My name is Jae Bueno. I am a freelance photographer here
in the Southern California area. I contribute to a few magazine titles
like Lowrider Magazine and DUB Magazine and I also publish my blog on
my web site JaeBueno.com. I have been into cars since a very young age.
When I decided to get into photography at a more serious level I chose
the Lowrider Culture as my main subject. Lowriders are full of color
and chrome which happen to be two of my favorite things. When Mike
approached me to write a guest blog for SpeedHunters.com, I thought I
would introduce one of the top clubs if not the top club in Lowriding,
Los Angeles’ Lifestyle Car Club.

Established in
the 1970’s in East Los Angeles California, Lifestyle Car Club is one of
the oldest and most prestigious car clubs in the world. Yes, you read
right; the world. That is no exaggeration; the club attracts the best
of the best in members and vehicles. The club boasts members from all
walks of life. The club also has members from different generations of
the same family. It takes a tremendous amount of dedication to be part
of the club. The members of Lifestyle strive for the best and accept
nothing less. There is a hierarchy in place with President Joe Ray
leading the club along with a set of officers.

The club has standards
in place not only for its members but for the cars that fly the
Lifestyle plaque. Lifestyle’s car committee oversees the build of club
cars and must approve everything from paint schemes to who will perform
the work on the cars. Lifestyle has been featured in numerous
publications, television shows, music videos and movies throughout the
world. With standards like Lifestyle’s, it’s no wonder they are known
throughout the custom car culture. Let’s take a look at a few of the
rides that fly the Lifestyle plaque.

Fernando “Big Fern” Ramirez’s 1958 Chevy Impala is named Moonflower. This is one of the more popular Lifestyle cars. It has been seen in numerous music videos and television shows.

You would never believe that the paint job on the Impala is over 10 years old! Big Fern is also the “go to” guy when you are looking for a car to buy or use in your music video or movie!

Mister Cartoon is one of the many members of Lifestyle that have more than one Lowrider in the club. His 1962 Chevy Impala is called Soul Kitchen and boast murals that were done by him. This year he busted out two new rides for the club.

His 1979 Chevy Monte Carlo is called Motel Hell and his 1961 Chevy Impala is called Dr. Greenthumb.

Both cars have been touched by Mister Cartoon and feature many custom touches.

Albert “Fireman” Gonzalez owns “Two Face” the 1963 Chevy Impala Convertible shown here. The ragtop is one of the more unique club cars. It happens to have two different paint schemes on the car.

The paint schemes are carried throughout the car including the dash and underside of the trunk. Fireman is also one of the Sergeant of Arms of the club and ensures that the club members don’t get out of hand.

Danny D Galvez owns this 1966 Chevy Impala called “Panty Raid”. Danny D Galvez is the principal painter and pinstriper for Lifestyle. Danny D is responsible for a lot of the paint jobs you see in the club. His patterns and pinstriping are sought after by many. He has been profiled in magazines and television shows.

Panty Raid will be featured in a major motion picture staring Aston Kutcher, George Lopez and Julia Roberts.
Check out Danny’s latest creation called Drag.u.la. It’s a rolling ice chest!

Club President Joe Ray owns two of the most recognizable Lowriders in the club.

His 1979 Lincoln called ”Las Vegas” boast murals by Mister Cartoon, and many of the games you’ll find in the Casinos in Las Vegas including a pair of slot machines.

Joe’s 1971 Buick Rivera called “Dressed to Kill” has a coffin in the car and the steering wheel is the shape of a coffin as well. Joe is a member of the Lowrider Hall of Fame and the editor of Lowrider Magazine.

Sean Hodges completed his 1982 Cadillac last year right before the “Super Bowl of Lowriding”, the Las Vegas Super Show.

Danny D Galvez worked his magic on the Caddy and the hard work paid off as Sean and Danny took best paint at the Las Vegas Super Show on its first outing.

Tattoo Tony owns this 1969 Chevy Impala called “Tattoo You”. Tattoo Tony is a tattoo artist by trade so the name if appropriate for the car.

The 69 features custom interior, murals and of course custom paint!

Tim Rodriguez cruises the streets of Los Angeles in his 1957 Chevy Bel Air called “Gold Digger”. The 57 rag turns heads wherever it goes!

From the custom hydraulic installation to the jewels placed in the murals on the body Tim has every base covered. Rumor has it that the 57 is going to be torn down and given a full make over.

Pete Macias aka Ragtop Pete is the proud owner of this electric blue 1961 Chevy Impala Convertible. Pete’s rag features custom paint, pinstriping, and interior. It is perfect for the beautiful Southern California climate.

Pete named his car after the classic Led Zeppelin song “Stairway to Heaven”.

John Herrera’s 1976 Chevy Caprice Landau is also named after a hit Led Zeppelin song, “Kashmir”. Do you see a common theme when naming Lifestyle cars? Like many of his club brothers, John has built other cars for the club and has another project in the wings.

John will pass this Glasshouse onto his daughters once they are of driving age. Hey John, need a son?

Rick Ortega’s 1984 Cadillac Coupe De Ville called “Eyes without a Face” is the current cover car of Lowrider Magazine.

Like all of the cars in Lifestyle, Rick left nothing untouched. He went through the whole car and added his personal touches like murals, shaved door handles and lots of candy paint and chrome accents. Rick also built the legendary 1964 Chevy Impala called “Aladdin” that set the bar for craftsmanship and detail.

These are only a fraction of the cars in Lifestyle. There are 80 plus active members and most members have more than one car in the club.

We could fill a few months here on SpeedHunters.com with Lifestyle cars!

I’ve have quite a few friends in the club so I have been able to capture quite a few of their cars at events over the years.

I leave you with a shot of the club at a meeting earlier this year. Like most car clubs, meetings are for members only and outsiders are not permitted unless they are invited. This meeting was taking place at the Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona. I was there covering the event for Lowrider Magazine and happen upon the meeting. I took the shot at a distance that would respectfully honor their privacy. The result is the image here. I named the image “Riders on the Storm” after the 1971 Doors song.
Lifestyle car club has weathered the ups and downs of Lowriding over the past 30 something years so the image title is fitting for the legendary club.
I hope you enjoyed my guest blog and I’d like to thank Mike Garrett for allowing me to be a guest blogger on SpeedHunters.com.
-Jae Bueno
I needed to quickly grab some buckets to catch the amount of freaking cool oozing from this blog post. Fantastic stuff Jae!
Gotta love the Panty Raid, nice stlye, top notch car
Yes please more lowriders......
Epic post.that is all.
So sick. I wish there were car clubs this organized in Michigan.
that Panty Raid is the shit maaaaan, great cars, also cool shots in
Im on the fence with lowriders, I love the late 50's-late 60's, but the early 70s-late 80s just dont do it for me (the wires just dont seem to look right). Love the paint schemes, all across the board.
Not a lowrider guy myself but any car guy can appreciate the work put into these cars and the unmistakably cool style.
Very descriptive aswell, it's like getting a peak into a secret society.
Thank you
wall paper of the last pic pleaseeee
Been following your blog for some time.
I'd give anything for the original Lowrider Magazine issue of "Las Vegas"
I've always loved lowriders and Lifestyle has some of the very best. Thanks for the post!
i had to adjust my eyes for a second, i'm so used to satin, black and white. rad post.
While i would never build a car like this myself, it's impossible to deny the amount of effort and time that these guys and gals put into their cars. Nice job, this post is just another reason why i love speedhunters. You guys show everything!!
Yeah Jae ! You are busting out sir ! congrats !
you wouldn't catch me rolling one of these. only for the fact that a little asian guy in a big ass lowrider caddy does not look right. lol. I would love to own one though. Somewhere a long the lines of a Riviera or a 65 Continental =] Much respect to the lowrider scene back in the early 90's (when candy paint was the in thing) a lot of the top import guys here in the Valley/LA took their cars to some of the best lowrider shops to get their paint on. The build quality and the dedication to maintain those undercarriage chrome bits (tanks, springs, leafs, chassis etc.) clean and perfect demands a standing ovation.
Thanks everyone for your feedback! I really appreciate it! I really enjoyed putting the blog post together. Hey Vince, Lowriding has no color lines. As a matter of fact there are plenty of little asian guys in american big body cars. Go out and grab that Riviera! Candy paint is still the "in thing" for paint.
This is the best car blog. Lots of variety of styles. I liked to see a feature on the Japanese lowrider scene.
Jae, you know I love your work. Always good seeing you at the shows and events with camera and bag in hand. I appreciate that you take time out of your work to say hello and catch up. Great to see car enthusiasts outside of our lowriding world appreciating your images and the rides. It's no secret that Lifestyle has incredible rides. This blog was spot on, dude!
-Jason aka. Rod Stewart
Hi all take a look at dis
Are you going to do a feaure on the Majestics or the Individuals?
I've never been into the "lowrider" culture but I've always admired and respected the amount of work and dedication that goes into building them.
Wow this post was simply amazing and refreshing. I can always appreciate a work of art that requires as much time, work, and dedication as these machines. Simply amazing. Thank you
While I admire the workmanship required to make some of these show cars, I don't think I could stand being in a club like that. "Builds have to be overseen by the club" and "Officers/Sergeant in Arms" sounds like these guys take themselves way too seriously for my liking.
I agree with what Sciclone said about the club hierarchy and stuff. But yeah, you guys have great cars.
You just don't see that sort of attention to detail these days.
Big up to the lowriders in this post! I grew up with the lowrider scene in San Antonio, Texas and cruising Military Drive on Sundays! Oh I miss it! Lifestyle CC has always been the pinnacle of the lowrider community!
@ ITRbroham ~ that is entirely up to SpeedHunters. I know members from both clubs and they are great guys.
@Sciclone & Andrei ~ Like I stated in the post, the club is not for everyone. It is run like a military and not many grown men can handle being told what to do with their cars. They take themselves very seriously which is why they are the best of the best. Most Lowrider clubs have the same hierachy in place and rules and regulations just like Lifestyle. It is not uncommon except Lifestyle is not lax on their expectations.
As a car guy you've got to appreciate the hard work, dedication, and attention to detail that Lifestyle puts into each car I think they oversee the builds to make sure everything is up to their particular club standards which as you can see in the pics are extremely high and have been for a long time now...to maintain these works of art is a job in itself you've got to be super meticulous
Mas buena Jae!
That 57 Bel-Air is sweet...
Very colourfull post!
Sweet rides! and handsome paint jobs. These owners must have a lot of love for there cars, the way they shine. waxing a 6m caddy must take a hole day. It's not really my thing but must respect for the rides
Beautiful works of art on wheels
great post!
i was in the sixth grade when i bought my first car magazine. it happened to be Lowrider with the 64 Impala named Aladdin. ive been a gear head since. enough said.
This was sweet! the dedication to cars as well as their "club" just shows commitment at many levels. You have to admire that in this day and age- Great cars, love Moonflower, Panty Raid and that Kashmr Glasshouse is bad ass. Keep it going Lifestyle!
Great job on the blog, you really made a statement with this blog and thank you Mike for giving Jae the opportunity to show car lovers something more to appreciate, We might not all drive the same type of cars but we ALL have one thing in common, we can defintely respect the hard work that goes inot building a car. I drive imports and exotics now, but I'll never forget my roots, I owned a 65 Riviera growing up, it was my Grand pops, and riding on chrome was the only way to ride that car lol. Eventually had to sell the car to start my business, but I never forgot the reason my business even started...a 65 Riviera on Chrome D's laying low with a clean OG paint job, I will always be greatful for that car, wish I would have kept it, none nicer in Dallas, now it belongs to a guy who kept the lowrider touches and then some and proud to say that it s now a "Lifestyle" quality car. Jae's pictures have always given me the itch to buy another car and start from scratch and maybe one day I will. and every now and then when I'm a the book store and pass by the magazine section I'll grab that Lowrider Magazine and get that itch.... Anyways thanks again guys much love to all the lowriders who still have that passion that so many have lost. Whether your speed huntin' or just cruisin low and slow...The dedication that Lifestyle demonstrates exemplifies the meaning of true "car passion".
Time to take a a break from posting your guest blogs and finish up my coverage of the 2010 Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona. Here, we'll take a look at some of the interesting cars in the indoor show, a few from outside, and some of the historic