I was pretty surprised seeing this picture because it isn't from the US but it came from Japan. It looks like such a good platform and I'm sure the prices are dropping seeing as it was made until 2004. I think this car was shot for the Japanese VIP CAR magazine. So what do you think about the fact the Japanese tuners are broadening their horizons and looking for other platforms outside the JDM market?
-Jeroen Willemsen
I think it's about time. Would be interesting to see the first Magnum done VIP in Japan
that's so clean, wouldn't think of a cadillac being done up so nice
i love this. i have one that im in the process of doing that to, im glad i can see the finished product
One piece of awesomeness ...
I'm pretty sure that's actually a photoshop.
very nice. comfort, style, room, and v8 power, what more could you want
When do we see a VIP-ed out Bristol Blenheim 3?
I don't know what else I could want...V8 power with rear wheel drive???
Never thought a Caddy Seville could look so good....
shieldsyo, Sevilles are FWD.
Looks shopped. Need more pics to determine
Yeah, its not a N shit you see on the streets here in states... always liked cadillacs ...
that's so clean, wouldn't think of a cadillac being done up so nice
has the rood been chopped? looks bad ass
I wish Cadillac never started making FWD cars. They looked so damn clean but bigger bodied cars, ESPECIALLY V8 ones, should NEVER be FWD.
Best looking seville I've ever seen. It's brilliant! Desktop?

Too bad it's FWD
it has pretty big potiential.
Wow, you could stick a Toyota badge on that and it wouldn't look out of place!
Would be interesting to see as a change,that car looks similar to a jzx90 cresta!!
Yes, it would be interesting... japanese VIP builders 'll do some bimmerz, & we'll see the meet of german style & VIP...
Oh, I know...Never said it, but that thing does look pretty ill. I was trying to say I'd dig it more if it WERE RWD.
KKJUN- everything is photoshopped nowadays hha.
even IF (emphasis the word if) it is still doable
a shame it's fwd
The body kit is one of a couple japanese produced bodykits. Junction Produce makes one of them.
Wow! 2004 hey? That looks so old, American cars suck. Except the Corvette
Too be honest, that's really not that uncommon here in Japan. With a plethora of "discarded" American iron you often come across things like this. BTW, there is a 90s GMC phantom dually around the corner.
It's FWD. Looks really nice.
Two minor problems, Automatic and FWD. Looks good though.
USDM cars JDM style... hmm... not bad
I always loved Caddy's and this one is amazing!!
It's not a shop. That's the Mode Perfume Cadillac. Final Konnexion also makes a kit..
wow! I have one of these, never thought to customize it, but that car is hot hot hot!
That is an actual Cadillac built in Japan by 7 Demand with the popular Mode Parfume aero kit. Sure gives the US boring platform much hope.
cool, they read my mind
Yes, it was shot for VIP Car issue 12 2009 and you should see it's crazy red interior.

How do I know? I bought the mag when I was in Japan that year
Rotard, shieldsyo is right
It looks almost exactly like a Cima/Q45 from the A pillar on back. I wonder if you could do a front-end swap...
Craigslist here I come.
This Cadillac has been featured here already.
Photoshop or not, that is a tasteful modded caddy.
Wwwwaaaayy better than the seville you see over here in the states riding on 26inch dubs.
Japs have been doing so for quite some time. They in fact have a very rich hot rodding culture and pull it off quite well!
But it's front wheel drive so it really doesn't matter what it looks like. lol
Nice. Wonder what's next a JDM vauxhall insignia?
Nice Car, Love VIP'ish Look.
Just cause its FWD does not kill it, Not in a world where Acura is so respected.
its not true to the VIP culture but it is still a nice, DD, that looks good, and Drives Well, which is what i like about it...
I wanna do a Millennia S VIP Style 1 day
OG shyt! Thats american! xD denggggG thats props, didnt really see anything ViP for amreican cars uptil now xD hmmm seeing more cars like this in states would be good great eye canday, since everyone here drives boring tuneless cars ... every now and then you see a gem xD
That JDM touch always makes something that might be considered mundane awesome.
LOL people saying its PhotoShopped, who gives AF?! even if it were, it still looks clean and serves as inspiration for new platforms
Sorry guys but this car is pug fugly. The drop is nice tho
DAMNNNNNN, too sick
Cleab and awesome. now if only they had a good motor and not that northstar garbage.
DESKTOP THIS!!! FEATURE THIS CAR!!! It is a custom Mode Parfume kit made to fit the caddy. It is one of the best cars I have seen. Simply awesome!