Nine months ago I was asked if I wanted to come onboard with a brand new TV show production in Norway. Panser – the Norwegian translation of car hood – airs on MAX (part of the Discovery Network), and the first season of 10 episodes covers car culture in Europe, Asia and in the US.
This was the first time a car show of this magnitude was produced out of Norway, and to top it all off the producers asked a guy with very little television experience and zero journalistic baggage – yours truly – to host the show alongside two seasoned automotive journalists.

What were they thinking?

Well, looking at it now,I know I can credit this opportunity to my history with Speedhunters and the engagement I’ve had with all of you guys. This wouldn’t have happened without the help of the photographers, editors, readers, critics and drift fans. Thanks for your support – you’ve all helped create some incredible memories.

Being a part of the ever-growing machine that is Speedhunters over the past five years has, apparently, given me enough car culture credibility to make some big bosses look my way.

The real task on my end was to combine the TV shoots with an increasingly hectic competition schedule. This year, we’ve debuted the rebuilt Scion tC at Formula Drift, we’ve reworked 86-X for Europe, we’ve won FD Thailand and on top of all this Panser premiered in March.

So far, juggling all of these different projects is working out alright – but I’ve been lucky.

Thanks to being a part of Formula Drift for a couple of years now I’ve had some camera training, and after competing all over the world I’ve been fortunate enough to have met a bunch of you guys in real life. I really feel like I have friends across the world, and we tapped into this network many, many times during Season 1 shooting.

Maybe it does make sense to use a drifter as a TV host after all?

I do have a decent understanding of the various car cultures of the world, and having friends all around the globe definitely helps the creative process and logistical challenges of creating a car-related TV show.
A different world
I just think it’s funny how it works. One year you’re driving your POS $500 (or 3000 Norwegian Kroner) Volvo 340 and pushing vacuum cleaners to get by, and the next you’re hosting a national TV show.

And then you find yourself driving above the clouds atop a 14,000-foot tall volcano in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

You drive Lexus LFAs to your lunch date…

And you even get to snap a quick selfie on the grid of the NISMO Festival at Fuji Speedway – all for TV.

But most of the time, you’re waiting around and doing all the behind the scenes preparations.

Traditional TV is tedious work. Getting the equipment brought out and set up; looking for the right light and going through multiple takes – it all adds up.

Hours and hours of footage get narrowed down to mere minutes and seconds of TV time.

So, fellow Speedhunters, if you could decide, what would be your ultimate dream-come-true TV show? Which cars, events, people and car cultures would be featured? Feel free to comment below – I’d love to hear your ideas!
Fredric Aasbø
Instagram: fredricaasbo
Photos: Larry Chen, Matthew Jones, Rod Chong, Taryn Croucher, Fredric Aasbø
This is the show that will teach me Norwegian.
Enjoy all thats coming to you Fred, you have earned it.
I think with the outrageous talent of builders (motorcycle and cars) coming out of Sweden and Norway that a junkyard, buy it, build it, race it series might be interesting. There are so many youngsters migrating to the internet because we are looking for entertaining technical information now rather that thinly veiled marketing. More practical information to bring more young people into the fold of motorsport.
If only Panser would be aired internationally, that would be awesome!
I would love to see TV coverage of most exciting drift event in the world - the Karpacz touge competition in Poland.
After beeing deemed as too dangerous, it's finally back for this year. It's closest thing to Group B rallying in terms of excitment in the modern age.
A professional driver thrashing all manner of tuner cars.
Like Hot Version, but with all kinds of cars, and a variety of competitions instead of only doing sprint races/hot laps.
I'm a huge fan
my favorite drifterr can't wait fir atl this weekend
Heyy first I wanna say I'm a huge fan
and I can't wait for Atlanta!!!
wish there were ride alongs in FD !! :/ but I really hope I get to meet you
that would be amazeee!! Your such a humble guy an that what will get u far and is why I'm one of your biggest fans keep killin it!¡! ((;
Heyyy. I love youre show Panser at Max. I would love to see Mini Cooper GP gen 1 and Mini Cooper GP gen 2 compete on Rudskogen (Aasbø in gen1 ) That would be awsome... (Y)
Farewell Fred! Enjoy your time presenting such a rad show!
There is no car-related TV show better than DRIVE and Motortrend channel at Youtube. Chris Harris and Carlos Lago are the bomb. Both of them are outstanding reviewers and excellent drivers.
Perfect TV show? One where a super legit dude does loads of massively awesome stuff that he totally fucking loves and gets a film-crew to follow him doing it....

oh, wait...
What can I say... I want to be a Top Gear host but I feel my level of wit would need work. Test driving cars, doing challenges, traveling to far off countries for epic road trips.... yep that would work for me.

Realistically I'd love to just be the one taking the pictures however
Well that's a good question? How big is the budget?
The ultimate-dream-come-true car show? Now that would have to be something that is both entertaining, cool, educational, and makes me feel "part of the action." I think it's important for viewers of any show to be able to relate to the show's host.
If I would want to watch my ultimate car-show, It would have to have challenges where the host compete with each other and also regular people from all walks of life. It would have to be educational, teaching its viewers the grassroots of different forms of automotive racing. It should also teach people how to take care of their cars through basic maintenance and have a dedicated project car that every once in a while the show's hosts work on.
It should be a mix of these things IMO. Where everybody gets a little piece of the cake that they prefer.
Being a nerd, I'd make a show like Best Motoring where every aspect of performance is tested. I'd also up the ante by having a wind tunnel on it.
First, good luck Aasbo and don't forget that you should in the action, not near the action.
Secondly, to respond to the question on hand, lets see..... I would love a tv show with people doing really cool projects, with funny stuff like drifting a lot of people without them knowing (like VIP's), I would like every episode to present a different track/circuit in the world (let's face it, they are many). Also, it would be cool to see VIP's personal cars and to put them to drive something new for all guests. Like big trucks to the ladies and small pink cars to man's.
There can't be THE ultimate car show, as everyone likes different stuff. I could watch a show that follows car builds in-depth down to type of solder and welding gas. Others get bored fast by all that stuff and like car related shenigans á la Top Gear.
For me, /Drive does the best stuff atm. And I feel they do the most objective tests. Best Motoring was incredibly biased towards JDM cars, all German shows I know are towards German brands, Top Gear is not bad but doesn't dare mocking the big brands either if a car is a failure.
Acc I haven't been able to watch too much of /Drive's stuff, which is a shame as I hear a lot of good things about them. Thanks for the tip!
JuliusBerith Awesome, IMO you touch on a lot of things I like and agree with. This idea is actually pretty close to the Panser concept; a little bit of everything. But the risk is being to shallow, right?
RBJKT Love you too!
@Tonny B Thanks! And noted!
hollydRiFtGIrL Thanks Holly! See you in ATL. And btw I'm not always humble!
@Christian What date is this years event?
Zulhaikal Mahdan I've definitely had my share of luck as well, but thank you!
@Zephyr LOL!
Thank you for your reply. I think the risk is always going to be there when making a new car show. The idea is to not try to copy other shows like Top Gear and car building shows (with those annoying sponsor plug-ins).
The challenge of finding a perfect balance between fixing old cars, taking road trips, carshow coverage, racing, and car-oriented challenges would be the ideal thing IMO. Another important point is to not sell-out.
Do your own thing, the thing that makes you who you are. Teach kids how to drift, how to shoot cars, and tell great stories with moving pictures. Find your niche and make the show accessible to people all over the world via the use of the Internet.
Oh, and one more important thing. Make sure you guys use subtitles.
Top Gear UK is the dream come true car show... when they aren't interviewing people. Their "Christmas" specials are the absolute best but most of their challenges are great, because they buy cheap junkers that pretty much all of us can relate to and thrash them about... which again, most of us can relate to.
So if you could combine that, but rather than feature exotics, feature drift cars, drag cars, tuned street cars etc. that would be pretty amazing.
Drift school where you teach away everything from burn outs to how to drift
That would be really awesome and interesting!
ultimate dream come true tv show??? everything related to what speedhunters already do. and probably also shoot for speedhunters someday maybe haha
How to drift featuring many of the formula d drivers, also behind the scenes of formula drift with all the drivers and the event plus after parties etc
Interesting question (Ultimate Car Show). Personally I love JDM cars and Drifting, but have recently found myself completely and hopelessly hooked on the antics at Gas Monkey Garage on the show "Fast n Loud".
I think this implies that irrespective of my love for a certain car subculture, ultimately it's the personalities, daring and impressive talent behind the wheel and behind the spanners that hooks viewers and makes people interested. A splash of comedy, from the likes of Jensen Argyll and Danger Andy doesn't hurt either. Those guys crack me up.
I think you may have answered your own question without realizing it though. The ultimate car show would probably be a TV version of what Speedhunters brings, i.e. a glimpse into the goings on around the planet that prior to speedhunters, most car lovers spent their lives tragically unaware of.
The perfect show would be something that truly represents modern and emerging motorsport trends and todays vibrant car subcultures and makes the mass consciousness sit up and say "Wow, how come we never knew about all this awesomeness?". Most people think being interested in "cars" is just watching Top Gear and Formula One and the ultimate "automotive aspiration" is driving an Audi or a BMW to their office job.
When car shows become successful, they are forced to stick to a format that they perceive is a winning formula, measured in terms of its viewing numbers and subsequently shuts out the very thing they exist to represent - cars, people and motorsports. I don't wanna see the latest cars from the manufacturers that I can't afford. Neither do I care who wins formula one in a fast but silent electric car. I wanna see what people and motorsport companies alike are doing with existing metal and retro models. I want to see what the tuning industry has to offer, and what I can aspire to build, own or achieve.
I love the videos that Ryan Tuerck and Chris Forsberg have put out on Network A, and love seeing the stuff from Mad Mike and co in NZ. I find them inspirational and they kind of give me hope in a world of mediocrity, globalisation and supposed economic recession. Forsberg really nailed it for me recently with the video of himself driving to work in the blue 370Z and day dreaming of drifting in a gold, RB powered 240Z. That pretty much sums up my drive to work each day, albeit in a grey 350Z.
How you take all these ingredients and roll them into a coherent, consistently enjoyable format is anyones guess, but a Speedhunters style TV Show is the starting point. Then it's builds, paint, tech talk and tyre smoke. I think the agenda should be Integrity - i.e. to just represent whats really going on and to open peoples eyes to it, and just take a leap of faith regarding the ratings, i.e. don't make a show that tries too hard to make people like it. Take the afore mentioned Fast n Loud. Many people may think Richard Rawlings is a tool and Aaron Kaufman should shave off that damn beard, but it's not about that - it's about the talent, the risk and the reward. And no matter who you are, whilst the individuals may not always float your boat, the talent cannot be denied,
FredricAasbo Acc If you're limit on time stick to the bits with Chris Harris (and ignore After Drive)
Best thing around at the moment is Roadkill. Look it up on youtube.
I like the idea of Shutup and Drive. It should go worldwide. I know it's stupid expensive.
I have to look panser a bit, i didn't know it. But if I could choose or do a dream TV car Job, it would be a mix of Top Gear and Best Motoring Japan. I personally love best motoring a lot, but the english men are very charming and entertaining. I think a mix of these two series would be great. For every Kind of audience and Age. Because you'd have anthing: Car Culture of every planet, racing, fun, challenges, and so on
and besides.. imagine Keichi Tsuchiya and the Stig battling around Tsukuba.. Million Dollar Show Baby!!!
NigeH No doubt!
a good show that provides laughs while also giving information, wait, isn't that UK Top Gear? But maybe add Speedhunters coverage
Amen!! I just watched some Fast n Loud and I see what you're saying: They're compelling characters and the premises feel real. You can't beat that.
benracer999 ...all you got to do is follow DRIVE channel and Motortrend channel at Youtube. DRIVE has one show called TUNED with Matt Farrah that covers a significant portion of what you like at Speedhunters. They literally got anything a car enthusiast would like to see. These old blokes from Top Gear have lost their edge. I am still a fan, but blowing up caravans and their racist jokes are not my thing.
Are u deleting comments for no reason again?
was the shot towards the end on the volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii?
Drift shows or a drifting channel would be great
This looks like Top Gear.
Tanner drove for Papadakis
You are driving for Papadakis
He drove a TC
You drive a TC
He got offered a gig at Top Gear
You got offered a gig at Panser
Tanner left Formula Drift
You..... http://i.imgur.com/c8YTy.png
LouisYio lol, you win at life.
I've not been noticed of any deleted comments - but if it has happened it was probably for a reason. Please try again
Yup! I was there in October and in March. Fascinating place!
I have a lot left to accomplish in FD!
Panser er konge! men hadde vert tøft om du reiste rundt i garasjen til folk som holdt på med forskjellig bil prosjekt eller som har feite bila, eller noe sånt.
NigeH plus one!
I only have one metric for a good car show. If they shill for manufacturers, it's a failure. If they objectively review, race, tune, destroy, thrash cars (the way enthusiasts do) then it's a success. Someday, everyone will realize that content matters.
FredricAasbo See if you can find the "Ferrari Fix" episodes and watch them sweat as they struggle to rebuild a totalled F40 in budget. Frickin' awesome. S03E01 and S03E02.
Just bring back Street Fury.
dean freeman I wouldn't say that there isn't enough coverage to dedicate a whole channel to drifting, but definitely a show. I get bored of all these shows in the US that are "car shows" and they seem so staged and lame! Just doesn't seem like there is good automotive enthusiast content in them and a show in the US with something more than building another muscle, truck or classic would be great.
Something that has a broad spectrum across all regions and more coverage of all these other amazing races and iconic festivals that I would have never known about if I never found speedhunters. I mean there are multiple possibilities for shows right there!
BTW THANK YOU Speedhunters for introducing me to so much amazing automotive content
Fredric quick question. Where did you take that picture atop the volcano at 14,000 feet. the view is amazing!
FredricAasbo Awesome!! I was there from August - December for school. I dreamed of ripping up that mountain road in something fun. Did you manage to drift it?
Project 350ZTT It's on the top of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii, amazing indeed
cyberfella tl;dr
clevernamehere cyberfellaTry. For Mommy.
I really love the concept of American Touge (also the japanese version) where ordinary people let their cars get driven properly by the drift king himself, Keiichi Tsuchiya. I'm sure you have seen the show! Imagine yourself in that same situation, only in Norway (Rudskogen). I think that could be a nice addition to Panser
I enjoy reading Speedhunters for things like shop visits, feature cars, driver/tuner biographies, etc.
So, just imagine most of this in moving video instead of static pictures (which, by the way, SH has some of the best!)
Event coverage (races, car shows) are always nice, too...but watching different cars going down the same corner over & over can get a little boring. Maybe just highlights.
Congrats on the new gig...keep up the good work!!! ^ - ^
I hope Tuerk'd on Network A on YouTube can be a weekly t.v. broadcast
It's actually scheduled 3 times this year.
First is the Polish Championship: 5. - 6. May.
Second is Driftmaster Grand Prix: 12. - 14. September
Third is the King of Touge Event: 27. - 28. September
But only the Driftmaster GP will use the same track as in previous years,
the other 2 Championships will use a safer track nearby.
It's actually scheduled 3 times this year.
First is the Polish Championship: 5. - 6. May.
Second is Driftmaster Grand Prix: 12. - 14. September
Third is the King of Touge Event: 27. - 28. September
But only the Driftmaster GP will use the same track as in previous years,
the other 2 Championships will use a safer track nearby.
Sorry, my mistake. The Polish round will be not in May, it'll be 5. - 6. July.
i want your life lol
Heh heh heh.
@Roadstah Thank you! And we're thinking along the same lines... When I first became a part of Panser I looked at it as a different deal, but I quickly realized that it is in fact Speedhunting - for TV.
Project 350ZTT Yep, Mauna Kea is right. The rental felt sooooo sluggish up there...
@Brandon Anthony Those were the days, huh! Was there even cars in that show?
@Haakon Notert!
lachapsnl8 FredricAasbo Make your guess!
greenroadster Being in the action and not near the action... Totally agree!
JuliusBerith FredricAasbo Thank you, this is great input. Panser season 1 was for Norwegian TV only, but a lot of it is in English already as we're travelling the world. I'm excited to see what the future holds and I'd definitely vouch to make the show available worldwide.
Lachys114 Thank you!
Shop visits are always awesome, and a real opinion on cars from your opinion as opposed to that of a normal journalist that way people can relate to your words a little more.. even if it's a 400,000$ LFA..
milkplus NigeH so true
Latin America!
Take a trip down Mexico way, check out some of the bad arsed rugged street machines there. Drags in Puerto Rico. Etc...
Bezebu Totally agree with you there. I love seeing how every shop is unique in their own special way. And ya real opinions not that journalist crap is way better
lain_burgers or what about "The Hoonigans", like Nitro Circus but for drifting :):)
FredricAasbo Project 350ZTTWow i gotta go there. I'm sure how you guys drive the cars that damn rental was gagging for air the whole way at 14,000 feet. lol
Maybe checking out the car scenes in less popular countries like the those in the Caribbean or East Indian countries...
Acc FredricAasbo I used to just watch Chris's stuff too but worked my way through Big Muscle and really love it too. Just so genuine, capture the realness
Check out 1320 video too, love how he seems to always be on the scene somewhere and is asking drivers / builders "what is that, what boost, any problems" etc. Stuff we'd probably like to ask given the chance
A show where u pick random people with cool cars And u have 3 pro-drivers and they train them to drift for 1 week
And they all use the same car and engine and then u let them compete and see which rookie turns out the best. And which trainer is the "best" and they have differnt courses people and objectives every round and new drift cars and then grand prizes for the winner. It wound be the best and u could easily get sponsors. "Chris forsnberg, Vaughn gittin jr, fredrica cassbo" and they do it it would be epic and be funny and cool. Make u more popular also.