I don’t know why, but all of a sudden I’ve been running into quite a lot of DeTomaso Panteras in Japan. It’s like they are on a little comeback and with examples like this popping up at the Mooneyes Hot Rod & Custom Show this past weekend, who in their right mind would complain!

Aside from the very cool maroon body, with gold pin striping, it was the unusual wheel choice that gave it an interesting overall feel. The SSR Professor MS1R might not be to everyone’s liking on vintage cars like this, but let’s not forget that the Pantera was on sale until 1991 so running more modern rims might actually make a little sense. Oh and take special notice of the Brembo brake package that fills up every millimeter of space behind the spokes.

Every surface in the interior, be it wood trim, leather or plastic was beautifully resorted. Interesting lifted gear shifter bezel.

The suspension has obviously been addressed too but since I will be shooting this stunning car sometime next year, I will leave all the details until then.

One of the coolest things about the Pantera are always the custom exhaust systems that people come up with. On this car the wrapped headers merge into a 4-2-1 configuration for each bank, with most of the system contained in two stainless steel funnels to keep heat at bay.

From an Italian-built, American-powered, Argentinian exotic it’s on to one of the coolest and what has to be one of the rarest seventies cars ever made in Japan, the Toyotpet S50 Crown hardtop.

Under the hood the 2M straight six was absolutely spotless, with a bright red block, polished head cover and steel “takoashi” headers.

The intake side is dominated by the Keihin FCR guillotine-type carburetors, guaranteeing optimal response as well as what has to be an amazing sound!

Check out the “Tochigi” logo on the center caps, done in similar style to the old katakana Toyota logo. Tochigi is the prefecture the owner comes from.

This car rides pretty low, on springs not air. Simply stunning in every way.

It’s a Mooneyes show right, so where are the American rides! I just had to choose this 1926 Ford Roadster…

…called the “Sunday Racer.” Powering this minimalistic rod is a 1950 Mercury motor…

…breathing through these top mounted carbs.

The thick-rimmed white and chrome steering wheel was a great choice for the overall theme of the car…

…but it was definitely the light satin blue that made it stand out among all the other hot rods at the show.

Not far from the “Sunday Racer” was this 1940 Willys Coupe street rod…

…proudly showing off that massive powerplant that sits under the hood.

Nothing like a bit of forced induction to make things more interesting!

Look at that profile, highlighted by different style wheels and a proper drag stance. Those rear tires were huge!

Again matte colors seems to be a popular choices in the rodding scene. Awesome stuff!

I have always seen a few older Porsches at Mooneyes events but 911s are rare. This 930 built by custom bike and car shop Risky Business…

…was definitely going for a controversial look. Flames on a Porsche? Yes, they got my attention.

A lot of work had obviously gone into the engine, excellent presentation…

…and again we find Keihin FCR carbs! While I was circling the 911 trying to get my pictures the owner turned the engine on for a few seconds and revved it. As you can imagine throttle response is instant and…

…the bark from the custom exhaust unmistakably, air-cooled flat six.
I’ll be wrapping up my tour of this year’s Mooneyes show in the next post so don’t miss my final selection of pix!
Mooneyes Hot Rod & Custom Show coverage on Speedhunters
-Dino Dalle Carbonare
Now the whole world knows the best way to ruin a classic Porsche, make it matte black (which will be out of style by tomorrow), paint flames on it?!, make it overly wide, put on some 2$ exhaust tips and oh that rear decklid....
Now the whole world knows the best way to ruin a classic Porsche, make it matte black (which will be out of style by tomorrow), paint flames on it?!, make it overly wide, put on some 2$ exhaust tips and oh that rear decklid....
Now the whole world knows the best way to ruin a classic Porsche, make it matte black (which will be out of style by tomorrow), paint flames on it?!, make it overly wide, put on some 2$ exhaust tips and oh that rear decklid....
Now the whole world knows the best way to ruin a classic Porsche, make it matte black (which will be out of style by tomorrow), paint flames on it?!, make it overly wide, put on some 2$ exhaust tips and oh that rear decklid....
Now the whole world knows the best way to ruin a classic Porsche, make it matte black (which will be out of style by tomorrow), paint flames on it?!, make it overly wide, put on some 2$ exhaust tips and oh that rear decklid....
Now the whole world knows the best way to ruin a classic Porsche, make it matte black (which will be out of style by tomorrow), paint flames on it?!, make it overly wide, put on some 2$ exhaust tips and oh that rear decklid....
wow, that porsche just looks fantastic, such a different direction of styling, i really really like it, and i never thought r-type watas would work on a porsche
wow, that porsche just looks fantastic, such a different direction of styling, i really really like it, and i never thought r-type watas would work on a porsche
wow, that porsche just looks fantastic, such a different direction of styling, i really really like it, and i never thought r-type watas would work on a porsche
wow, that porsche just looks fantastic, such a different direction of styling, i really really like it, and i never thought r-type watas would work on a porsche
wow, that porsche just looks fantastic, such a different direction of styling, i really really like it, and i never thought r-type watas would work on a porsche
wow, that porsche just looks fantastic, such a different direction of styling, i really really like it, and i never thought r-type watas would work on a porsche
Just wondering, what's the story behind the lifted gear shifter bezel? As in, why would that be done? Cheers
Just wondering, what's the story behind the lifted gear shifter bezel? As in, why would that be done? Cheers
Just wondering, what's the story behind the lifted gear shifter bezel? As in, why would that be done? Cheers
Just wondering, what's the story behind the lifted gear shifter bezel? As in, why would that be done? Cheers
Just wondering, what's the story behind the lifted gear shifter bezel? As in, why would that be done? Cheers
Just wondering, what's the story behind the lifted gear shifter bezel? As in, why would that be done? Cheers
I'm loving that Pantera.
I'm loving that Pantera.
I'm loving that Pantera.
I'm loving that Pantera.
Always amusing to read butthurt porschefan comments
@mat88 Instead of ruin how about "make it your own?" - its not your car, its their car and they did their thing with it.
as for the "end of the year"... people have been saying that for the last 10 or so years and matte paint has not gone away yet....
even if you cant get behind the paint and body, how about that engine? thats some nice work in the back they have done - surely you can get behind a well presented engine... right? so concentrate on that.
@Skiptaylor Yes the engine is nice, matte black looks great on a RWB Porsche, but i cannot judge a car just by the engine (this is obviously not a sleeper), the overall look simply does not work. I enjoy controversial cars with weird engine swaps, I do like when people try and explore different paths, but this path is a dead end for me...
11th pic down i'd like to see more of the road runner and charger in the background if possible they look pretty sweet, also loving that 911 minus the corny flames.
@TylerS13 Im glad I wasn't the only one to notice those! That Road Runner draag car looks wicked! There is also a 71 Cuda that had its front bumper peaking into the shot
I normally hate pastel colors on any rod... but that '26 roadster looks great! It has all the right traditonal touches (that winshield is an esspecialy nice custom touch!) & that color really works well with those Radirs & white walls. It definitly stands out!
Love the other cars but definitely not a fan of the 911. The FCR carbs look really cool but the engine bay presentation is ruined with the half assed incorrect diameter heater hose hanging around loosely and wrapped with crumpled aluminum tape. I typically love well done flames on any form of hot rod but these have a thrown on look to them on the drivers front and passenger rear fender. They should at least consider the lines of the car when doing the angle of the fade. The Wats do look great tho.
LOL, that "Risky Business" 911 reminds me of the one from the movie "Bachelor Party"...Def not my style, but to each their own! That '26 roadster is fresh, and really diggin that Pantera...Might have to try and find one on the cheap!!
1972 DetomasoPantera.Real wangan fighter. *Eng/Sbf 408cui. Fontana clevor aluminum alloy block. 532ps/67kgm. *Carburetor/ RaceDemon 1025cfm *Management/ Motec m84 timingcontrol. *Suspension Components/ Ohlins. *Brake Systems/ Brembo F50&430 Brake Calipers. *Wheels/ SSR Professor ms-1. *Custom reinforcement & parts much much more!!
Bring on the lowriders!
Pantera is beyond badass
Yeah, the 911 reminded me of "Bachelor Party" too. I thought "Oh great, next thing you know there will be a Donkey Show. at Mooneyes.." LOL
That Pantera is jaw-dropping. Always liked them, and it's nice to see when one gets the better-than-new treatment. I wanted to see more of the matte black 550 in the Risky Business booth, but I can't seem to find their website.
@Censport This is their website http://rb1998.com
@PrincetonWong I was positive the Risky Business Porsche was going to be met with mixed opinions, especially from the purists. Cool to read everyone's take on it...
@Dusty Monkey It's one of the first rods that really stood out! It was getting a ton of attention from a lot of people at the show too
@Dusty Monkey @TylerS13 Check next post
@ 1kw I will be finding this out from the owner once I do a feature on it
Hahaha, I'm going to have to watch that again! Classic...
The 911 on the end doesn't look bad. But the flames on the rear wheels are just messed up. fits perfectly on front, but badly done (idea) on the rear :/
ugh i just love the way the Toyotpet S50 looks...stance is perfect!!!
Love the pantera and the crown. beautiful execution, attention to detail and style. Those keihin carbs do sound awesome though i am torn between them and the O.E.R/SK or Mikuni's for my L24. Hope to see more of these kinds of cars. Great job Dino.
glad the pantera had the original narrow body. imo the 1970s ruined the pantera and countach aesthetically
@PrincetonWong Agreed on all points
@shieldsyo good luck with a cheap pantera!
"Hot rods give me the Willys"!
You blew my mind with that one Mr D C. Is it street driven? (Dunno why that matters to me, but it does...) Would be great to see some more '40s rod love on SH how's about some good ol' bootleggers dem darr?
@speedhunters_dino Ah, thanks man. Appreciate that!
@tenpennyjimmy Oh it sure is, it's got a license plate and everything:)
@ComJive You mean the moulded overfenders that they added later. I thought that was a result of the good old 80s, not 70s?
@grandtouring I hear they are a bit hard to set up with partial throttle openings...great when 100% open though
@Censport No probs!
Check the next and final part from the show
tempest...are you the owner? We met at the show if you recall
Yes, I am an owner. Thank you for the cool photograph.
Been lusting after an MS51 coupe for so long, so sweet..
@speedhunters_dino Can you include lowrider euros as well? Pretty please.
@speedhunters_dino Can you include lowrider euros as well? Pretty please.
@ComJive The widebody cars began in 1973 and 1974, also known as GT4's. They were reincarnated in the 1980's as the GT5 and GT5S cars. They all have their own appeal, especially when you need the rubber on the road.