Editorial Director:
Brad Lord
Commercial Director:
Ben Chandler
Creative Director:
Mark Riccioni
Dino Dalle Carbonare, Ron Celestine, Darrien Craven, Mario Christou, Cian Donnellan, Matthew Everingham, Michał Fidowicz, Chaydon Ford, Alen Haseta, Blake Jones, Stefan Kotze, Vladimir Ljadov, Paddy McGrath, Rick Muda, Alec Pender, Trevor Ryan, Dave Thomas, Toby Thyer, Collin Tiemens, Naveed Yousufzai
Honda power!
Quiero un coche
Super Audi A8 And best BMW a M3
All that talk of design and he puts the front tire on backwards? C'mon. That shoots his credibility badly. Directional tires and not being able to "see" the direction is a design issue as much as any he does "get right" (of which, that fairing/headlight is NOT one).
I find Gregor Halenda's similar bike to exhibit greater taste and design understanding
Will got Audi
Will got Audi r8 psl