Things To Do Before You Die>> The Call Of The Road Trip

It always starts out about the destination. You think about the things you'll do there, the things you'll be able to see and experience, the good times and the amazing memories to be made at the end of the journey. The long miles and countless hours of traveling are never really something you'd look forward to. But when you arrive at the destination, do the things you planned to do and start to head back home, you start to realize that it was never about the destination but instead, it really was about the long hours in a car and the endless miles. It was about the journey not the destination.

It is the classic road trip; cruising with friends…

…racking up the miles…

…and seeing the sights.

I've previously mentioned, in the journey across the United States with the Roegge S14, that the road trip is like a grown up's version of exploring the neighborhood. That feeling of going into the unknown is a high that cannot be replaced. It's about knowing when to pull off the interstate to do some real exploring. You never know that the most dusty and empty of freeway exits can yield something truly spectacular.

While on road from Southern California to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, my fellow travelers and I pulled off the main freeway and stumbled upon a fantastic abandoned town near the boarder between both states. We could've spent hours walking around exploring the town's ruins, but as the light started to fade, an uneasy and creepy feeling started to come in. That rush of curiosity, jubilee and fear is something that neither of us will ever forget that day.

This beautiful lake while I was on my way to Bonneville last year was stumbled upon by pulling off the wrong exit for gas. A few twisty corners later, I found myself greeted with a cresting morning sun and an absolutely gorgeous and tranquil lake.

But when you're actually in the car, behind the wheel and pounding away the miles, you'll find that your mind will start to wonder. You'll think about the destination, or if you're actually hungry, if you want to eat that few hours old beef jerky, about home, or work, or what else is going on in your private life. I find those few quiet hours to be very precious as that is time to mentally file things away that need to be filed and things that need to be contemplated to actually be contemplated. 

I find driving these long miles to be a visit to the spa but for your brain. 

We're all human and we can only stay up for so long before tiredness starts to creep in. 

When we reach that wary state, our first inclination would be to stop and grab an energy drink. Road trips area also a great way to try out all the other energy drinks your normally would not try.

During the last leg of the road trip with Will Roegge's S14, both of us were extremely tired. Will was more so than I as he drove a good portion of the trip. So the last few major hours of the journey in a dreamlike state, I experimented with with energy drinks like I've never done before. I had a Monster Energy drink  before I took over driving, a 5 Hour Energy right after I started and an after an hour behind the wheel, I didn't feel any more awake. Looking around the car, I gulped the rest of Will's unfinished Red Bull shot, and polished off a medium sized Red Bull immediately after.

To say that I was wigging out would be an understatement. I would not recommend trying that at home or on the road. If you're ever that tired, pull over and sleep. 

No matter where your destination is, you'll find yourself frequenting gas stations and know which snacks and energy drink you prefer during the trip.

My road trip snacks and drinks preference? Smartfood White Cheddar pop corn, Reese's Fast Break, Naked Juice Superfood, and a small can of sugar free Redbull. 

With every road trip, there are its ups and its downs…

…but that's all part of the journey.

We live in a time where we experience a lot of the world through our computer screens.

But actually being out there to experience the physical world is a whole different kind of experience. Think about what sounds better in a dinner conversation, "So, I saw this thing on the internet…." or "So, I was on the road and saw this thing…." ?

Out on the road you get to create your own experiences and come up with your own stories. Things like that cannot be replaced by experiencing things through the world wide web. 

After the journey is good and done, you'll look back upon the trip. You'll think about the various trials and tribulations you went through to get to your destination and to get back home. You'll remember the horrible convenience food you consumed during the journey, the energy drink experimentation, and of course, the people that your spent the journey with.

At the end of the day, it never really matters what car you take a road trip in, or how cool it is…

…what matters is who you spend that journey with. Those are the people you will be making life long memories with. During those long hours on the road, you'll have lots of laughs, you'll have memorable conversations and you'll gain a lot more understanding and respect for each other.

When you've aged beyond your years with a million grandkids running around, what fantastic stories will you be able to tell from your days as a youth? To captivate them, you need to captivate yourself first. Get out there and experience the road. The destination is trivial as long as you're out there. See the world and be captivated. 




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Best Things-to-do-before-you-die post. Keep up the good work!


Linhbergh, if you wouldn't mind, could you tell us where that little abandoned town was? I'd love to pay a visit someday on my own road trip.


was the second to last picture of the m3 taken at morro bay?


cant wait to have my own chariot so i can go roadtripping


plzz make wallpapers for 2nd, 3rd, 13th and 17.! really love it!!


Love long road trips interstate, used to do a fair few of them a year in the first 4/5 years of this decade....haven't done that many lately, only 1 or 2, although next year I'm planning a decent one. Definately something to do a few of before you die!


Awesome piece Linh, you are 100% right; of all the road trips I've taken I find myself more often reminiscing about all the crazy/funny things that happened during the journey rather than the time spent at the destination itself.


ROAD TRIPS FTW!!!! Snickers Ice Cream is great for eating in the car during a hot summer drive.


Damn straight.. road trips ftw.


They have done studies that show if you drive when you're tired and pumped up on caffeine you actually drive worse than you do if you were just tired because you become erratic and over-compensate. Don't do it!!


Small scale road trip to Santa Maria starts friday! Crunch time on the car tomorrow!


Couldn't have put it better. Well written linbergh.


Hell yea road trips, it is a must to do it in a car that you have no idea if it will make it there an back or not




Love a road trip. The missus & me drove from our home in Reading, UK, to the South of France & back last summer in my ol' 306 Gti-6 and it was ace, all the sentiments in the article ring true...


I love road trips, especially when you plan as little as possible. Making decisions on what route to take, or where to go on the fly is great!

I can't wait for my next road trip adventure.


Well said,Sire Linbergh.


It's too bad you can't really go on road trips in Hawaii. There's really nice roads here, but if you want to see something new, then you have to fly somewhere else.

Now, this reminds me of that guy who sold everything he had to buy a Lamborghini Gallardo and went on a massive road trip...


Dude, I can't wait to go on a road trip with my buds to EDC Las Vegas next year!


yeah you definately got to do a road trip.. the vehicle, friends, music, the sights and the scenery all add up to what can sometimes be a life changing or enhancing experience. this one needed to be on the list!


completely agree with A.Sylvia... Its no fun if it's in a new car. You gotta go in something old and beat up, the suspense of whether or not its gonna break down is half the fun!


The VW van is awesome. Awesome...


I'm actually planning on going on a road trip this summer with some friends. We have to wait until we are all done with school though.


Great post. Hard to have a decent roadtrip in NZ (South Island aint bad though), but the third pic instantly reminded me of the desert road on the central plateau. A North American roadtrip is certainly on my bucket list


Well said. Thanks Linh.


haha, summer holidays are coming up, and im finally insured to know what that means!!!!


All of of this is why were organizing a road trip for all of you east coaster (sorry cali coming soon tho).

please check out our Website and Facebook. Come and meet new folks and have a good time and... "run what you brung"


Cars are a bit like food. Looked at objectively they are nothing but appliances that aid you in your


The month of May is drawing to a close, and that means that our "Things to Do Before You Die"


So true.