You know, not just anyone can show up with a stack of video cameras to an American Le Mans race expecting to be allowed to shoot footage. If you are a professional photographer, then you might be allowed trackside access to shoot photos, but permission to shoot video is a whole other matter and often requires a week of negotiations and conference calls.

On top of this, not just anyone would be able to convince BMW to mount video cameras all over brand new race car — and even onto the driver!

The video you see here exists in part due to the strong relationship between Need for Speed and BMW. We had to go almost all the way up the corporate ladder at BMW to get permission for this project so having a company like EA helping us to arrange this type of access was incredibly helpful. And what a video this has turned out to be!

As the longest Speedhunters video ever made, I have to say this is quite an amazing piece of work. It brings you closer to the action than any video I’ve ever seen before. I’m sure you’ll agree with me on this one.
BTW I need to thank Tommy Milner for being such a good sport and allowing the film production company, Spitfire Studios to attach cameras to his head during the filming of this video.
So how do we top this video? Hmmmm….
I saw this first on the Speedhunters Facebook fan page. It was so impressed that I watched it another 5 times in a row. It's so raw and so intense!!
Wow - OK I drive the car and that was almost more exciting to watch than doing it for real...almost.
Thanks Speedhunters/EA/Rod and everyone else involved. It was as fun for me as it seemed it was for you guys.
and i thought the Rado experience was good, cant wait to watch this one again.
Linhbergh try downloading the Quicktime... it's a huge file: 800 mb but is well worth the wait.
Linhbergh; Same to me, but curiously I tried to show it to my girlfriend and she watched it for 20 seconds with no interest...
Very very impressive piece of driving.
Tommy Milner: Man, you are one lucky b*stard
Just awesome.
This vid was sick!
Video player is FAIL. Might be my less than stellar connection but the player is reseting!!
Does the car have a limiter for pit lane?............video is awsome, love the tranny whine is 1st gear, Mr Milner can we switch jobs for a day? lol
Unreal vid. Watched a few consecutive times now. How come he switches gloves between Sparcos to Pumas?
Man, that is incredible
STUNNING!!! @Milner beautiful driving! thanks speedhunters!
Amazing! I love watching raw footage like that, with no music or commentary over it. Keep it coming speedhunters!
Awesome! Must buy.
good. god. what a video. makes you want to spend life just racing.
Cheers speedhunters.
Left foot braking FTW!!!!
the roar... it's so full of WIN
MORE...OMG, More!!!!!!!!!!!
People, this is the kind of videos most motorsports funs enjoy. Simple editing, few effects - if any, no irritating royalty-free music! You must have tons of excellent quality footage, please don't kill it by compiling videos that look like artistic school projects! THIS is what WE like!!!!!!! Great work!
..no heel and toe... ouf
Great video and it (helmet mounted camera) brilliantly conveys SHIFT's driver's experience. I did a quick edit to further emphasize the the concept- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEfcmZ5GyM0 but will remove it if requested. BTW, two more weeks to SHIFT.
A BMW racing car , a multi-class endurance championship , a great driver , a thrilling track.......THAT'S LIFE !!!
Everything else is only philosophy
@ Rod , you did it......now i just wanna try that damn' M3 , grrrrrr !
[quote]Rod Chong said:

Linhbergh try downloading the Quicktime... it's a huge file: 800 mb but is well worth the wait.[/quote]
It took a while to download, but it was indeed worth the wait!!!
The camera mounted to the helmet looked and sounded absolutely fantastic. So BIG thanks for the video Rod and Tommy for driving around with all that stuff
I'm sure that you are all somewhat familiar with this beautiful piece of engineering -the Rahal Letterman
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank yiu
This is what racing is all about, thank you to everyone involved. Downloading the HD as we speak.

Keep up the great work & go team Rahal Letterman
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