Sunday at D1 Odaiba has usually meant a clash of the All Stars, as the Japanese drivers saw it off against foreign drivers that have typically been invited to participate to D1's biggest spectacle. But with the Formula Drift guys busy competing in the Florida round, it was decided to run a complete separate round, meaning spectators really got their money's worth!

The day opened up with the second qualifying session where we were all able to see some of the unseeded drivers go full out. Iwai's Team Action with H.D.O. KP61 Starlet may be the smallest car at D1, and probably the most underpowered with "only" 320 HP, but it sure manages to put on a show. Vintage drift cars are full of win no matter what!

Ueno wasn't having the best of weekends and this impact with the barriers looked far worse than it actually was. He managed to finish up in 8th place giving him a chance to battle it out in the tsuiso later on in the afternoon.

Sceriffo was right behind Ueno in 9th position and ready to prove himself in front of his Japanese fans, not to mention the ones from back home in Italy who were keeping updated on his performance.

Fukuda's JZX100 looks like a time attack machine with that massive rear spoiler!

Muryama's S14 was a little mangled up after an unexpected impact earlier on in the weekend but he managed to make the Top 12 cut, ending up in 10th spot.

Takayama was on fire on Sunday and his FD3S was performing flawlessly, allowing him to qualify 6th.

Top qualifier for the day was Kawabata, with a top score of 99.43. He was awarded a prize for his performance and rolled out to receive it in the peculiar NATS batmobile!

With the qualifying over I headed back to the pits where I spotted Ueno parking up his very cool looking T&E Toyota Hiace van…

…next to the Vertex cars. That's Hasegawa's S14 parked next to the E92.

This could very well be the most colorful car in D1, Kawakami's NK-Streetjam S14 painted with very catchy Maziora colors.

The Team Orange line up headed up with Sagisaka's 2JZ-powered Altezza. These guys have been to hell and back since the earthquake and tsunami hit the Tohoku region of Japan, yet they are always super friendly and up for some drifting. The best thing anyone could do to help them out is to head up to Ebisu Circuit and do some drifting!

Nothing screams more JDM vintage goodness than this Hakosuka on display at the Dunlop/URAS stand.

Vinyl wraps are getting more and more popular in Japan, from the impressively realistic looking 3M carbon…

…to the more in your face itashas from Art Factory and RE-Amemiya.

The yellow FD in the background is up for sale if you fancy getting yourself noticed around town!

I have to say I quite liked these new GT500 grip RC cars from Yokomo. There are three bodies currently available and I secretly already picture the one I would build, a street looking version of that Motul GT-R…maybe in Bayside Blue. Must resist…another potential addiction!!

It took Toyota long enough to develop and finally sale the Lexus LF-A, but boy does it look beautiful just sitting there!

A superb and functional design that looks outstanding from every angle! I've got some cool sideways shots of it, so don't miss Part 2!

Having already seen the Team Orange and C.J.D. show the day before I decided to stay in the pits and check out the action from behind the scenes. Here are the dancers posing for a picture before…

…jumping in the cars and heading out to the track.
I'll be wrapping up the D1 Tokyo Drift coverage in the next post so make sure you take a look at how the Round 2 battles unfolded.
-Dino Dalle Carbonare
That black R32 looks sinester!
I wish I could afford a LFA.
Damn.. those broads need a hamburger..
love your coverage dino!!!!
NK-Streetjam S14's Headlights are a new idea! i like that!
Thanks for the itasha pics!
How much for that FD... seriously.
feature on the first s13?
the chicks looked hot from a distance... and then came the close-up...
At least that Kinnikuman/MUSCLE livery is a change of pace over moe liveries!
Hmm. Is it just me or has the Japanese Drift scene lost it's sheen? It seems like you can go back 5-6 years and see the same cars, the same stunts, to the point that it's almost become a tribute to it's former glory. I know Japan has other things to concern itself with, like food, water and radiation, but seriously it's about time to hit refresh on this whole thing.
Wow this coverage is awesome! so many fresh new ideas coming from Japan as always. hehe i am liking the look of those GT bodies from yokomo also!
can't wait to see a fully modified version of the LFA.. someone will do it!
Strangely, I REALLY like that Itasha FD on the foreground. God, I want it!