and a few JDM stanced cruisers. Similar cars blend together, and cancels out each other in some way. I understand the need -for new material, but do these cars go old after a month, and are people going here for novelty? I usually go here for the quality of the photos and other material, and probably wouldn't mind having the material a bit more spread out.
Almost all of them
Only difference is who you know and who they got to joke their shit so the masses would do the same. It's how society works. You can sell a man anything all because someone they think is more established or credibility has them and says you must have them or you are not cool.
And now a word from some a-hole who thinks he's being clever..
i been waiting rotiform story a while now, finally here.. thank you, but i prefer brian and jason writing / telling their own story to us, just like any others in here.
This is the MHT headquarters then?
Nfgwolf lol.. it seems like you have a conspiracy theory brewing. They are a for profit business, and obviously there's an inherent incentive to push a brand, and establish an image in order to sell.. I actually would never buy a set myself, cause I would never build a show car.. but I think their wheels look great, and I'm not going to judge them cause a bunch of hype beiber look a likes rock their wheels.. Seem's like you have a personal issue with them..
Quick post from me to highlight what stars Rotiform are. Way back when I was working with (Sir) Keith Charvonia on the design of the Scion Tuner Challenge build we had a wheel manufacture duck out at a very late stage due to some internal business issues within that company.
Rotiform immediately stepped up to the plate and even better, they allowed us to create our own customised variants of the BLQ, all well within a month time-frame. We ended up with better wheels than we could have ever imagined and these played a part in winning the Scion Tuner Challenge that year.
the off-road trend is big with he hipster kids right now lol. notice how older land cruisers are selling for triple what they did 2 years ago...
I'd always hoped to have made it onto Speedhunters somehow, nice to see a photo of the Golf hanging on their walls! Those were the days, must have been 7 or so years ago!
Part time Jobs......>>>>>>.>>
my mother makes $88 hourly on the internet .......................
what Pauline said I am inspired that a stay at home mom can earn $8154 in one month on the internet . learn the facts here now
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ind-t will always be my #1
Nfgwolf id be mad too if i couldnt afford rotiforms either
as Frances responded I'm stunned that a mother able to get paid $9468 in 4 weeks on the computer ...............
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://tinyurl.com/fastincome79
They're not just for VAG products on bags...
Other Mustang guys hate them because they're not the same wheels they have on their car and they're elitist assholes for the most part. I got about a dozen glowing compliments on them at the Road Atlanta track day last weekend though.
It's human nature to see what confirms your beliefs and be blind to that that doesn't.........
TylerHorne Awesome wheels! Im saving for some Rotiorm SIXs for my 67 Mustang... Cant wait to hear from all the haters when i do get them.
Anyway Paddy, I think it's cool to hear about Rotiform. Their bespoke nature has always appealed to me, why don't others do It? Or maybe they do, it seems to me that in the UK we only have Image, and they don't seem to have changed their product line for a decade! I'm surprised they don't anodise. And I always thought that a forged wheel was a casting, I didn't realise they were machined - you live and learn!
One thing I'd love to find out about is how they know a design will be strong enough? Is it all calculated in the 3D model or do they have to smash a wheel apart? I imagine with all the different options they'd have to be able to test it digitally or they'd be smashing a lot of wheels up!
Keep the good work up
my dads buddy got BMW 1 Series Convertible only from working part-time off a macbook air
Paddy McGrath I'd like to see more rally coverage, but that's just me
@ihateyoutoo Paddy McGrath That can be arranged...
Bad_ideas_are_my_forte Paddy McGrath That's great feedback, thank you.
I used to be a big Rotiform hater as none of their designs were my taste. I have been liking them more and more over the past year or two though as they have a much wider design variety and even some of the more off the wall face designs appeal to me now, I just wish there was a way to try them out and see what they would look like on my pcar. I love my current set of CCW Classics but regularly look at what Rotiform has to offer in case I ever tire of them. Thanks for the article!
Paddy McGrath I'm curious about this as well. Do they have an in-house FEA guy, or do they work with a 3rd party engineer to do that?
Paddy McGrath No worries, I do like this site!
But if we are wishing for new types of material; Nordic Time Attack cars, the British and European hillclimbing scenes (yes, there has been some material but I can't get enough of those single seaters and mad ex-silhouette racers) and I would love to see the Speedhunters take on Formula Student.
TylerHorne It looks so different than any other mustang, crazy how wheels do that. Can't help thinking how it would look bagged
dare you
Nfgwolf I <3 fakes
I want blank face, concave. thx
I really enjoy reading the "Behind the Scenes" stories on other manufacturers.
Great to see the passion of other companies come alive through the products and branding they put out!
I really dont want to like this company. im not a huge fan of rocket bunny, and all the over fender movement, and it seems like rotiform wheels end up on nearly all of them. And even though i will not likely buy one their sets, looking at this i cant do nothing but appreciate the craftsmanship and the creativity going on here. Especially like the old school designs incorporated in some of the wheels like the M1. Cant hate on that. Good job guys.
@John It is, in Compton, CA.
bluestreaksti TylerHorne Not on your life. This is as low as it's ever going to be.
my dad' recently bought an awesome red Buick Encore SUV
by working at home online.................
I like rotiform
TylerHorne Love your mustang man. looks very nice
familycar Not just hipsters, frat boys and rednecks have been into offroad forever lol. Take it from me, Florida and the Deep South has no shortage of vehicles built to avoid asphalt.
Paddy McGrath I thnk you guys do a great job, there is so much diffrent content. Im on the site everyday, people that say shit about how here is all about rocket bunny or Gatebil,they are just assholes,there is enough diversity alright. And I dunno how could be too much stories about Gatebil,every car from there should be featured.
And then,there is stories from Japan. I dunno if I could ever visit Japan, so I really enjoy content from there. You give some suprises like cars from Riga,or Malesya.
The only thing I personaly think we could see more is car culture from central Europe.
Germany must have something else except Nurburging, like rallies or hill climbs.
Then there are little gems like Croatia(where Iam from) , cars like Supra,Rx7,Skyline, or Silvia even are very,very rare,so are the muscle cars,but that does not mean we dont have so interesting cars that you guys,and your readers would just stare and droll. Hill climb has some amazing cars here,so is drag racing, and drift,and style.....
And our neighbours in Slovenia has so much badass monsters, or Hungary( check out how crazy the are with Lada cars in rally.) Pay us a visit
@mememe Paddy McGrath world's smallest violin about to make a reappearance. What position do you hold that you are able to state what this blog used to be? Maybe you haven't been around long enough. It used to be exactly what it remains today - a place for like minded individuals to learn about cars and events that they would not otherwise be exposed to. The reach and resources that this blog had at its inception, and that it has expanded up to the present day, are what allow new content day in and day out - which is a damn near impossible thing in the automotive aftermarket world.
Which all begs the question - if you so loathe the content and context of what is published here, why do you purposely still visit? Why not one up what SH is, and create your own blog? Surely you have the ideas and know how and content to get such a minor undertaking off the ground?
On the topic of content, lets not forget, the industry, the "scene", whatever side you may be on, is driven by what the builders, individuals and customers alike, are doing. Once again, if negative camber and overfenders aren't your thing, do something different to YOUR car, and gain some exposure. If its awesome, people will notice, if you want that attention in the first place. What I find more tiring than overfenders are whiners - people with seeminly no other occupation or interest in their life other than criticism of what others choose to do. Let's not pretend the aftermarket 'scene' was somehow once this amazing utopia....it never was. It's larger now, so you see more of what you like, and by the law of averages, more of what you don't. But you also get to simply skip what you don't like, and digest more of what you do like. Novel concept, I know. Back in the day, when we ran to Tower Records to pick up the new issue of Turbo, we had no say over what was published - and that was one of the few sources of content out there. I couldn't care less about Civic Turbos or Grand Nationals then - wasn't my thing. But, it was someone else's thing, and what I had in common with them far outstretched what differences in subjective tastes we had.
It gets tiresome reading the comments sections of a lot of websites because of the negativity and outright offensive posts people write. One thing I really love about Speedhunters is that the comments sections are mostly filled with appreciation for the effort people have put into their vehicles. It is a real joy to visit this site each day to see the variety, the different styles, tastes and characters that make up the Speedhunters community.
Perhaps mememe could revisit the articles posted over the last couple of weeks with fresh eyes, it may change his outlook. Maybe not, but it just goes to show the differences in peoples tastes I guess.
Paddy McGrath's responses put a positive spin to even the most negative comment. That takes real talent and goes to show the love and joy the Speedhunters crew have for the job they do. Revtil9k is right, if there is not enough of what you like on Speedhunters, create the ride that expresses your tastes and get it featured, I'd really like to see the photos and read about the effort mememe put into his set of wheels.
my Aunty Kendall recently got a very cool Mercedes SL-Class Convertible by working parttime off of a pc..
C'mon everyone likes Grand Nationals right?
Damn that R8. Damn those wheels on the R8. Looks killer.
Love to see an article about real people behind the scenes. Good job.
The boys that used to sling parts on the B5 S4 forum in 2003 have done well (many of us)!
Just love my Rotiforms
I am dazzled that a single mom able to earn $5567
in 2 weeks on the computer .
I didn't know that people able to profit $8924
in 4 weeks on the internet .
Nah just would rather not have the same wheel as everyone and their mom just because it's the hot new thing people believe they need to have in order to be cool.
Kind of skipped over a portion I've always wondered about: FEA.
I'm a designer so I can whip up some wheels in Solidworks pretty easily, but I have no idea if they will be strong enough for road/track use. How do they test their wheels?
my Aunty Piper got a stunning red Subaru Outback by working part time from a computer.
Buick Man Definitely agree. Not usually my cuppa, but they pulled it all together in a way that feels kind of Group C, kind of speed record attempt, and so taut.
ADDvanced Every design made by every wheel company worth its salt passes FEA, its pretty much a given.
my mum got Audi A7
just by some parttime working online with a pc...
what Marjorie explained I'm amazed that anybody able to earn $6249 in 4 weeks on the computer. http://www.net.pro70.Com
That photo of the Porsche in black & white is just awesome, love it
Roti is popular among the people who like to brag about how much money they have.
The traditional wheel makers, especially the ones involved in motorsports are still the best..
When was the last time you saw OZ, BBS or Enkei posting some leet stance on their Instagram?
Exactly, those companies aren't based on social media appearance..
as Ricky replied I'm shocked that anybody able to earn $8122 in 4 weeks on the internet .
Bash?..... I think you left your 98 cavalier running outside...
This is just incredible. I was on the fence about brands, but now I know the (next custom set) I will be buying. The whole hand tooled thing is what does it for me, as a fabricator, I really appreciate the hard-work of hand-work.
Love this story, thanks.
@abezzegh87 I mean really.... go to a simple Japanese car show with "cheep" Toyotas/Hondas/Nissans and tell me how many OZ's and BBS' you see "hellaflush"... every corner bubba....every.... dang.... corner....
Peteomagic i just bought. The mat black . but I can see at the back they from China 》 you have the same ?
Peteomagic No my wheels are ordered home from USA to Denmark