For the month of March, we’re going to ask you to echo this month’s mini-theme, by focusing on engines.
Now this may seem like a simple theme but it’s not. Again, this is a theme where we want you to interpret the brief in your own way. Essentially, we don’t want to receive hundreds of photographs of pretty engine bays. We want you to think outside the box. Be creative with your interpretation, and really try to create something that will stand out amongst the other submissions. This could be an abstract macro shot of a connecting rod or a candid photograph of the person who puts it together. We’re not going to solve the brief for you, but we do expect you to push your creativity to a new level.
As a slight aside, there were some submissions last month that easily would have made the cut but fell short on the rules set below. These rules aren’t arbitrary; they’re in place for a reason. As you start out on your careers as photographers, you will often be asked to follow strict guidelines in keeping with your client’s style. Even the Speedhunters photographers are given a multi-page document that we must adhere to when producing content. It’s important that you understand and follow these – there’s a lot more to the business of photography than taking pictures. Don’t get caught out by the most simplest of things!
Should you decide to participate, you need to do the following:
- E-mail your submission to iamthespeedhunter@speedhunters.com with the exact subject line of ‘The Engine Theme’.
- For this theme, you may submit only one photograph.
- Tell us your name, location and a little bit about the photograph.
- Attach the image directly to the email but ensure the image is no larger than 2000px on the longest side and a minimum of 1920px.
- Make sure the image is free of any distracting watermarks. Don’t worry, we will make sure you are properly credited.
- Closing date for submissions is March 21st 2014.
Be sure to ask any questions below.
Safe shooting.
Paddy McGrath
Twitter: @PaddyMcGrathSH
Instagram: speedhunters_paddy
We created #IAMTHESPEEDHUNTER to allow you the opportunity to share your skills and car culture experiences from around the globe with the rest of the Speedhunters audience. Now, it’s your chance to prove you have what it takes to join us on our adventures.
How do you get involved? It’s simple…
E-mail – This is the most reliable method of contact. If you’ve been to a cool event and captured some amazing images, be sure to e-mail them to us on iamthespeedhunter@speedhunters.com and tell us a little bit about the event.
Flickr - Join our #IAMTHESPEEDHUNTER Flickr Group and share your favourite photos with us and others.
Instagram – Follow us on Instagram at @TheSpeedhunters and tag your own car culture images with #IAMTHESPEEDHUNTER
Twitter – Follow us on Twitter at @SPEEDHUNTERS and share your tweets with the #IAMTHESPEEDHUNTER hashtag.
Tumblr – Visit our Tumblr page to view the latest #IAMTHESPEEDHUNTER tagged images.
All submitted images must be 1920px by 1280px before they are considered.
Have you submitted already but not yet been featured? Here are some tips to help you…
DO – Tell us your name
DO – Read and understand the brief
DO – Submit only your best work
DO – Take your time shooting and consider each detail
DO – Submit each image no smaller than 1920PX wide
DON’T – Put a huge watermark on it. We’ll make sure you’re credited
DON’T – Send us huge image files that kill our e-mail system
DON’T – Send us scary ZIP or RAR files. We won’t open them
Done and sent. I knew exactly which one I wanted to send for this topic.
Are multiple submissions ok for this one?
DaveTNope. Rule #2 "For this theme, you may submit only one photograph."
Project 350ZTT DaveT Derp, good thing I didn't knee jerk submit. Time to flip a coin.
These themes are getting fun. Definitely pushing the envelope.
DaveT Project 350ZTT I like the flip a coin ethos, I lived my life like that for a little while. I'd suggest really thinking about it though, with the advent of digital photography we all shoot so much these days it can be hard to pick. But decide and select we must.
I stood next to somebody at a drift event once and at the end of the day he announced he had 'over a 1000 useable shots'. We publish no more than 30-40 images at a time. So selection is part of being a photographer.
avidworks Thank you! Glad you're enjoying them.
Man, these themes always pump me up. I don't expect to be featured, but I'm sure as hell going to try.
Also, I just wanted to point out a contradiction of sorts in the guidelines: "Attach the image directly to the email but ensure the image is no larger
than 2000px on the longest side and a minimum of 1920px" which implies that an image's width can be anywhere from 1920 to 2000 pixels. That's fine, but at the end it says "All submitted images must be 1920px by 1280px before they are considered" which makes it clear that the only acceptable file size is 1920x1280.
hushypushy I don't know if 1920 x 1080 is mandatory, since not everyone crops to a 16:9 aspect ratio. I think it's more so the 1920 minimum width.
hushypushy I think they just haven't updated the rules in the lower section under "about #iamthespeedhunter" bit. They mentioned in an #iamthespeedhunter post a while back that they were going to start accepting larger images from memory, which is when the 2000px on the longest side rule appeared.
Right, I have some work to do, this should be interesting.
zephoto I find the worst part about submitting early is that you have to wait so long to find out whether or not you have been featured. I like to carefully think about what im going to do and then execute a few days before submissions close
Submitted mine! Great work with the #IAMTHESPEEDHUNTER themes!
Hmm, something I can do. I'll try my luck again for this. #stoked
Yes, i can't wait for the pictures, i love drooling over engine bays
Speedhunters_Bryn DaveT Project 350ZTT
After some thought I know which I am going to send. It was a tough choice because I have a few I like but I think this one is a bit different from what other people may submit (at least I hope so). The other motor sure is pretty though.
I stood next to someone at a drift event who once asked me what the shutter count on my camera body was. I was not sure what that had to do with the tea in China...
hushypushy I'll clear that up for the next post, but ideally they should be cropped to 1920px by 1280px (standard DSLR ratio) but if they're over this, we can resize them down. The ratio is pretty important IMO, as anything that's awkwardly cropped or cropped free hand to a non-specific ratio can look really strange when uploaded here.
Exact subject line means with or without the 'marks ?
PaddyMcGrath Does 1920x1080 work? I almost always crop my images 16:9
I'm feeling inspired... Stoked for this.
Sucks that there is a 1920px limit when I don't get that big pictures from my filmroll's.....
PaddyMcGrath I have a photo I want to submit and the pixel count is way too high but the aspect ratio is 16:9. Is this still okay to submit, or do I need to crop it down to 1920x1280?