I have a theory that computer cables like to breed like rabbits. Every time I look behind my computer desk I’m sure there are twice the number of cables from the last time I checked. It’s true no?…. I have a similar relationship with car magazines. They breed and multiply when I’m not looking are always threatening to overrun my flat. In the past 2 weeks the situation has got a bit out of hand with car magazine overload. This is further compounded by a recent trip to the international magazine shop yesterday!
Here is a slice of mags from my current stack: Clockwise from top left: Sport Compact Car from the USA, BMW Scene Live from Germany, Tuning Autotechnik Und Design from Germany, Banzai from the UK, and Auto Salon from Australia.
Of these magazines the one that really stands out for me is Australia’s Auto Salon. Picking it up, I get a real sense of quality in art direction, photography, paper stock, printing and layout. Absolutely top calibre.
You can see across the bottom of the magazine cover the types of cars they feature. Its a mix of performance tuned cars like the RSX/Integra, Skyline and Imprezza, but also Dub style 300Cs and mad ICE hyper bling show cars. In the North America scene the movement is firmly away from outlandish show cars towards performance tuned/styled machines or clean and minimal cruisers. From what I can tell this is not the case in Australia. The “show” and the “go” scenes appear to be happily running in parallel at this point in time.
As you open up Auto Salon you are greeted by this fantastic table of contents. Look at the use of negative space. Fantastic.
Skipping ahead to the feature on the Jun EvoX…. you again can see the luxurious usage of negative space with this full photographic spread.

I commend their Art Director Michael Papandrea and Graphic Designer Garth Ivers. Normally you’d see such sophisticated design in architecture or urban culture magazines.
I have to critique one element though: I have a pet peeve with magazines that photoshop interior shots so the car looks like it’s at speed. You can see here quite clearly that the image was shot stationary inside a garage, why make it look like the car is travelling at 150 mph? Seems odd to me.
This 300C isn’t something I would normally expect to see sharing a magazine with the Jun EvoX!
Ahh normality is restored. Great composition in this photo…. This particular is RSX is not an Australian car but is an American machine owned by Rudy Falcon.
I also like their usage of studio shoots…. Something that you don’t see very much in aftermarket focused car mags. For more info about Autosalon magazine check out their website.
Ok let’s turn our attention to Banzai. This mag is the mainstay of the Japanese scene in the UK. For our American readers, the established UK tuning scene does not have its roots in Japanese cars, but has more been built on the modification and styling of small, low cost FF European hatchbacks. This scene is slowly being replaced by a more performance oriented crowd centered on Japanese cars.
A few of the big UK tuning magazines who have previously focused themselves into the boy racer culture are going through some real challenges as the scene shifts into this new direction. Banzai has none of these troubles though as it clearly represents the fast developing UK Japanese performance scene.
Open up Banzai and low and behold we see a familiar car hahaha. Coverage of Japanese builds and scenes is the one common factor I see in the various mags from different parts of the world.
I’m fairly certain that these import mags I’m buying in Canada are 1 or 2 months out of date. This cool article on Bosozuku cars was shot in the parking lot at the Tokyo Auto Salon in January of this year. It’s taken a bit of time to reach my hands here huh? None the less it’s a fun read.
I have to say that that layout and graphic design style of Banzai is a bit unrefined compared to the sophisticated elegance of Auto Salon. None the less, the content is worth digesting.
More Bosozuku fun. There are some cars here that i haven’t seen previously on my internet crawls.
Banzai also review new cars…… Here they present a showcase of Infiniti models soon to be launched in Europe.
Check the coverage on the UK Time Attack series…
… and the sister European Drift Championship. All in all, one can get a good overview of the UK Jap scene from Banzai magazine.
Ok let’s turn out attention to the German BMW Scene Live magazine. It’s part of a group of magazines focused on full explorations of single manufacturers such as Porsche Scene Live, Audi Scene Live etc. The magazine shows new BMWs, Tuned BMWs, prototype BMWs, BMW racing news; basically everything you could want for fans of Bavarian Motor Werks machines.
So you’ll see typical tuned up modern 3 series…..
… reviews of the new M1 prototype… a car I’ve seen reviewed in several mags on the current newsstands….
… and retro cars like this done up 1982 BMW 323i E21.
The rim choice feels a bit outside my own field of view, but overall I like the stance and style of the car. It carries many of the styling cues Antonio likes to see on his beloved AE86s. Some parallels there.
And finally let’s look at the second German magazine in this group: Tuning Autotechnik Und Design. We have this magazine on subscription at the NFS office so I brought it home to get a flavour for the German tuning scene. Looking at the cover I am a little worried by what I’m seeing.
Opening the mag up reveals this S2000 feature…. Pretty nice car that is somehow connected to the Grand Turismo video game… not sure how exactly as my German is rather non-existent!
The rest of the magazine though is filled with feature after feature on extreme visually styled FF Euro cars. This is the style of car that the UK scene is moving away from, but in Germany this look appears to be alive and well.
The oddest car in the magazine is this “Tiki Style” VW Derby that combines lowrider style with a Hawaiian theme park ride.
Its a bit strange to me to see these cars being built and featured in Germany. This is the land of the unlimited Autobahn, famous tracks like the Nordschliefe, Avus, Hockenheim and tuning houses like AMG, Alpina, Ruf, 9ff, Gembala, Schnitzer and Brabus. In my mind Germany is the land of speed so I really wonder what is going on in the minds of these car builders. Strange no?
:Rod Chong
I think the mixed content of the Autosalon mag is based from the car shows they hold. The magazine spawned after afew years of running such shows which showcased differant areas of modification / scenes you explained above.
Nordschleife and Ruf might be based in Germany, but its mainly a ricer country, sadly... And one more thing about the Autobahn. Since its usage is for free (unlike all the other countries around), everyone who wants to get from one village to another uses the Autobahn, which makes it almost impossible to go faster then 160km/h. I drove from Barcelona to Prague two weeks back. Freeways in Spain and France were empty, Germany was the opposite. Damn, Germany is the only country in the world, where Ive seen garbage trucks on the freeway!
That's odd I've had a very different experience on the Autobahns of Germany... Cruised once from Leipzig to Holland in a 5 series BMW with a pal of mine and never dropped below 200 kph.
you forgot Sport Compact Car.
auto salon looks the best imo.
There is a widebody powerhouse amuse s2000 in GT4, this looks like the same kit
I think Auto Salon Magazine looks awesome, I love the layout of the Australian mags! I used to work for an Australian magazine called Speed, which had one of the best layouts ever in my opinion! Auto Salon looks just as good, I'd love to print some of my photos in there.
Banzai looks great this month! (I just wish they'd change their Photoshop 6.0 logo!) I think I may have to pick up a copy. Nice to see Ed's pics in there too!
The RX3 looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Also I love the offset on the E21 (you knew i would), and the S2K! Impressed!!!
I always read the Banzai, very cool mag with nice features, and by the looks of it I really need a copy of Autosalon, really nice lay out.
Nice post, interesting to see mags from across the pond..
I've got the banza mag quite a few times now, and its a pretty good mag. Because its british though, there tends to be quite a few turdy cars in it, and verging on ricey stuff..
I bought the issue you showed and it was nice to see something different with the boso article. there's a daihatsu in one of the pics as well!
Would be interesting to get hold of the german tuning mag as well..
What a coincidence... was actually talking to Itchy from AME Wheels about this site yesterday! Thanks for the kind comments regarding Auto Salon Magazine. Regarding the shot of the JUN EVO, its actually driving with the camera mounted on an aluminium rig
Charles Kha
Auto Salon Magazine
Cheers Charles! We are planning to come to Australia one of these days BTW to check out the scene down under. I'm a big fan of the Drift Australia series myself :>
You guys coming up to Irwindale this year with your S15 at all?
Rod - I was also skeptical of that Evo shot inside but from the looks of it, it had to have been rigged like Charles said because the fluorescent bulb reflection in the door panel spans a much longer distance than the actual size of the bulb. But I know what you're talking about when they fake it or overuse the rig shots. Cool article, it's the well designed mags that people want to buy. It's like watching Speed Channel vs. watching European Top Gear, the cinematography is like night and day.
- Rod,
i´m from Germany and we have very much different scenes over here: Show&Shine-Cars like this Tiki-car, we have retro+youngtimer, us-cars/hot rods, motorsport-orientated, dragracing and those high-performance supercars that cost as much as a whole house!!!
So not every german guy will ever be able to buy such a RUF-Porsche or Brabus Mercedes. Normal people like to modify their Golf or similar car in their favourite style.
I´d like to swap my Volkswagen Magazines for some mags from other countrys - anyone intressed?
contact me via mail@motor-mania.org
Love the high end style of magazines like auto style, rodders journal etc.
magazines in germany are not achievable to see what is on with fast cars. these magazines are only for show & shine cars. most of the track cars in Germany are not interesting for the people who make and buy these magazines.
to see the real fast cars in Germany you have to take a journey to the nordschleife or other racetracks. many porsche, evos and fast bmw, honda and so on doing their runs every weekend. but you can not find them in magazines.
also the s2000 in the magazine is not from Germany, it is from sweden owned by a girl =)
I think we'll need to check out these Nordschliefe machines for ourselves very soon :>
Toast I'm a big fan of the youngtimer scene. Have been to a few of these events in Europe previously.
Not sure about Irwindale yet. Our gearing was all wrong for that particular track, and we were getting slaughtered by the American drifters. I'm pretty sure Hubinette was only using half throttle behind us, even though we were pushing 360kW at the rear wheels!
Rod shoot me an email to charles[AT]autosalon.org. Chat to you via email... would be cool for you guys to come down to Australia one day
Hooray! glad you guys like our design! keep on readin!
Not bad but nothing, if i look through my archive

I'm from germany too and i have more than 300 issues of various magazines from germany,czech republic,france,United Kingdom,japan and of course american, a few months ago i had more but after leaving my birthplace some are wandered into trash ^^
If you want i can upload some nice shoots
Zhe Noise you should start a thread on the forums and show us some of your mags :>
Very Nice Site! Thanx!
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Although it has yet to sink in, this will be my final editorial on Speedhunters. But wow, what a ride this has been. We've come a long way in the past year and half, but it's now time for me to pull over and let someone else have a steer.
Although it has yet to sink in, this will be my final editorial on Speedhunters. But wow, what a ride this has been. We've come a long way in the past year and half, but it's now time for me to pull over and let someone else have a steer.