Happy 8-6 Day everyone!
As promised, it’s time to showcase the cars of the global Speedhunters 86 brotherhood (and sisterhood) with a special edition of the weekly reader ride shoutout.
It so happens that right as we reached the cut off point for submissions we stood at 86 cars, and that seemed like a fitting place to stop.
Now lets go ahead and get going with the global 86 roll call!
Danny Mosto from California, USA
Kotaro Yamakawa from Kumamoto, Japan
Carlos Otero from Caguas, Puerto Rico
Ed Nueva from California, USA
Chris Gray from Ireland
Jonas Velasco from Texas, USA
Anthony Millondano from California, USA
Fuji from Sydney, Australia
Colin Chambers from California, USA
Aaron Rue and Mark Mito from Texas, USA
Erik Hernandez from California, USA
DJ from Dubai, UAE
Waldo Lee from Minnesota, USA
Jim Yang from Minnesota, USA
Gregory A. King from New Mexico, USA
Steve Enomoto from California, USA
Reuben Celemin from Alberta, Canada
Chris Lee from Texas, USA
Cedu Ocson from California, USA
Tony from the UK
Michael Yee from California, USA
Ewan Johnston from Scotland
Ish Parken from Georgia, USA
Kenjo Raif from California, USA
Marcin Miezwa from Poland
YaitaAutoWorks from Ibaraki, Japan
Jon Burnstad from Alberta, Canada
Tedd Talty from Texas, USA
Navin Pillai from Ontario, Canada
Luis Alberto Castro from Peru
Alan from Canada
Riley Janowicz from North Carolina, USA
Isai Torres from New York, USA
Ciaran Hennessy from Ireland
Spencer from Alberta, Canada
Adam Chong from BC, Canada
Marty H from Georgia, USA
Mohd Faizul Sulaiman from Saudi Arabia
Andrew from Melbourne, Australia
Kirk Dunlap from Colorado, USA
Alfredo from California, USA
David “Firecracker” Sanchez from Costa Rica
Andrew Cooper from Christchurch, New Zealand
Ryan Mendoza from California, USA
Osiris de Jesus Santana C from the Dominican Republic
Ferdinand Lagerwey from New Zealand
Sam McLean from Alberta, Canada
Nate Shewchuk, from Washington, USA
GUCCYO from Ibaraki, Japan
Patrick from California, USA
William Adlam from New Zealand
Justin from Washington, USA
Ryan Suter from Sydney Australia
Nestor Mendoza from Texas, USA
Steve Groenink from Alberta, Canada
Joey Sim from Washington, USA
Dwayne Bentley from New Zealand
Chaydon Ford from the UK
Geovanni Virella from Wisconsin, USA
Pao Agregado from Manila, Philippines
Mark from Illinois, USA
Peck from Texas, USA
“Shelby SS” from Brunei
Luis Malave from New Jersey, USA
Dean Zen from Indonesia
André Pardal from Portugal
Ben from Virginia, USA
Amir from Malaysia
Philip from Brisbane, Australia
Tim from New Zealand
Joel Paterson from New Zealand
John Mitropoulos from Greece
Chris Wright from Pennsylvania, USA
Paul Farren from Dublin Ireland
Stepanova Nekeel from Washington, USA
Pedro Carvalho from Portugal
Raph Couture from Quebec, Canada
Armando Cumplido from Texas, USA
Martin Longpre from Quebec, Canada
Nazri from Brunei
Allan Anderson from Utah, USA
João Ferreira from Portugal
Matthew Zebracki from Colorado, USA
Mudzaffar from Malaysia
Kevin Lee and Stanley Liu from Canada
Ryota Sakaguchi from Hokkaido, Japan
If for some reason you don’t see your car here it wasn’t at all because we didn’t like it, it was just a matter that you missed our submission deadline.
A massive thanks to everyone who participated this year. Until 2013!
I think Mr. Kirk Dunlap wins this one.
I think Mr. Kirk Dunlap wins this one.
I think Mr. Kirk Dunlap wins this one.
I think Mr. Kirk Dunlap wins this one.
I think Mr. Kirk Dunlap wins this one.
I think Mr. Kirk Dunlap wins this one.
Lookin good Riley Janowicz!
Ryota Sakaguchi from Hokkaido, Japan wins in my book.
Ibarrrrrrrraki !!!! Big ups to Joel Paterson, New Zealand, love it! Aw hell, I love em all!
Just gotta say that , that gold coupe is spew worthy but the rest are sick! Heaps of clean 86's from nz good to see.
I see you Dean Zen and Chaydon Ford! -fresh_empire
At the end of the post, Joel Paterson of New Zealand AE86 sticks in my head. Anyway, saw a few Dmac86-like body kit on some. What make/model body kit is that? TRD?
this all day long!! complete hotness. http://www.speedhunters.com/2012/08/86-shoutout/attachment/8626/
spencer from alberta canada, my hat's off to you.
Im glad to see that some of the sickest 8-6's are from TEXAS <3
I missed the deadline :-(........................
I need one in my life.
Spencer from Alberta, Canada .loving this
Loving the way the only one pouring smoke off the back wheels was from the UK!!
The key to an 86 is really clean or really dirty
More pics of Spencer's AE86 for those interested:
thank you sir
thank you sir
i'm surprised that so many are from texas period. i've lived here all my life and i've probably seen 2. looking in the wrong places i guess.
Ok guys theres a need to step up your wheel game, JP still has got the "look" of a proper 86 down.
Paint it!
I think Erik Hernandez has Mike Garrets old AE. Glad to see so many Canadian AE's in here too.
Now were there REALLY exactly 86 of them Mr Garrett?
Anyway who cares, i digged all of 'em. Tried to pick a favourite but gave up.
Hahah, ya I'm so glad to see her featured here..
@Skidson lol. to bad it was cloudy on the from the other view. the gold is a base, its actually rainbow sparkled. So im sure its worse in your opinion.
Geovanni Virella from Wisconsin, USA and Ryota Sakaguchi from Hokkaido, Japan!
@rifieenih yeay! ( ´ з`)/
My cover has been blown lol.
Damn some sick 86's!
loving that last picture!
I think Ryota Sakaguchi (last pic) was the best then Steve Groenink from Alberta, Canada.
Another quality Australian example:http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/2858_78377668864_8180540_n.jpg
So. Freakin'. SICK.
Cheers for Dean Zen! fantastic it was featured here!