By The People, For The People: Rollhard x Bicester Heritage 2024

This year, more than any, I’ve been considering ‘atmosphere’ as part of a show’s success.

It’s all because of how much car culture I’ve experienced in 2024. With no sign of it slowing down either, I’ve become very aware of the concept of ‘too much of a good thing’ creeping into the back of my mind when shows are taken at face value.

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Just take the quality of the cars this year as an example. From Players Classic to Ultrace and even Ultimate Dubs, it feels like there’s been a real leap in build standards.

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Not only that, but I find myself constantly writing about the sheer variety of cars, cementing the idea that the scene is as open-minded as ever.

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For spectators, I think it’s fantastic. However, and of course, there is a ‘but’ coming, from a reporter’s point of view, it can get overwhelming.

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Believe me, I’d prefer to be spoilt for choice than not have anything good to write about. However, it can be hard to attend every show with a fresh perspective when the base ingredients are all so good these days.

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It takes real character for a show to stand out, but once they have that down it becomes much more enjoyable. I’ve realised that’s why I enjoy Rollhard so much, and why it’s a serious contender for my favourite car show.

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Take the location, which in theory is nothing special; Bicester Heritage is one of hundreds of former Royal Air Force bases in the UK. But in 2013, RAF Bicester was transformed into a hub for historic motorsport and preserving automotive history.

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As if that wasn’t cool enough, the character it adds to Rollhard is on another level. The show cars are parked around some pretty 1920s architecture in the Technical Site; the derelict, patinated hangars add a rustic yet industrial charm to the venue.

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That’s before I even mention the vintage cars, trucks and machinery dotted around the site. Mingling with the show and stance cars, it’s a welcome change of scenery and the only chance many enthusiasts will get to experience metal like it.

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From a photography point of view, Bicester Heritage is a delight to shoot. Cars are parked on grass, on tarmac, in open spaces, and sometimes in front of interesting features and buildings. Variety is not only the spice of life; it’s key to keeping a photo set fresh.

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Let’s stay on trend with ‘variety’ here. More and more shows are drawing in cars from all walks of car culture, but Rollhard is one of the best at curating a collection.

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There aren’t many shows where you’ll find a Pro Street Chevrolet Camaro parked across from a fantastic Alpine GTA Cabriolet, Land Rover Series and Defender combo, and a Mercedes-Benz SE dumped on its ass.

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For JDM enthusiasts, this Nissan ensemble drew in crowds all day long…

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…while BMW fans were spoilt for choice with beautiful examples dotted all around the Technical Site.

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Last year’s Rollhard hangar display was all red, but this year it had white cars laid out in staggered rows. The only interruptions to the colour scheme were the traders lining either side of the building, who had their own choices on show.

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Year in, and year out, Rollhard invites the UK’s lowrider scene to display their cars in a dedicated section. Although there is only a small group of lowrider enthusiasts on our rainy island, Lay’N’Play will often roll out to shows together – something I touched on at Players Classic 2024.

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It was great to see Lay’N’Play out, especially when they’re doing a parade around the venue, three-wheeling and hopping to the crowd’s delight. My personal favourite? This bed-dancing Datsun minitruck. I wish we had more of these in the UK, no matter how out of place they may be.

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The appeal of Rollhard to me can be summed up by the term: positive vibes. But that feels like a cop-out so let me break it down…

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Rollhard has a serious grassroots feel in the best way possible, not taking itself too seriously or shouting too loud about being the ‘largest’ or ‘best’ car show in the land. Yet, the execution, venue, quality, music, and food, make it right up there with the best-regarded car shows across Europe.

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It’s important to remember that Rollhard is just run by a small group of friends and enthusiasts. There are no big sponsorships, no brand commitments and, as such, no responsibility other than putting on a great show for people to enjoy.

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I’ll soon be speaking to head honcho Dan Allard for a lowdown on what makes Rollhard tick behind the scenes, and how it’s come to earn its place in the British scene over the years.

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Until then, think of Rollhard as the UK car scene’s gift to itself. Fun and friendly, it’s a great way to take in the culture.

Mario Christou



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Anthony Hernandez-Laredo

great photos


Thanks Anthony!


If the owner of the red car in photo #10 doesn’t name his car “Cthulhu”, he is missing a great opportunity.


It’s a mad little car, bmw 1 series with the v10 and a big snail for even more fun


Any info on that cooling system?


I couldn't get ahold of the owner on the day, but the turbo was missing some lines so I reckon it's not the complete package just yet.



There's only ONE car that's "By The People And For The People!" VOLKSWAGEN!!! But ANYTHING German will do! Love those 3 BMW E30 cars!!


Thanks for reading David!


Only 2 pics of the Gulwing?!!!! You're FIRED!!! Is that a kit or an original? More pics/info!! Pronto!!!


Aha it's a replica but it's a very good looking one, and the colour is gorgeous.


Pleasant outing for very nice cars. Great photos, Mario. Thanks!


You're very welcome and thanks for reading!


I'm not a fan of Pandem wide body kits but, that 8 series looked pretty cool.


They're certainly divisive, and the MK Motorsport wheels were a cool touch.


In my opinion, and that’s all I can offer, the prices for 300 SL GULLWING these days are plain stupid. A Jiu-Jitsu buddy of mine (whose name I dont know) from a couple years back had a red one (some of you probably know who I mean). He paid over $1,400.000 for the thing.

Used to be the innominata could afford Gullwings. The car wasn't desired. Still no quad gullwing sedan for Mercedes. Big mistake. Tesla had gullwing SUV but, as you may or may not know, the front doors were conventional hinged.


This dude is old enough that $1400 for a gullwing may have been an astronomical sum at some point during his lifetime.

So still not sure if that was a typo


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Vincent Conker Auger

There's so much good stuff in that show and you definitely captured it, Mario. Great work !

Is that black 7 series yours (I don't remember) ? If it is, kudos. Don't know how you can keep a large black car like this looking good. I will never have a black car just because it always seem to show every dirt spot or imperfection haha.


It is indeed Vincent, your memory serves you well! Believe me it's always been a pain to keep clean, but it's ceramic coated which helps washing it to no end.


Need more of that Caterham, "girigiri", and the Ferrari pair... But always bringing the car girls in perfect focus XD


If you want to see more of that stunning Ferrari 328, have a look at my spotlight on it earlier this year!