Art is one of the most diverse words in all of the English language, and it’s certainly one of my favorites. If you ask a dozen people what they consider art, you’ll likely get a dozen different answers. That’s the beautiful thing about art, it’s completely subjective. Many have said that cars cannot be art, but when I stand confronted by the face of the Liberty Walk LB-R “Limited Works 20″ Murcielago, I beg to differ.

I’ll go ahead and presume many of you have already seen this car, if not from Mike Garrett’s spotlight on this very site, likely in some form of social media. It was easily one of the hottest and most talked about cars at SEMA and I lost count of how many times someone came up to me asking if I had seen “the crazy wide body brushed aluminum Lambo!?”

I knew the instant that I first laid eyes on it that I was looking at a work of art. The commentary I received from others after the fact merely cemented my initial opinion. It seemed that everyone spoke very passionately about the car, whether it was in awe or disgust. Thoughts ranged from “OMG it’s the sickest car here!” to “I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s just a Lambo with a kit.” As an artist, these types of reactions signify a job well done.

Whether you loved it or hated it, this was one car nobody at SEMA missed; yet the halls were filled with hundreds upon hundreds of high quality builds that somehow slipped back into mediocrity. Founded were the complaints about the car having very little done in terms of performance adders, yet this simple build managed to become the show’s protagonist, despite the naysayers.

In fact, I think this car might be the least-modified vehicle I’ve ever shot for a car feature, for this or any other special-interest publication. But the magic of this car isn’t how many bells and whistles and computers it’s had fitted or swapped out, but how it makes you feel when you look at it. The vision behind the concept is what makes it special.

An untrained onlooker could quite easily be fooled into thinking this is a custom interior, but those familiar with Lamborghini will quickly spot that the cockpit remains in a state that is very nearly stock. Of course the cabin was an afterthought for this particular build, after all you wouldn’t expect Picasso to put much thought into the backside of his canvas would you?

Clearly Kato-San, owner of Liberty Walk / LB Performance (and this particular Murcielago), couldn’t leave the interior completely standard. A set of custom painted three-dimensional door sill plates have been added, which perfectly match the sparkly camouflage wrapped steering wheel.

Just as the interior, the engine remains largely similar to how it was when it rolled off the assembly line in Bologna. To my astonishment, this car has actually logged a staggering amount of miles and the fact that it keeps on running is a tribute, to both Audi’s involvement with Lamborghini, and the famous multiple-sword-gash-surviving bull for which the car is named.

Amusingly enough, in another stroke of form-over-function, the single engine modification is purely cosmetic – a set of custom exhaust tips. You do however have to admit they look rather nice peeking through that completely mental LB Performance rear bumper!

Even the suspension has been left stock, but given the freakishly low ride height that super cars like the Murcielago are equipped with from scratch, I can’t say I blame him. Needless to say, the wheels have been replaced with an insane set of iForged Equip V3s in sizes that are sure to blow your mind: 19×8.5 -2 out front and stonkingly massive 20×13 -50 in the back! Buried deep within the barrels lay the only other performance modification on the car, a big brake kit from CSD.

But again, if you’re simply looking at this car in hopes of witnessing a crazy list of bolt-ons you’ve missed the point. As the premier Lamborghini body kit brand in Japan, LB Performance has become synonymous with radically sinister Murcielagos. So how do you make a splash at the world’s largest aftermarket trade show with a car that’s beginning to show its age? You take a page from Madonna and reinvent it.

Needless to say, trying to outdo Lamborghini is an extremely tall order. Known the world over for their forward-thinking-avant-garde design, Lambo’s are some of the most extreme cars on earth, but they also date themselves quite badly. With each new generation, the most recent predecessor must suffer an awkward phase where it is neither new enough to be cutting edge nor old enough to be a classic. When compared to the Aventador, a standard Murcielago is chopped liver.

Yet somehow, almost impossibly, this new LB-R Limited Works kit manifests a totally new look for the car. Ironically, the majority of the kit, including the bumpers and rocker panels, are items that Liberty Walk has been selling for years. But once these pieces are combined with a new set of over fenders the entire look and feel of the car is transformed into something even wider and more aggressive, yet simultaneously sleeker and contemporary.

This refresh comes courtesy of the man I’d call the most influential designer in the aftermarket in 2012; of course I’m talking about Miura-san of TRA Kyoto. I know that Speedhunters readers aren’t dummies so I would imagine that most of you had already pegged his involvement from the first glimpse of one of his unmistakably shaped fender flares. Maybe I’m just sipping the Rocket Bunny Kool-aid, but it seems like right now this man can do no wrong.

When you take all of that – the raw potential of Lamborghini with the flavor of LB – and cover it in an incredibly shiny faux-brushed-aluminum wrap this is what you end up with; a car that takes your notion of an outdated V12 monster and tears it to shreds. What you have is the wildest looking Murcielago on the planet; the one car from SEMA that everyone keeps talking about. What you have, is art.
LB Performance “LB-R Limited Works 20″ 2004 Lamborghini Murcielago
LB Performance exhaust tips
CSD calipers and floating rotors (f/r)
19×8.5 -2 (f) / 20×13 – 50 (r) iForged Equip V3 wheels; 235/35R19 (f) / 345/25R20 Toyo Proxes T1R tires
LB Performance steering wheel wrap, door sill plate
LB Performance body kit including LB-R limited works 20 front bumper, version 2 front lip, side skirts, rear bumper, rear diffuser, version 3 rear wing, LB-R limited works 20 over fenders (f/r); Brushed aluminum vinyl wrap by Boom Craft Japan / SPF
CSD, Boom Craft / SPF, Fatlace
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Personally I hate it - props for having the balls to do it but its not my bag
I think the brushed wrap and the bolts on those over fenders are two of the most significant aspects of the build
This Lambo is strinking for sure, but those bolt on fenders don't look quite natural in this occasion. Those fenders work with countless JDM cars and RWB Porsches because they were actually used in competition as bolt ons are the only way to fit wider tires. Midengine cars generally allow you to interchange more body panels more easily, so whats the point of bolt ons when you can do proper fender replacements? I realize RWB and Ben Spora are popularizing the very fine line between function and absurd caricatature look, but this car seems to venture slightly towards the absurd direction.
From a distance, it looks cool
but on the detailed shots, you can see a lot of imperfections. Looks cheap and tacky for such a high end car. IMO
i really don't liked this car , because Lambroghinis are for rich and classic people , in tuner hands , hmmm , not so good works are made, this stile is not for Lamborghini cars.
this is my opinion
I love how wild they went with it. I'd love to see it with an Underground Racing engine.
@CaixistaRP Hmmm... I'd say this site is for any type of car, as long as it's inspiring and exciting.
I dont know, maybe it's tne brushed steel look or the lighting but I not too crazy about this kit. The Murc is already a wide car, making it even wider could just be pointless. Though it does have a few design cues that could be brought over for a more milder kit.
@RodChong @CaixistaRP think he said stile, as in style. an easy mistake if the word for style in your first language is something like "stilo"
I really gotta disagree with your assessment of the murcielago's looks (though obviously it's subjective and everyone's opinion is "right" to them): I really don't think the murci has dated that badly. The non-lp640, maybe, but I never see those anymore (same as the non-lp560 gallardo). I will grant you that, next to an aventador, it's much much less striking (i think the reventon could hold its own) but I think the murci's design is going to stand the test of time far better than the aventador's, and that's for one big reason: simplicity. Unlike the aventador, with all its edges and details and fiddly bits, the murci only really has its intakes, and engine cover to show off. It isn't too sharp-edged and there aren't 340 intakes (there are eight but these cars run hot). most importantly, the car has one of the nicest roofline silhouettes of any supercar that isn't from the early '70s.
Of course, if what you want from a supercar is either just "the newest" or "SUPER EXTREME YAHHHH" then you'll disagree with all of this, but time will tell in the end. Consider this, though: the original countach LP 400, with almost no body adornments, no flares, is definitely a prettier car than the ridiculous wide ones from the '80s, and everything's better than the 25th ann. car
none of this has anything to do with the liberty walk car by the way, i'm talking about stock murcielagos
@ComJive @CaixistaRP aha...
How can you make a widebody car and run smaller tires than stock on the front? Put on overfenders and spacers until the front sticks out? Why?
This is not a LP-540. It's either an LP-640 or just a Murciélago. You probably meant 640.
As always Sean, top work. Car looks like a nightmare to light!
It's a cool concept but it's too rough looking for my tastes. Too many overlapped panels and rivets showing for a car like this. I get the style they went for and I usually like it, but it just doesn't match the Lambo's personality. Cover the rivets or mold the fenders and clean up the overall look of the rest of the car, then they might have something. As it sits, this car looks half assed and unfinished with a stock interior and no other distinguishing features. It really is just a Lambo with a bolted on kit and a metallic wrap right now.
It's a cool concept but it's too rough looking for my tastes. Too many overlapped panels and rivets showing for a car like this. I get the style they went for and I usually like it, but it just doesn't match the Lambo's personality. Cover the rivets or mold the fenders and clean up the overall look of the rest of the car, then they might have something. As it sits, this car looks half assed and unfinished with a stock interior and no other distinguishing features. It really is just a Lambo with a bolted on kit and a metallic wrap right now.
@Hanma in person it looks amazing
Wow Sean, you killed it with this set. Great job strobing this. I love the low key look to all of them. Bravo.Car is absolutely WILD as well. JESUS.
Actually no spacers were put on the front of the car. Nakai put together the car at our shop in norcal and it was cut up pretty good for these wheels to make turns.
@DieterManero the final width is 78.5" wide. we found out the hard way after hiring a shipping company to ship the car down to sema and it not fitting... smh.
I dunno man, aren't Murcielagos wide enough? I would hate to try and maneuver this car through any tight streets.
sean, any way to get a wall sized poster of the shot with the doors up?? so glad we got a follow up feature on this!! Thank you!
amazing photos, sean!
shoot, i guess i'll just get a huge extra monitor and play a slideshow
@ComJive @RodChong yeah , i said style , i'm brazilian , my english is not so good
If you owned a car like this and all you thought about was negotiating tight streets, you should have it taken away. Shame on you Corey K, worry about desert highways
"Faux" and "Lamborghini" in the same sentence should have been the first clue that things went terribly wrong.
Screw-on blister fenders are not a wide-body, they are screw-on blister fenders. Don't elevate something that belongs on a pickup truck by misnaming it.
How much was the track changed? And no change in the spring rate? Where is the nerd with the slide rule who is supposed to correct for the change in the length of the lever arm?
So now it's a proven fact, even a million dollar car can be ruined by ricing it out.
I think the majority are right. I know if it was on the street I would stare with amaze until It sped off, but when you actually properly look at it, it's crap. If this was a car for example a BMW or Honda or anything normal it would stamp out a big wow. But because its a Lamborghini you want to expect soooooo much more and this kit and wrap doesn't do the stock car justice. I hate to disagree with speedhunters.
Probably the function-based comments here are bang on the money, but i'm gonna only comment on the looks cos that's what this one's all about, no? And the photography.
The photography is gorgeous... and thanks finally for some shots of the whole car.
The car-plus-kit is gorgeous too. And i normally kind of hate Lambos. They made some cool tractors tho
But that wrap can f£@k off! And for the record, i'm pretty sure it's fake brushed steel, not faux brushed aluminium. Isn't aluminium a much paler, flatter colour?
... I suppose it might be pretending to be aluminium that's been polished, then brushed... but why would anybody want to do that to fake aluminium? :S
Mean looking car, I like it
Exactly how many miles has it logged???
the photo with the doors up blows my mind. i mean, look at that rear, man!
i don`t even care about technical details, it`s a lamborghini, it goes fast by definition.. this thing looks f*ckin` awesome
@fredyka I completely agree, they're two of the only aspects of the build
@ghepardo I definitely see where you're coming from. I quite like the look because it's something different and interesting, but I can also see how others might not be into it. To each their own!
@Frozzy Yep there are definitely some flaws here and there, but I think it kind of adds to the character of the car. The car is not a brand new perfect machine, it's used and aged and the kit sort of exudes the same. Even the wrap has been scarred and scratched up, but it adds something IMO.
@JoeShaffer Ya or better yet, an Underground Racing car with this kit... drool.
@MarkArcenal @DieterManero Jesus! That's seriously wide lol.
When I first saw this at sema I didn't like it. Now I love it and I want to see more people customizing supercars.
@ComJive Ya perhaps it's just the way I view the world, I key in on minor improvements and details quite a bit. Like how an iPhone3 looks like a dinosaur compared to the current models... in actuality they aren't all that different, but something so small as a rounded edge on the back can make it look obsolete. Looking at the Murcielago I see a lot of the same, weaker lines, cruder technologies etc. The shape of the intakes, the engine cover, the door handles etc just look old... but not old like "classic" old, old like "eww I don't want that" old. Again I'm sure the car will stand the test of the time in the long run, but it will take another decade or so before we can begin to re-appreciate the car for what it is. But that's just my take.
@MarkArcenal Seems like the car still can't do too much turning lol.
I did mean 640 lol!
I did mean 640 but it's actually just an original Murci.
@PaddyMcGrathSH Thank you sir, it was hellish. I could have done a much better job, but time and location were big factors
@Daniele Fontanin too kind!
@RodChong @Hanma I think that the roughness it what makes it cool... it's not the typical "rich guy that knows nothing about cars" look, there's no bright green paint with color matched chrome wheels... it's something that looks tough. But I can definitely see how some might not like it.
@TravisRock Thanks man! It was a pretty intense car to light lol.
@PhilippRupprecht1 Thanks Philipp!
If it made you feel strongly enough to post with such a strong point of view then it got a rise out of you and made you feel something. That's exactly what art is designed to do. Whether or not you like it is completely irrelevant.
@MarkArcenal It does have spacers up front
@Curlytop No need to feel bad for disagreeing, you're completely entitled to your opinions! We aren't here to tell people what or how to think, if we all had the same point of view Speedhunters would be a very boring place
Some like it scrambled, others like the sunny side up. This one's an easter egg.
@tenpennyjimmy In person the car is a lot less shiny, I over-exaggerated the finish of the car by using strobes. In normal daylight the car is a pretty dull grey color.
@fredyka lol
@bradjh Ya I think it would look even cooler out on the streets, I really wanted to shoot it in a city at night but it wasn't feasible at the time
@bradjh Ya I think it would look even cooler out on the streets, I really wanted to shoot it in a city at night but it wasn't feasible at the time
@bradjh Ya it didn't look right inside the convention center. I think it would look even meaner out on the streets, I wanted to shoot it in downtown LA at night but it didn't work out unfortunately.
@bradjh Ya it didn't look right inside the convention center. I think it would look even meaner out on the streets, I wanted to shoot it in downtown LA at night but it didn't work out unfortunately.
@TAROconQueso I forget the exact numbers but I want to say close to 200k
@TAROconQueso I forget the exact numbers but I want to say close to 200k
Thats a pretty cool tractor
I also dont get the comments on performance and suspension modifications this car is fast from the factory, thats why you buy them.
Thats a pretty cool tractor
I also dont get the comments on performance and suspension modifications this car is fast from the factory, thats why you buy them.
Would look better without the wrap imo
Would look better without the wrap imo
Great shots!
Great shots!
@sean klingelhoefer @bradjh Damn, I wanted to see it in the 2nd street tunnel!
@sean klingelhoefer @bradjh Damn, I wanted to see it in the 2nd street tunnel!
@Larry Chen @bradjh I had visions of lower grand dancing in my head
@Larry Chen @bradjh I had visions of lower grand dancing in my head
@sean klingelhoefer @TAROconQueso WOW. Grocery getter supercars..
@sean klingelhoefer @TAROconQueso WOW. Grocery getter supercars..
this car is so sick!! looks nuts....and that engine bay, even though it is stock is truly incredible!
and are the CSD logo etched onto the callipers?! and i didnt realise so much of the car was stock! a testament to what a wrap, wheels and a body kit can do to a car!
@sean klingelhoefer Looks like a seriously challenging job, especially in post lol Did you composite each body panel and light each one separately? I can't imagine strobing a chrome wrapped car like this without a shit ton of hotspots lol you killed it though man! big fan of your work
Very nice shots man!!
What an awful gaudy display of excess.
Nice photography though...
@sean klingelhoefer @Larry @bradjh Run and gun? or permits?
@Larry Chen @Larry @bradjh Total run and gun... gonzo style suits the attitude of the car
@TravisRock Ya it wasn't the easiest car to shoot, but if you approach it knowing what to expect it's not that bad. I didn't do every panel separately per say, but I would say each shot is roughly 5-8 frames for the car, plus 4 or so for the background. It's mostly just learning angles of incidence and placing the lights accordingly, after a while it all sort of becomes second nature :). I wanted to intentionally pick one or two areas that have hotspots and leave them, because you'd expect them to be somewhere on the car and it looks boring and "wrong" without them... like if you photoshop the glimmer out of the human eye, it just looks strange. Anyway I appreciate the compliments
@speedhunters_dino Thank you Dino!
@dgh Totally, it's not exactly a slouch by any means!
I wouldn't put too much thought into dissecting buzz words, I mean the technically isn't "crazy" or "JDM" either lol. It's something to be enjoyed (or hated) for what it is to look at, hence why I'm saying it's a piece of art. Seeing as how you decided to spend the time to write such a long and pointed comment, it's clearly gotten under your skin which means it did its job.
Furthermore, just because the track isn't widened that doesn't necessarily mean there cannot be a positive effect on the handling. Adding a wider tire = more surface area = more grip, which I'm sure you understand. Granted I don't know what the standard wheel size is, but if properly measured you can put a wider wheel with an appropriate offset which will not effect the lever arm or the scrub radius of the car and therefore shouldn't alter the geometry in any negative way.
@Nikhil_P I think you meant rotor not caliper, but yes, the rotors are etched - it's one of the trends I touched on in one of my SEMA posts. I think this will continue to gain in popularity in the future.
Sean, great photos! i want to ask something, what flashes and how much of them do you use in this particular shoot? thanks!
or other triggered lights if they aren't flashes haha
@sean klingelhoefer good man, real men don't use permits!
The modifications have been carried out very well, but I don't like it. I just don't "get" modifying supercars unless it's for racing purposes and done by Michelotto-, JRM- or Manthey-type organisations.
@RodChong @Hanma So it's the photographer's fault that it looks like shite in the photos.
@sean klingelhoefer I completely understand what you're saying- eyes without catchlights look weird lol When I first started dabbling with portraiture a while back I tried getting rid of them and it looked like crap, so over the past year or so i've used to embrace em and work with em. I guess in this case it's definitely an extreme, but either way dude, you killed it! 4 shots for the background?! DAMN haha. That's a lot of work. How much time into each photo? 3-4 hours?
Lamborghini pulled the model details off their website because they retired the model, but I'm reading several places that the base model Murcielago has a carbon fiber body, and only the doors and hood are steel. Then the upper range model has carbon fiber doors and hood.
So genius Kato took a carbon fiber car, and applied a big, plastic sticker over the top of it, to make a Lamborghini look like a Delorean.
@rkalski I used two Profoto Compact 600s which are monoblock strobes. If you look back on one of the McLaren MP4-12C behind the scenes stories you can see the lights
@TravisRock Actually I've got pretty efficient over the years, I'd say I have about an hour into each of the exteriors and somewhere around 15 minutes or so for the details. This was quite quick work
"Art is one of the most diverse words in all of the English language"
*puts on nerd glasses.
The F word is probably the most diverse.
That Murcief*ckinglago is so f*cking beautiful.
Bam! I just used that word as part of another word and as an adverb, supporting an adjective.
But yeah, beautiful f*cking pictures, sir.
@Hanma Ha... I am not going to agree with you on that one. I think these photos show off the car as well as possible given that Sean was shooting in very constrained conditions.
@LouisYio f*cking thank you! I totally f*cking agree! lo-f*cking-l
@RodChong @Hanma I think he's referring to the fit/finish of the car rather than the artistic merit of the images. I'll agree the car is a little rough around the edges, but again I think it adds to the character of the car. It's not the pretty boy Lambo, it's the bad boy Lambo.
A sticker job, and he's brilliant. Come on. If it was REAL brushed aluminum now that would impress me.
@sean klingelhoefer @Nikhil_P yeah that's what I meant! I couldn't control my excitement!!
but doing that doesn't improve anything does it, just purely for aesthetic reasons?
I'd be afraid to even walk in my garage with that monster sitting there! It just looks so mean!
I do think that if he would have done real brushed aluminum, this car would just be mind blowing.
@RodChong Whoa whoa the photos look fine in my opinion haha. Metallics and colors like this can be hard to capture. And I get the appeal of the car, but I think it could've been executed better. The GT1 Mercs always looked pretty badass without looking like they had aero bolted on as an afterthought. The fenders also seem too round for such an angular car but that's more of a personal opinion. My only things against this car are the sloppy execution and lack of anything else done to the car to really make it special past the surface. I actually like the wrap on it though, reminds me of a fighter plane.
@Nikhil_P I would suspect the performance wouldn't be much different from a normally slotted rotor.
@otar It's already Carbon Fiber under the factory paint.
Please explain how replacing the carbon fiber body panels with aluminum is desirable.
@otar It's already Carbon Fiber under the factory paint.
Please explain how replacing the carbon fiber body panels with aluminum is desirable.
@sean klingelhoefer That's pretty boss dude! You should make a behind the scenes or how-to for this set, I'm keen to see how you did this! I'd love to up my game in post to the level of a speedhunter ;D
@sean klingelhoefer That's pretty boss dude! You should make a behind the scenes or how-to for this set, I'm keen to see how you did this! I'd love to up my game in post to the level of a speedhunter ;D
This is a fucking disgrace to Lamborghini.
This is a fucking disgrace to Lamborghini.
@RodChong Whoa never said that haha. I actually think the photos are quite good for what they are. I know metallics and colors like this can be hard to capture. I think the kit would've been better if they actually attempted to match the original lines of the car. Round flares for such an angular car just doesn't look right in my mind but that's all a personal opinion on my part. My real problem with this particular car is that there's nothing that makes this car really special beyond the surface, and the surface is rough at best. It just looks half finished in my mind. Btw for Sean, I get that it's supposed to look tough but these cars can look tough without looking like the aero was an afterthought. Look at the old badass GT1 Murcs as an example, nothing rich/pretty boy about those.
I think this is pretty dope. Imagine it coming down the toad! Sure fire head turner. But I see why some hate it. Not for everyone I guess
@Bearsdkills This. I can't understand how this atrocity is acceptable to some people. Apparently 8.5" wide front wheels and 13" in the rear are the proper set up for a wide body lambo lool. Ricers gon' rice.
@Bearsdkills This. I can't understand how this atrocity is acceptable to some people. Apparently 8.5" wide front wheels and 13" in the rear are the proper set up for a wide body lambo lool. Ricers gon' rice.
@Bearsdkills This. I can't understand how this atrocity is acceptable to some people. Apparently 8.5" wide front wheels and 13" in the rear are the proper set up for a wide body lambo lool. Ricers gon' rice.
@sean klingelhoefer @rkalski I would have really liked the photos if there weren't so many hot spots and unnatural shadows... Why didn't you use anything to soften the light with such powerful strobes indoors?
@sean klingelhoefer @rkalski I would have really liked the photos if there weren't so many hot spots and unnatural shadows... Why didn't you use anything to soften the light with such powerful strobes indoors?
@sean klingelhoefer @rkalski I would have really liked the photos if there weren't so many hot spots and unnatural shadows... Why didn't you use anything to soften the light with such powerful strobes indoors?
@Fkitbtn It would've looked awful if he used any kind of diffuser. the chrome is one super big mirrored surface. any kind of diffuser would've given a reflection of whatever diffuser was used. Bare bulb composite is a much better idea- it gives you an idea of what it looks like in the sun (the sun isn't diffused- it's harsh direct light) plus it adds to the mood of the set. There's a very raw, industrial, un-refined theme to it.
@Fkitbtn It would've looked awful if he used any kind of diffuser. the chrome is one super big mirrored surface. any kind of diffuser would've given a reflection of whatever diffuser was used. Bare bulb composite is a much better idea- it gives you an idea of what it looks like in the sun (the sun isn't diffused- it's harsh direct light) plus it adds to the mood of the set. There's a very raw, industrial, un-refined theme to it.
@Fkitbtn It would've looked awful if he used any kind of diffuser. the chrome is one super big mirrored surface. any kind of diffuser would've given a reflection of whatever diffuser was used. Bare bulb composite is a much better idea- it gives you an idea of what it looks like in the sun (the sun isn't diffused- it's harsh direct light) plus it adds to the mood of the set. There's a very raw, industrial, un-refined theme to it.
@Bearsdkills the company stemmed from farm equipment, and has virtually no motor sports history.
i'll just leave that here...
@Bearsdkills the company stemmed from farm equipment, and has virtually no motor sports history.
i'll just leave that here...
@Bearsdkills the company stemmed from farm equipment, and has virtually no motor sports history.
i'll just leave that here...
@Fkitbtn @rkalski the shortest answer your question is because I didn't want to. I wanted the car to look dynamic and exciting, not flat and boring. But everyone has their own idea of "good" and there's no such thing as right or wrong, just different.
@Fkitbtn @rkalski the shortest answer your question is because I didn't want to. I wanted the car to look dynamic and exciting, not flat and boring. But everyone has their own idea of "good" and there's no such thing as right or wrong, just different.
@Fkitbtn @rkalski the shortest answer to your question is because I didn't want to. I wanted the car to look dynamic and exciting, not flat and boring. But everyone has their own idea of "good" and there's no such thing as right or wrong, just different.
@Fkitbtn @rkalski the shortest answer to your question is because I didn't want to. I wanted the car to look dynamic and exciting, not flat and boring. But everyone has their own idea of "good" and there's no such thing as right or wrong, just different.
@TravisRock @Bearsdkills hey now, they have a very rich Motorsport history over the last half decade. :p
@TravisRock @Bearsdkills hey now, they have a very rich Motorsport history over the last half decade. :p
this is friggin sick!
this is friggin sick!
@TravisRock I'm very familiar with how flashes and strobes work in different environments and know for a fact this vinyl is not reflective enough to not be able to be shot with out any less flash spots, even if it was straight up chrome it is still easily possible to shoot with out blowing it out or leaving crazy flash marks with as few as two flashes. I guess this is industrial to you. Industrial to me would have been a much more natural looking grungy setting without obvious flash spots. Maybe it's just me but I haven't purposely used over exposed flash for anything but backlight since i was like 14 and learned it doesn't work when naturally those spots would never be white and in turn makes the blacks also look unnatural, all while knowing those lights are set up and not even to help the car look better or stand out. Not bad photos..just not my taste.. I just would have REALLY liked to see some shot without only the light of flashes.. sure do love dat natural light with smooth light from flashes but those cool tones and dull greys with white spots all over the car in random places really bugs my eyes. /rant
I keep going back to you saying bare bulbs are better for shooting cars and have never heard that from anyone, including any photographer I've ever met. And that is also the exact opposite of all my experience of shooting/assisting shooting cars or motorcycles. Have you actually ever shot photos of a car with strobes or flashes? Or are you like everyone else here and just suck anyones dick that works for speedhunters
@TravisRock I'm very familiar with how flashes and strobes work in different environments and know for a fact this vinyl is not reflective enough to not be able to be shot with out any less flash spots, even if it was straight up chrome it is still easily possible to shoot with out blowing it out or leaving crazy flash marks with as few as two flashes. I guess this is industrial to you. Industrial to me would have been a much more natural looking grungy setting without obvious flash spots. Maybe it's just me but I haven't purposely used over exposed flash for anything but backlight since i was like 14 and learned it doesn't work when naturally those spots would never be white and in turn makes the blacks also look unnatural, all while knowing those lights are set up and not even to help the car look better or stand out. Not bad photos..just not my taste.. I just would have REALLY liked to see some shot without only the light of flashes.. sure do love dat natural light with smooth light from flashes but those cool tones and dull greys with white spots all over the car in random places really bugs my eyes. /rant
I keep going back to you saying bare bulbs are better for shooting cars and have never heard that from anyone, including any photographer I've ever met. And that is also the exact opposite of all my experience of shooting/assisting shooting cars or motorcycles. Have you actually ever shot photos of a car with strobes or flashes? Or are you like everyone else here and just suck anyones dick that works for speedhunters
@sean klingelhoefer @Fkitbtn @rkalski Yeah I get it after looking around the garage it seems like everything is a little cool toned and grey so the flash marks separate it a little. Good shots, I just can't hang with flash marks..
@sean klingelhoefer @Fkitbtn @rkalski Yeah I get it after looking around the garage it seems like everything is a little cool toned and grey so the flash marks separate it a little. Good shots, I just can't hang with flash marks..
I dont get how car enthusiasts really look at this and feel so much hate and anger. Its a cool looking car, like a big hotwheels car. its just to make a visual impact, f*cking relax.
@TravisRock @Bearsdkills Well the Dodge Viper had a tractor motor in it initially and subaru stemmed from airplanes. Its called progression people, especially after the world wars alot of companies turned their eyes to car design.
@Fkitbtn @Bearsdkills Lambo's have always run wide wheels. Correct me if im wrong but the rear tires on a lambo are the widest street legal tires.
i understand how some people think the LB kit makes the car look ricey and to extreme... maybe so, but i still think this body kit serves its purpose to make the murciealago a badass head turner with character and puts it on the radatr among car tuners.. i had pretty much dismissed the murcialago until this came out
I don't think this looks as JDM as the 485, but it still looks great. Although I love this, the LB M3 and 458, I guess I do understand the polarization of the internet on these cars.