Check out this super funny video from Ken and the Gymkhana Grid team. I guess this means that the cat’s out of the bag and you all know that I will in fact be driving at this event. I won’t be driving my trusty Monster Energy Falken Tire Ford Mustang, but I did get an awesome opportunity to drive something that I think you all will like! Check back tomorrow to find out what car I will be blasting around Irwindale Speedway in!
– Vaughn Gittin Jr.
I nominate this for Best Advert Ever!!
why do people think ken block is the inventor of gymkhana? shits been here for years. he just made it look cool by doing it under a trailer thats on fire. lol at the travis pastrana comment.
Is there gonna be a live stream???
Well uh.. at least it was super.
Fail !
Ken Block isn't doing so well in WRC, but like everyone on this planet, he needs some dough so he can survive (I guess DC Shoes is not pulling in enough revenue anymore-greedy).
Anywho, now he advertises himself as the gymkhana master?
I think you guys, "professional drivers" should DEFLATE your ego a bit, and stop advertising stupid crap like this.
True professional drivers (Colin McRae, Ayrton Senna, Sebastian Loeb), never did and never will have to do such things. They let the numbers speak for themselves.
love the clip of Travis giving the thumbs up.
Alex, you're an idiot.
This was hilarious. Quality advertisement. The event should be a real hoot.
"Your mother wears Army Boots"
We all see clearly from Steve's comment that the only "racing actions" he watches is Gymkhana 1,2,3 from youtube.
lol did anyone read the last bit on the credits?!!!
haha beset advert in a long time!
advertisement reminds me of old school monster truck ads. in other words a nostalgic AWESOME.
lol at pastrana comment
That was retarded
'german singing sensation david hasselhoff' really? do you americans think we adore this man that much?'re right ^^ he is the greatest, bravest and awesomest man alive....really !
Is it ... Some pure awesomeness ? : ]
hahaha nice!
i'm rooting for ACP!
LMFAO @ "Cole Trickling..."
"I think you guys, "professional drivers" should DEFLATE your ego a bit, and stop advertising stupid crap like this." - Yeah, so because the dude is a pro driver now he can't have fun driving? What YOU people should do is STFU with your ridiculous attempts at trying to figure these guys out.
It's like knocking on Cristiano Ronaldo for fooling around with a football on his freetime because he's a pro player and now's he's just "showing off" for self-gratification... SOME people just enjoy what they do - deal with it.
Best Ad ever......yes!
goddamn americans.
Alex you are a idiot!
You completely missed the whole concept which ties in with the comedy of the commercial. A competition which features fast paced driving amongst proffessional drivers with the emphasis on it remaining fun. Period
For the record Ken Block doesn't own DC he sold it to Reebok years ago but remains on the board dumb ass!
ditchs14 and Alex you're right.
in europe gymkhana races were do since ages...
(there is an amazing video on youtube of somebody driving a Caterham Seven)
they often claim them as slalom's race in Italy (using strage motorbike-powered cars) if i remeber right