Social>>share Your Meets With The World!

As we showcase meets this month, we would love to get out and shoot all of the different car meets happening around the planet. Unfortunately it's just not possible and that's why we are asking for your help.

Do you want to share your local scene with the Speedhunters audience? If so, send some photos and a description of the meet to SpeedhuntersMike (at) .

Whether these are open meets or specific brand gatherings, we want to see it! Please make sure to include the location of the meet so you can represent your area!

Looking forward to your submissions!

-Mike Garrett



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Just sent an email.


cool idea.. i'm on it!


TooSlow is hosting it's 4th Official Car Meet on Thursday night in Union Landing, Union City! (3/10/11) Spread the word about our meets and crew! Be apart of the future car scene!


A quick shout out too Tapioca Express in San Jose for inviting us to hold our 3rd Official TooSlow meet! Thanks again Vicki! We will definitely come again! Thank yo...u everyone who came out and helped spread the word. There was a huge crowd! It was awesome to see all the San Jose car guys and local car crews come out and support TooSlow! What an awesome turn out!


TooSlow Thursday night meet INFO:

Who: All JDM/EDM cars

When: 3/10/11 Thursday Night 9 p.m.

Where: Union Landing, Union City, Ca (Sports Authority parking lot)

Why: This won't be like any other car meet you've ever been too. We care about the cars as much as we care about the people. TooSlow will slowly become a family that always welcomes new members. We do no exclude anyone for any reason. We are here to have fun. We are continuing the legend of TooSlow to see the dopest cars in the Bay Area / meet others.

Don't miss out on the cleanest car crew in the Bay Area, TooSlow! Our meets consistently hold at least 150 cars. Bring your family, friends, car crews, and cars out to our amazing car meets! We're going to have an amazing turn out again!

If you have never been to one of our meets, please introduce yourself. DO NOT BE SHY! WE ARE ALL NICE! Please feel free to ask any questions to the TooSlow car crew members.

Please support our crew by buying Stickers/ Tee-shirts!

Let's get as many dumped, hella flush, wrong fitted, dope cars out! Let's have a good turn out. Hit up all you're friends and spread the word about the TooSlow Thursday night car meet.



(Alan Ngo, Events Listings)

(Shane DeCambra, CEO / Founder)

1st 100 people to RSVP gets a FREE high five!!!!!!!!


WIII!! ya era hora


Arr I remember that meet posted! Good times!


Yes! JDMYard repping australia :P


Anyone going to Miatas at the Gap? Would be some great scenery and cars to photograph.


A meet sent all the way from Indonesia :D


will be sending some over after this weekend!


Email Sent. Great Idea!


Gonna send a mail later to you then ;)


haha, he said share your meats. oh oh, meets, ok nvm =P


is anyone interested in some Estonian grassroots ice-track racing?


Would if Cincinnati wasn't so f'n lame regarding the motorsports scene... Lucky Cali' bastards...


Things don't get started here until *next* month, and my own club is having an event in May, but I'll see what I can find for March.


Just sent a mail from our 2010 Meeting.

Greetings from Hungary


cool! i'll send a couple over soon


Sent! Greetings from TeamFD Philippines!


in june, MIVE which is the Michigan Volkswagen Enthusiasts, has Motorstadt. This year will be the 8th year running. Last year had a pretty good turnout, so im sure this year will be just as good, if not better.

If your interested, heres a link for the thread on it which will be updated with information as the months progress.

and heres a quick video of last year.

if you have any questions, you can email me, or hop on MIVE and ask away. It would be really cool to get some coverage of the Michigan scene. There is always a lot of car meets happening all year, with a wide range of cars


We will be sending pictures of the first Club Aristo owners meet of the year soon from the renowned Ace Cafe from last night once they're done!


maybe if you guys come to ours and tell us about your meet, well come to yours