Last week, Speedhunters’ own Mad Mike Whiddett brought us a totally unique perspective of the recent Yokohama World Time Attack Challenge via GoPro Hero3+ cameras that were strapped to his forehead and suction-cupped on the top of his helmet. But what the automatically-generated images didn’t reveal was another little media project he was working on over the weekend with help from local New Zealand drift filmmaker Max Fouhy. With some nice camera work and a solid edit, watching the resulting clip is a good way to spend six minutes and 47 seconds of your day. Of course, like any decent video production featuring Mike’s screaming four-rotor MADBUL RX-7, it’s best served loud.
Brad Lord
More 2013 World Time Attack Challenge stories on Speedhunters
there is no sound....!!
@steve new to you tube?
Awesome video. Truely entertaining 6 minutes. Please make more videos like this!! Always a pleasure listening to them rotors doing what they do best. My 7 wishes it sounded like yours. May the force be with you and keep winning!
that car is bonkers. and he has a great personality. the two fit well together.
got to admit his personality is awesome......... and it screams to the fans
YEAHH THIS IS AWESOME...that RX-/ FD3CS 4 rotor Wow!
Nice work Max!
Great car and a great guy. Madbul is a simply awesome!
Great car and a great guy. Madbul is a simply awesome!
@steve You should have sound dude as we have lots of raw rotary screaming in there too!
@steve You should have sound dude as we have lots of raw rotary screaming in there too!
Mike lost alot of fans in australia at this event, its a shame he hasn't addressed the concerns,
He did not deserve that podium spot ... And Mike should know this if he is a true sportsman
JackKrajcinger Does it really matter how many fans he lost in Australia? he still has a mad huge fan base and you know hes a good driver (being a ex-fan and all) so why even sweat him about one podium?
whats the name of the second song .. broken mirrors?