Ok let's jump out of the BMW and the Scion into quite a different car now…. the Falken Tire 2010 Ford Mustang as driven by Mr Vaughn Gittin Jr… A young man who needs no introduction.

As we virtually ride along with each of these drivers, I'm sure you'll pick up the vibe that drifting the Mustang appears to be a very different discipline to the grip action we previously featured with Milner and Rado. Rather than an all out pursuit of speed, Gittin is pushing himself and his machine to find the edge of control and beyond.

That certainly doesn't make his job any less serious. I marvel at any of the Formula D drifters who dare to put their cars up against the walls, which feature so heavily in the US drift scene.

BTW Speedhunters will be releasing our own extended remix versions of each of the Driver's Experience films over the course of the next 2 months. There is so much incredible HD source footage to play with, we thought you'd enjoy a version of each video which sits with the various camera views a bit longer, so you have more time to get into feeling of the car.

BTW a big thanks for JR and Team Falken for being such a good sports at Formula Drift Long Beach. It was a bit of a pressure situation with the introduction of the new car and all, but none the less, they allowed us to stick cameras on practically every surface of the Mustang and JR's helmet too. Tx chaps!

I also need to thank Ryan and John at Formula D for letting us have the run of their events with our film production crews. We appreciate the collaboration guys!
Ok and next up we have a film about Andrea Bertolini and his Maserati MC12…. but first I need to eat some breakfast… talk soon!
Came out great Rod! Looked fantastic. Can't wait to see the rest!
Very cool,
specially love the onboard shots, car sounds so ^%&^^ brutal!
Cannot wait to see that extended remix!
this makes me want to get into videography.
Another awesome video. Easy up on the 'bangs' tho chaps..
Is this shot on RED?
Rod, this video is incredible! Great work, definitely one of the best videos you guys have put together.
Awesome work! What brand of helmet cams did you guys use?